diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 03b4a54..4247ceb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,77 +1,81 @@
-Sequence and Graph diagrams in your markdown files!
-`mermaid-filter` is a pandoc filter that adds support for [mermaid](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid) syntax diagrams in markdown.
-Write your diagrams in fenced code blocks as usual like this:
- ~~~mermaid
- sequenceDiagram
- Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
- John-->>Alice: Great!
- ~~~
-and get this in rendered doc
-Installation and usage
-1. `npm install --global mermaid-filter`
-2. To convert your markdown file `something.md` into `something.html`, use `pandoc -t html -F mermaid-filter -o something.html something.md`
-**WINDOWS** - you need `mermaid-filter.cmd` in the line above
-**Windows 8.1** - On windows 8.1, `mermaid-filter.cmd` fails - apparently due to change in how the CMD.exe works
-for subprocesses? - see this [issue thread](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/3458).
-You have to edit the globally installed `mermaid-filter.cmd` located in `c:\users\\AppData\Roaming\npm`
-to use `~dp$PATH:0`.
-Unfortunately, you will need to do this each time you install/update mermaid-filter since it overwrites the cmd file.
-You have a couple of formatting options via attributes of the fenced code block to control the rendering
-- Pandoc caption, the filename is this value cleaned up - Use `{.mermaid caption="Caption Text Here"}`
-- Image Format - Use `{.mermaid format=svg}` Default is png
-- Width - Use `{.mermaid width=400}` default width is 800
-- Theme - Use `{.mermaid theme=forest}` default is 'default'. Corresponds to `--theme` flag of mermaid.cli
-- Background - Use `{.mermaid background=transparent}` default is 'white'. Correponds to `--backgroundColor` flag of mermaid.cli
-- Filename - Use `{.mermaid filename="file with space"}` to set the filename. This has priority over the caption
-- Save path - Use `{.mermaid loc=img}` default loc=inline which will
- encode the image in a `data uri` scheme.
- - Possible values for `loc`
- - `loc=inline` - default; encode image to data uri on img tag.
- - For widest compatibility, use png (default)
- - SVG has trouble on IE11
- - `loc=imgur` - upload png to imgur and link to it.
- - `loc=` -treat as folder name to place images into
-Note that to specify options, you need to use the curly braces syntax and have the `.mermaid` class attached.
-Admittedly, this is uglier than the earlier syntax on top - but that's how Pandoc wants it.
-It's also possible to override global defaults by using environment variables. The name for these environment variables are the same as the attributes prefixed with a `MERMAID_FILTER_` so that `width` would be `MERMAID_FILTER_WIDTH`.
-You can also specify an ID to be applied to the rendered image. This may be useful to use [`pandoc-crossref`](https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref) or similar packages to reference your diagrams, for example:
- ```{.mermaid #fig:example}
- // Your diagram code here
- ```
- This text has a reference @fig:example which is automatically inserted.
-(Note that `pandoc-crossref` will automatically find and use the `caption=` option. Also note that the order of applying the filters matters - you must apply `mermaid-filter` *before* `pandoc-crossref` so that `pandoc-crossref` can find the images.)
-JSON and CSS configuration
-Mermaid cli allows you to specify additional options in a json configuration file and a css file. `mermaid-filter`
-will look in the current working directory for `.mermaid-config.json` and `.mermaid.css` and if found, pass them in to
-mermaid cli.
-Puppeteer Configuration - `mermaid-filter` will look in the current working directory for a `.puppeteer.json` and pass it
-on to mermaid cli (`-p` option of mmdc)if found
+Sequence and Graph diagrams in your markdown files!
+`mermaid-filter` is a pandoc filter that adds support for [mermaid](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid) syntax diagrams in markdown.
+Write your diagrams in fenced code blocks as usual like this:
+ ~~~mermaid
+ sequenceDiagram
+ Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
+ John-->>Alice: Great!
+ ~~~
+and get this in rendered doc
+Installation and usage
+1. `npm install --global mermaid-filter`
+2. To convert your markdown file `something.md` into `something.html`, use `pandoc -t html -F mermaid-filter -o something.html something.md`
+**WINDOWS** - you need `mermaid-filter.cmd` in the line above
+**Windows 8.1** - On windows 8.1, `mermaid-filter.cmd` fails - apparently due to change in how the CMD.exe works
+for subprocesses? - see this [issue thread](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/3458).
+You have to edit the globally installed `mermaid-filter.cmd` located in `c:\users\\AppData\Roaming\npm`
+to use `~dp$PATH:0`.
+Unfortunately, you will need to do this each time you install/update mermaid-filter since it overwrites the cmd file.
+You have a couple of formatting options via attributes of the fenced code block to control the rendering
+Note that to specify options in attribtues, you need to use the curly braces syntax and have the `.mermaid` class attached.
+Admittedly, this is uglier than the earlier syntax on top - but that's how Pandoc wants it.
+ // saves generated diagram in the img subfolder of the current working dir
+ ```{.mermaid loc=img}
+ // Your diagram code here
+ ```
+| Option Name | default value | env var | Notes|
+| `caption` | | `MERMAID_FILTER_CAPTION`| Sets `alt=` attribute on the image|
+| `format` | png | `MERMAID_FILTER_FORMAT` | Allowed - `svg`|
+| `width` | 800 | `MERMAID_FILTER_WIDTH` ||
+| `theme` | default | `MERMAID_FILTER_THEME` |Corresponds to `--theme` flag of mermaid.cli|
+|`background` | `white` | `MERMAID_FILTER_BACKGROUND` |Correponds to `--backgroundColor` flag of mermaid.cli|
+| `filename` | NA | `MERMAID_FILTER_FILENAME`| Takes precedence |
+| `loc`| `inline` | `MERMAID_FILTER_LOC`| inline - generates a data url; `imgur` - uploads to imgur; `loc=anythingelse` saves images to folder `anythingelse`
+| `scale` | 1|`MERMAILD_FILTER_SCALE`| |
+| `imageclass` ||`MERMAID_FILTER_IMAGECLASS`| |
+You can also specify an ID to be applied to the rendered image. This may be useful to use [`pandoc-crossref`](https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref) or similar packages to reference your diagrams, for example:
+ ```{.mermaid #fig:example}
+ // Your diagram code here
+ ```
+ This text has a reference @fig:example which is automatically inserted.
+The `title` attribute is set to `fig:` by if the id specified starts with `fig:`
+(Note that `pandoc-crossref` will automatically find and use the `caption=` option. Also note that the order of applying the filters matters - you must apply `mermaid-filter` *before* `pandoc-crossref` so that `pandoc-crossref` can find the images.)
+JSON and CSS configuration
+Mermaid cli allows you to specify additional options in a json configuration file and a css file. `mermaid-filter`
+will look in the current working directory for `.mermaid-config.json` and `.mermaid.css` and if found, pass them in to
+mermaid cli.
+Puppeteer Configuration - `mermaid-filter` will look in the current working directory for a `.puppeteer.json` and pass it
+on to mermaid cli (`-p` option of mmdc)if found