Zabbix stack template for monitoring Netgear M5300 Series (Stackable Gigabit L2/L3 Managed Switches) devices via SNMPv2.
This template is part of RaBe's Zabbix template and helpers collection.
- Uses low-level discovery in order to detect units, network interfaces, stack ports, fans, power supplies and sensors
- Supports multi-unit devices (such as switch stacks)
- Uses HC 64bit parameters (such as ifHCInOctets and ifHCOutOctets)
- Uses macros for trigger thresholds which can be easily adapted.
- Triggers support macro contexts, for fine grade threshold control.
- Triggers contain the interface's ID together with the alias name
- Example:
Operational status down on interface g1 (server-01.eth0)
- Dynamic bandwidth utilization triggers, respecting the interface's current supported max bandwidth.
- Alias and description of interfaces
- Status of interfaces
- Bandwidth and package statistics of interfaces
- Status of fans, power supplies and temperature sensors
- Status of units
- Status and bandwidth of stack ports
- Status of SNTP client
- Memory and CPU utilization
For a detailed list of all supported items refer to the documentation of the following sub-templates:
- SNMPv2 Generic items
- SNMPv2 Interfaces HC items
- SNMPv2 Netgear Box Services items
- SNMPv2 Netgear Inventory items
- SNMPv2 Netgear SNTP client items
- SNMPv2 Netgear Switching items
- Operational status changes
- Inbound/Outbound bandwidth utilization
- Fan, power supply or temperature sensor problems
- Unit status problems
- Stack port status and bandwidth utilization
- SNTP synchronization failed
- Free memory exhaustion
For a detailed list of all supported triggers refer to the documentation of the following sub-templates:
- SNMPv2 Generic triggers
- SNMPv2 Interfaces HC triggers
- SNMPv2 Netgear Box Services triggers
- SNMPv2 Netgear Inventory triggers
- SNMPv2 Netgear SNTP client triggers
- SNMPv2 Netgear Switching triggers
- Bandwidth and package statistics of interfaces
- Fan and temperature sensor statistics
- Stack port traffic
- Memory usage
For a detailed list of all supported graphs refer to the documentation of the following sub-templates: Supports the graphs of the following sub-templates:
- SNMPv2 Generic graphs
- SNMPv2 Interfaces HC graphs
- SNMPv2 Netgear Box Services graphs
- SNMPv2 Netgear Inventory graphs
- SNMPv2 Netgear Switching graphs
- SNMP community
- Interface and stack port utilization trigger thresholds
- Memory utilization trigger thresholds
For a detailed list of all supported macros refer to the documentation of the following sub-templates:
- SNMPv2 Generic macros
- SNMPv2 Interfaces HC macros
- SNMPv2 Netgear Box Services macros
- SNMPv2 Netgear Inventory macros
- SNMPv2 Netgear SNTP client macros
- SNMPv2 Netgear Switching macros
- Zabbix >= 3.0
- Your device must have SNMPv2 enabled
- IF-MIB must be available and accessible by the Zabbix server (which is probably already the case on your system)
- Download and install the MIBs for the 5300 series
cd /var/tmp
cd m5300v11.0.0.23-mibs/
# Install only relevant MIBs
cp \
fastpath*.my \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
# Clean up
cd ..
rm -rf m5300v11.0.0.23-mibs*
- Restart your Zabbix server (on systemd systems:
systemctl restart zabbix.service
) - Import the following sub-templates into your Zabbix server:
- Template_SNMPv2_Generic.xml
- Template_SNMPv2_Interfaces_HC.xml
- Template_SNMPv2_Netgear_Box_Services.xml
- Template_SNMPv2_Netgear_Inventory.xml
- Template_SNMPv2_Netgear_SNTP_client.xml
- Template_SNMPv2_Netgear_Switching.xml
- Import the Template_Stack_Netgear_M5300_Series_SNMPv2.xml into your Zabbix server.
- Add the template to your host (or stack template)
- Add an SNMP interface configuration to your host
- Set the
macro to your desired community if you don't usepublic
- Check if new data arrives
- You might want to disable the
Operational status down on ...
triggers on interfaces which aren't supposed to be up all the time
- SNMPv2 Generic
- SNMPv2 Interfaces HC
- SNMPv2 Netgear Box Services
- SNMPv2 Netgear Inventory
- SNMPv2 Netgear SNTP client
- SNMPv2 Netgear Switching
The following snmpwalk
commands might be helpful for debugging:
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public <HOST>
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public <HOST> NETGEAR-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::fastPathBoxServices
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public <HOST> NETGEAR-INVENTORY-MIB::fastPathInventory
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public <HOST> NETGEAR-SNTP-CLIENT-MIB::agentSntpClientMIB
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public <HOST> NETGEAR-SWITCHING-MIB::fastPathSwitching
This template is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
Copyright (c) 2017 Radio Bern RaBe