CLI for Jenkins CI, written in LiveScript
npm install -g ez-jenkins
jenkins setup
jenkins list <pattern>
jenkins tail <job-name>
jobs in a table, usable as terminal walldisplaytail
a job (or jobs matching a pattern) for output and wait for the next build- example use case: tail build logs in the same window for multiple jobs where one job's completion triggers the next job
- open job configuration view in browser with
- fuzzy search: provides suggestions when a job name provides no exact match
- node
>= v0.11.3
$ jenkins
Usage: jenkins <command> [options]
list list jobs
tail read build logs
configure open configure view in browser for a job
setup interactively configure jenkins base url
- start and stop builds
- tail multiple builds
General feedback, bug reports and feature requests are welcome via issues or you can contact me on Twitter.