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YAML administration techniques_v1_2

Marcus Bakker edited this page Jul 13, 2020 · 18 revisions

In this YAML file you can administrate your detection and visibility scores per ATT&CK technique. Among others, based on this information DeTT&CT can generate layer files for the ATT&CK Navigator to show an overview of your detection and visibility coverage.

Sample file: techniques-administration-endpoints.yaml

Current version: version 1.2

Version 1.1 can be found here.

File content

Name Type Required Description
version string yes Version of this technique administration file. The current version is 1.2.
file_type string yes Used to indicate what type of YAML file it is. Possible values: data-source-administration, technique-administration and group-administration. For techniques administration the value should be: techniques-administration.
name string yes Describes for what type of assets you are describing the techniques for. E.g. endpoints.
platform string or list of strings yes Indicates the type of platform you are describing the techniques for. Possible values (in the list) are the MITRE ATT&CK platform values: all, Windows, Linux, macOS, AWS, GCP, Azure, Azure AD, Office 365, SaaS.
techniques list with technique objects yes Administration of detection and visibility for each technique. See the description of the technique object.
notes string no An optional field to include notes on this technique administration file.

Technique object

Name Type Required Description
technique_id string yes The technique ID according to MITRE ATT&CK. E.g. T1056.004.
technique_name string no The technique name according to MITRE ATT&CK. E.g. Process Injection
detection detection object yes Detection object(s) containing information on the detection and its score. See the description of the detection object.

When having multiple detections, this becomes a list of detection objects. See T1557.001 in the example file: techniques-administration-endpoints.yaml.
visibility visibility object yes Visibility object(s) containing the visibility score. See the description of the visibility object.

When having multiple visibility objects, this becomes a list. See T1557.001 in the example file: techniques-administration-endpoints.yaml.

Detection object

You can have multiple detection objects within a technique object for different type of systems (e.g. crown jewel X, endpoints, etc.). The key-value pair applicable_to indicates the type of system(s) the score applies to. Please note that within the same technique, a system can only be part of one applicable_to key-value pair.

Name Type Required Description
applicable_to list of strings yes Specify to which type of system this detection applies to. Use the value ['all'] to let it apply to every type of system.
location list of strings yes The location where your detection is residing. E.g. your SIEM product or a specific ID or name of a use case/detection.
comment string yes An option to comment on the detection for this technique.

If you want to have a multiline comment in the Excel output. We recommend making use of |. For more info have a look at: or T1557.001 in the example file: techniques-administration-endpoints.yaml.
score_logbook list of score objects yes List of score objects describing the detection score, date and possible comment. The primary purpose is to keep track of changes in the score. See the score object for its description.

See T1189 in the example file: techniques-administration-endpoints.yaml.

Visibility object

You can have multiple visibility objects within a technique object for different type of systems (e.g. crown jewel X, endpoints, etc.). The key-value pair applicable_to indicates the type of system(s) the score applies to. Please note that within the same technique, a system can only be part of one applicable_to key-value pair.

Name Type Required Description
applicable_to list of strings yes Specify to which type of system the visibility and its score apply to. Use the value ['all'] to let it apply to every type of system.
comment string yes An option to comment on the visibility for this technique.

If you want to have a multiline comment in the Excel output. We recommend making use of |. For more info have a look at: or T1557.001 in the example file: techniques-administration-endpoints.yaml.
score_logbook list of score objects yes List of score objects describing the visibility score, date and possible comment. The primary purpose is to keep track of changes in the score. See the score object for its description.

See T1189 in the example file: techniques-administration-endpoints.yaml.

Score object

You can have multiple score objects within the score logbook for a detection or visibility object. The primary purpose is to keep track of changes in the score. See T1189 in the example file: techniques-administration-endpoints.yaml.

Name Type Required Description
date date yyyy-mm-dd yes Detection: the date when the detection was implemented or improved.

Visibility: the date when you registered, implemented or improved the visibility.

This date is used to draw a graph indicating the progress of your detection capabilities. Also, you can visualise this change within an ATT&CK Navigator layer file using an EQL query. More info on the latter can be found here.
score int yes Score between -1 and 5 for detection and 1 and 4 for visibility.
comment string yes An option to comment on the score.

If you want to have a multiline comment in the Excel output. We recommend making use of |. For more info have a look at: or T1557.001 in the example file: techniques-administration-endpoints.yaml.
auto_generated boolean no Indicates if the score was auto-generated based on the number of data sources within the data source administration file (using the option -y, --yaml from the datasource mode in . This property is optional and only used for visibility. When manually scoring your visibility you can omit this property or set it to False.

The purpose of having this property is to allow an easy update of your visibility scores based on changes in your data sources. Or modification within MITRE's semi-annual update of ATT&CK (possible new techniques, data sources or changes in the data source listed for a particular technique). For more info see: Auto-update visibility scores and the use of the score_logbook
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