Releases: rawsrc/PDOPlusPlus
New release : version 3.0.1 - Bugfix
In some case the values bound by reference may crash the SQL. Theses values are now explicitly cast to the right type at each round. There also was a bug for nullable values when passed by reference if their initial parameter type was different. All is now fixed
PDO++ : Final version 3.0.0
This version is a major update of the PDO Wrapper.
This version breaks the compatibility with the previous 2.x
There's no more need to define a global way of injecting values, you can mix injectors altogether.
Every possible use cases is covered using one of the 7 available injectors.
Now by default, user values are escaped in plain SQL whereas the previous used to escape them using the PDO mechanism >bindValue()
A major feature was added : the possibility to avoid the try {} catch (Exception $e) {}
block for every use of PDO++.
v2.1.1 - Bugfix
Bugfix with ->releaseAll() savepoints
PDO++ : Final version 2.1.0
New feature :
Change in reporting errors: now all methods throw Exception fully updated