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Evaluate the performances of branchpoint-dedicated bioinformatics tools

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Cite as: Assessment of branch point prediction tools to predict physiological branch points and their alteration by variants. Raphaël LEMAN, Hélène Tubeuf, Sabine Raad, Isabelle Tournier, Céline Derambure, Raphaël Lanos, Pascaline Gaildrat, Gaia Castelain, Julie Abdat, Audrey Kilian, Stéphanie Baert-Desurmont, Angelina Legros, Nicolas Goardon, Céline Quesnelle, Agathe Ricou, Laurent Castera, Dominique Vaur, Gérald Le Gac, Chandran Ka, Yann Fichou, Françoise Bonnet-Dorion, Nicolas Sevenet, Marine Guillaud-Bataille, Nadia Boutry-Kryza, Inès Schultz, Virginie Caux-Moncoutier, Maria Rossing, Logan C. Walker, Amanda B. Spurdle, Claude Houdayer, Alexandra Martins, Sophie Krieger

This repository contains the data and scripts used for this study. Three sets of data were used: the Ensembl data, the RNAseq data and variant data. The scripts used to compare bioinformatics tools (HSF, SVM-BPfinder, BPP, Branchpointer, LaBranchoR and RNABPS) are in R language.

Installation and Usage

To run these scripts, the following dependencies are needed:

  • R (v3.0 or later)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev
  • package 'ROCR'
  • package 'gplots'
  • package 'ggplot2'
  • package 'VennDiagram'

Download the repository and the Ensembl data

git clone
cd ./BenchmarkBPprediction

Download Branch point data from Ensembl dataset. Then put it in the 'data' folder.

#Usage Example
Rscript ./scripts/studyRNAseqBP.r


The script studyEnsemblBPscore.r is deicated to the Ensembl data and permits to perform:

  • ROC analysis
  • VENN diagram

The script studyRNAseqBP.r is deicated to the RNAseq data and permits to perform:

  • ROC analysis
  • VENN diagram
  • Boxplot expression according to presence or not of Branch point
  • Correlation expression and branch point score

The script studyVariantBPscore.r is deicated to the variant data and permits to perform:

  • Histogram of variant repartition
  • ROC analysis
  • Histogram of relatif repartition
  • Score combination by regresion logistic


Hereafter, the scheme of each data set use in this study.

Ensembl data

The set of natural 3'ss and control AG

Column names Description
Chr Chromosone of 3'ss
strand Strand of transcript
sstype "Acc", acceptor splice site
pos Position of 3'ss (hg19)
UsedSite 1- alternative 3'ss, 0- control AG
MES MES score
SSF SSF-like score
ESR ESRseq score
Branch_class Score above optimal threshold (Branchpointer)
Branch_pos Position of predicted BP by Branchpointer
Branch_score Score of predicted BP by Branchpointer
zscBPP Score of predicted BP by BPP
zscSVM Score of predicted BP by SVM-BPfinder
scoreLB Score of predicted BP by LaBranchoR
scoreRNABPS Score of predicted BP by RNABPS

RNAseq data

The set of alternative 3'ss indentified from RNAseq data

Column names Description
chr Chromosone of 3'ss
Start_hg19 Start of the junction (End if strand -)
Pos_hg19 Position of 3'ss (hg19)
Strand Strand of transcript
Transcript Transcript name (RefSeq)
Gene Gene symbol
UsedSite 1- alternative 3'ss, 0- control AG
Expression_Average_(%) Average expression in % ("." for control AG)
Expression_Average_(read) Average expression in read count ("." for control AG)
nbSamp Nb samples supporting the alternative 3'ss ("." for control AG)
MES MES score
SSF SSF-like score
bp_pos Position of predicted BP by BPP
bp_zsc Score of predicted BP by BPP
BPP_class Score above optimal threshold (BPP)
ss_dist Position of predicted BP by SVM-BPfinder
svm_scr Score of predicted BP by SVM-BPfinder
SVM_class Score above optimal threshold (SVM-BPfinder)
branchpoint_dist Position of predicted BP by Branchpointer
branchpoint_prob Score of predicted BP by Branchpointer
branchpoint_class Score above optimal threshold (Branchpointer)
LB_pos Position of predicted BP by LaBranchoR
LB_score Score of predicted BP by LaBranchoR
LB_class Score above optimal threshold (LaBranchoR)
RNABPS_pos Position of predicted BP by RNABPS
RNABPS_score Score of predicted BP by RNABPS
RNABPS_class Score above optimal threshold (RNABPS)
Cum_class Overlapping of predictions

Variant data

The collection of variant with their in vitro RNA studies.

Column names Description
ID Name of variant
chr Chromosome
strand Strand of transcript (+: forward, -: reverse)
gene Gene Name
transcript Transcript ID (RefSeq)
intron Intron number
cNomen Transcriptomic coordinate
gNomen Genomic coordinate (hg19)
distSS Distance between variant and Acceptor site
varType Type of mutation
nb_analyse Number of study for the variant
Assay.Method Materiel and Method used
Authora The contributor
published If the RNA studies were published or not
Result Overall impact of variant on splicing
class_effect Class of splicing alteration (0: no impact, 1: splicing alteration)
MES_wt MES score of acceptor splice site (wildType)
MES_mut MES score of acceptor splice site (mutated)
delta_MES Delta MES score
SSF_wt SSF-like score of acceptor splice site (wildType)
SSF_mut SSF-like score of acceptor splice site (mutated)
delta_SSF Delta SSF-like score
to_3prime Distance between variant and Acceptor site
BP_num_REF Number of branch point found by branchpointer (wildType)
BP_num_ALT Number of branch point found by branchpointer (mutated)
deleted_n Number of deleted branch points (branchpointer)
created_n Number of created branch points (branchpointer)
max_prob_REF Branchpointer score, maximal value (wildType)
max_prob_ALT Branchpointer score, maximal value (mutated)
max_U2_REF U2 score (acceptor site, wildType)
max_U2_ALT U2 score (acceptor site, mutated)
PosPB_Branch Position of branch point with maximal score
ProbPBarea_Branch Interval of 4-mer motif of branch point
MutInPBarea_Branch If variant was in the 4-mer of branch point
Delta_prob Delta Branchpointer score
bps_WT Sequence of wildType Branch point with maximal score
bps_MUT Sequence of mutated Branch point with maximal score
bp_pos_WT Relative position of branch point to the acceptor site (wildType)
bp_pos_MUT Relative position of branch point to the acceptor site (mutated)
zsc_WT BPP score (wildType)
zsc_MUT BPP score (mutated)
PosPB_BPP Position of branch point with maximal score
ProbPBarea_BPP Interval of 4-mer motif of branch point
MutInPBarea_BPP If variant was in the 4-mer of branch point
Delta_BPP Delta score of BPP
ss_dist_WT Relative position of branch point to the acceptor site (wildType)
ss_dist_MUT Relative position of branch point to the acceptor site (mutated)
bp_seq_WT Sequence of wildType Branch point with maximal score
bp_seq_MUT Sequence of mutated Branch point with maximal score
svm_scr_WT SVM-BPfinder score (wildType)
svm_scr_MUT SVM-BPfinder score (mutated)
PosPB_SVM Position of branch point with maximal score
ProbPBarea_SVM Interval of 4-mer motif of branch point
MutInPBarea_SVM If variant was in the 4-mer of branch point
Delta_SVM Delta score of SVM-BPfinder
score_wt HSF score (wildType)
score_mut HSF score (mutated)
delta_HSF Delta score of HSF
interpret Overall prediction of HSF
LB_pos_WT Relative position of branch point to the acceptor site (wildType)
LB_pos_MUT Relative position of branch point to the acceptor site (mutated)
LB_score_WT LaBranchoR score (wildType)
LB_score_MUT LaBranchoR score (mutated)
PosPB_LB Position of branch point with maximal score
ProbPBarea_LB Interval of 4-mer motif of branch point
MutInPBarea_LB If variant was in the 4-mer of branch point
Delta_LB Delta score of LaBranchor
RBPS_posA_WT Relative position of branch point to the acceptor site (wildType)
RBPS_posA_MUT Relative position of branch point to the acceptor site (mutated)
RBPS_score_WT RNABPS score (wildType)
RBPS_score_MUT RNABPS score (mutated)
PosPB_RBPS Position of branch point with maximal score
ProbPBarea_RBPS Interval of 4-mer motif of branch point
MutInPBarea_RBPS If variant was in the 4-mer of branch point
Delta_RBPS Delta score of RNABPS


Evaluate the performances of branchpoint-dedicated bioinformatics tools






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