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New Multimodal Surface Matching - newMSM

Multimodal Surface Matching (MSM) is an advanced tool for cortical surface mapping, which has been shown to outperform competing methods for the alignment of multimodal data. MSM has been developed and tested using FreeSurfer extracted surfaces, however, in principle the tool will work with any cortical surface extraction method provided the surfaces can be mapped to the sphere. The key advantage of the method is that alignment may be driven using a wide variety of univariate (sulcal depth, curvature, myelin), multivariate (Task fMRI, or Resting State Networks) or multimodal (combinations of folding, myelin and fMRI) feature sets.

The main MSM tool is currently run from the command line using the program newmsm. This enables fast alignment of spherical cortical surfaces by utilising discrete optimisation framework, which significantly reduces the search space of possible deformations for each vertex, and allows flexibility with regards to the choice of similarity metric used to match the images.

NewMSM is a new implementation with several improvements that made the MSM method computationally more efficient. Improvements include a completely re-implemented mesh resampling library with a new nearest neighbour search algorithm (octree search), an option for multicore CPU utilisation and several others. In general, the average runtime of a registration process is now 25% of that of the original MSM implementation (and 5% using multicore CPU utilisation). The operation of newMSM is supposed to be the same as the previous MSM implementation. We notify the user about any changes that have been made in adequate command line messages. NewMSM now contains an implementation of a groupwise surface registration method that is described later in this guide.

Installation instructions can be found here.

The original MSM implementation can be found here.


If you wish to use MSM, please reference our papers in any resulting publication.

Emma C. Robinson, Saad Jbabdi, Matthew F. Glasser, Jesper Andersson, Gregory C. Burgess, Michael P. Harms, Stephen M. Smith, David C. Van Essen, Mark Jenkinson, MSM: A new flexible framework for Multimodal Surface Matching, NeuroImage, Volume 100, 2014, Pages 414-426, ISSN 1053-8119,

N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Approximate Labeling via Graph Cuts Based on Linear Programming, in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 1436-1453, Aug. 2007,

For those using the HCP pipelines and/or MSM with Higher Order Smoothness Constraints, please also reference:

Emma C. Robinson, Kara Garcia, Matthew F. Glasser, Zhengdao Chen, Timothy S. Coalson, Antonios Makropoulos, Jelena Bozek, Robert Wright, Andreas Schuh, Matthew Webster, Jana Hutter, Anthony Price, Lucilio Cordero Grande, Emer Hughes, Nora Tusor, Philip V. Bayly, David C. Van Essen, Stephen M. Smith, A. David Edwards, Joseph Hajnal, Mark Jenkinson, Ben Glocker, Daniel Rueckert, Multimodal surface matching with higher-order smoothness constraints, NeuroImage, Volume 167, 2018, Pages 453-465, ISSN 1053-8119,

Ishikawa, Hiroshi. Higher-order clique reduction without auxiliary variables, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1362-1369. 2014.

Matthew F. Glasser, Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos, J. Anthony Wilson, Timothy S. Coalson, Bruce Fischl, Jesper L. Andersson, Junqian Xu, Saad Jbabdi, Matthew Webster, Jonathan R. Polimeni, David C. Van Essen, Mark Jenkinson, The minimal preprocessing pipelines for the Human Connectome Project, NeuroImage, Volume 80, 2013, Pages 105-124, ISSN 1053-8119,

If you use the groupwise method, please also reference:

Besenczi, R., Guo, Y., Robinson, E.C. (2024). High Performance Groupwise Cortical Surface Registration with Multimodal Surface Matching. In: Modat, M., Simpson, I., Špiclin, Ž., Bastiaansen, W., Hering, A., Mok, T.C.W. (eds) Biomedical Image Registration. WBIR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15249. Springer, Cham.

Method fundamentals

MSM matches two spherical surfaces known as the input and reference (groupwise MSM works in a different way, see Groupwise MSM section). Registration is performed by warping a low resolution regular Control Point (CP) Grid. At each iteration of the registration, every control point is deformed independently according to one of a small set of local rotations. The endpoints of these rotations are defined by a set of evenly spaced points (labels) that surround the control point, which are determined by placing a higher resolution Sampling Grid over each CP. MSM mappings are learnt though discrete optimisation. This means, rather than allowing a control-point grid vertex to displace continuously to any new location (at each iteration) it is instead constrained to displace to one of a finite set of end points, as shown in the diagram below. This warp is then propagated to the (higher resolution) input mesh using mesh interpolation.

MSM Spherical framework

The number of faces in an icosahedron is 20 and subsampling this gives rise to high resolution representations of a sphere that are used for controlling the grid spacing. Serial subsampling leads to polyhedra with the following number of faces: 42, 162, 642, 2562, 10242, 40962. These correspond to the codes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Below are examples of codes 0 (icosahedron), 1 and 2 in the first row and 4 and 5 in the second row.

Regular grids in MSM

Choice of label (and therefore local deformation) is dependent on the similarity of the input and reference mesh features following the proposed warp. Therefore, for each control point, an overlapping patch from the input mesh is transformed according to each local rotation, and its similarity with the reference features at that position is assessed. The optimal label choice balances the desire for optimal image matching with a requirement that the deformation should be as smooth as possible. Note, rather than using the full feature sets, data is typically downsampled and smoothed onto regular template surfaces known as the datagrid as we find this speeds computation without appreciably downgrading the quality of the alignment.

An important characteristic of the MSM framework is that the registration is performed over a series of stages. The registration can be initialised using an affine alignment step that should be able to correct global transformation differences between images. It then proceeds over a series of discrete registration steps where the resolution of the control point grid (that warps the input surface) is increased at each stage. At each stage of the discrete registration the registration performs a series of iterations, where control points are deformed as described above. Thus the registration proceeds in a coarse to fine fashion, where if large deformations are required to align the two surfaces these will be corrected for in the early stages of the registration and the final steps are for alignment of fine detail.


The discrete cost function is as follows:

$$\mathit{E}(G) = \min \sum_{\mathbf{p} \in G} \rho_{p} (l_{p}) + \lambda \sum_{\mathbf{p} \in G} \sum_{\mathbf{q,r} \in N(p)} W_{pqr} (l_{p},l_{q},l_{r})$$

This is a Markov Random Field (MRF) cost which seeks to assign labels to each data point so as to maximise some estimate of data likelihood whilst penalising sharp changes in labelling points between neighbouring points. Thus, the cost function balances a data similarity term, $\rho_{p} (l_{p})$, which estimates the overlap of features for that proposed move, with a regularisation penalty, $W_{pqr} (l_{p},l_r,l_s)$, which penalises the hyper-elastic strain energy of the resulting deformation (described in detail later).

Most often for MSM similarity is assessed through cross-correlations, either for overlapping image patches, or (if you are using multiple feature maps) an average of correlations of feature vectors at each corresponding point in space.

When finally estimated discrete displacements of the control point grid are then upsampled (or interpolated) to the original sphere using barycentric interpolation to get the final warp.


In discrete optimisation cliques are groups of data points, for example they can be single $\{p\}$, pairs $\{p,q\}$, triplets $\{p,q,r\}$ or higher orders. In MSM the highest we go to is 3 and this reflect triplets of points, reflecting the vertex corners of each triangular face in the mesh.

In the first version of MSM (pre-2018) the highest order of clique considered is two. This reflects the fact that standard discrete optimisation libraries optimise MRFs where the maximum clique size is two (pairs); this is largely due to the significant computational challenges involved in programming approximations that work for such increasingly complex combinatorial problems. The issue with this is it only allows first-order smoothness penalties - i.e. you can only look at the rate of change of displacement between neighbouring points ${p,q}$. Most successful modern registration aim to penalise second order effects using, for example, bending energy penalties.

MSM_HOCR regularisation

HOCR stands for Higher Order Clique Reduction, which is based on work done by Hiroshi Ishikawa (Ishikawa, 2014) in which algorithms were proposed which reduce higher (than 2) order clique terms to a linear combination of pairwise and univariate terms through polynomial approximation. This allows higher-order MRFs to be solved with standard MRF solvers such as Fast-PD (as used by the original MSM). This allows MSM to move from using a fairly weak pairwise penalty to a tri-order biomechanical strain based regularisation:

$$\mathbf{W_{pqr}}=\frac{\mu}{2}(R^k+R^{-k}-2)+\frac{\kappa}{2}(J^k + J^{-k} - 2)$$

This penalises both scale $J=\lambda_2\lambda_2$ and shape $R=\lambda_1/\lambda_2$ distortions of the triangles of the control-point mesh, where $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$ are the principal stretches or eigenvalues of the 2D deformation tensor $\mathbf{F_{pqr}}$ and the bulk ($\kappa$) and shear ($\mu$) moduli are parameters which weight the relative importance of the two terms.

The Human Connectome Project - visualisation software and file formats

The HCP consortium provide a suite of surface processing and visualisation tools that can be used very effectively together with MSM. In particular these tools refine the FreeSurfer pipeline, and supply pipelines for directly mapping functional and diffusion data onto the surface. Surfaces are supplied in CIFTI and GIFTI formats and can be visualised using the very flexible HCP visualisation tool wb_view. Scripts for processing your data following the HCP pipeline can be found here. If your data does not conform to the HCP protocol, specifically you have no T2 or different task protocols, please contact the FSL mailing list.

Getting started

Prior to running MSM you will need to have passed your data through a surface extraction and inflation pipeline such as FreeSurfer, or the HCP minimal processing pipeline. This is because, if MSM is to work for your data you must have cortical surface meshes that have been mapped to the sphere. In addition, you will require a data file for each mesh, where the data may be scalar (such as sulcal depth, curvature or myelin features) or multivariate (RSNs or fMRI task maps).

Data can be supplied as GIFTI (.func.gii or .shape.gii), ASCII (.asc) files, or as a simple text file (with .txt extension) provided the text file has as many columns as there are mesh vertices. Surface files may be supplied as GIFTI (surf.gii) or ASCII (.asc). In general the key files required to run MSM are the:

  • input mesh - otherwise known as the "source" or "moving" mesh. This will be the mesh that is deformed during the registration.
  • reference mesh - otherwise the "target" or "fixed" mesh. This represents the surface you would like the source data to be deformed to most resemble. In some cases, for example if source and target data have both been resampled onto a population average surface (such as the HCP FS_LR164k or FS_LR32k average surface) it will be sufficient to just supply an input mesh.
  • input data - the data file associated with the input mesh. This must therefore have as many data points as there are surface mesh vertices.
  • reference data - the data file associated with the referenced mesh.

Examples of the most basic types of call to msm (using these inputs):

  • Example A:
    newmsm \ \  \
       --indata=in_data.func.gii    \
       --refdata=ref_data.func.gii  \
  • Example B:
    newmsm \ \
       --indata=in_data.func.gii                \
       --refdata=ref_data.func.gii              \

Where this assumes you are calling newmsm from the directory where the data exists. The final option (-o/--out) is the stem of the path where you wish to output your data; we suggest ~/mydirname/L. or ~/mydirname/R. as an example of how you can input left and right hemisphere results into the same directory. Example B shows an example of how, when both datasets have been resampled to a population average surface (such as the HCP's 32k FS_LR surface), it is possible to enter just the average sphere as the input mesh.

The most relevant outputs of MSM are:

  • ~/mydirname/ - the warped input mesh (i.e., new vertex locations - this capture the warp field, much like a *_warp.nii.gz file would for volumetric warps created by FNIRT.

  • ~/mydirname/ - this is a downsampled version of the above warp where the resolution of this mesh will be equivalent to the resolution of the final datamesh (see configuration files). This can be used for warping new meshes through the transformation (see the section on transformation).

  • ~/mydirname/L.transformed_and_reprojected.func.gii - the input data passed through the MSM warp and projected onto the target surface (useful for vertex-wise comparison with the target).

where GIFTI outputs are used here only as examples. The program also supports output as ASCII and VTK using the command line option -f.

Template spaces

For cortical surface alignment it is common practice to align to a population average template space. For adults there are two prominent examples: the FreeSurfer fsaverage mesh and the FS_LR164k and FS_LR32k spaces for the HCP. The FS_LR164k population average space is based upon fsaverage but has right and left vertex equivalence (it is symmetric). The FS_LR32k surface is a downsampled version of this for f/dMRI processing.

An important point to note about the HCP average space is that the process used to achieve symmetry generates a mesh space rotated with respect to the fsaverage and native mesh spaces. To account for this the HCP have introduced a rotated native sphere called Therefore, by example for some subject BOB using HCP notation in directory /path/to/mystudy/:

  • /path/to/mystudy/BOB/MNINonLinear/ - respresents files resampled to 164k average space

  • /path/to/mystudy/BOB/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32K/ - represents files resampled to the 32k average space;

  • /path/to/mystudy/BOB/MNINonLinear/Native - represents and all files relating to the subjects original 'native' mesh. In other words the meshes directly extracted from each subjects structural image.

In each subject's Native space there will be several spherical mesh representations. Using left as an example, these three meshes will be important for any further processing:

  • /path/to/mystudy/BOB/MNINonLinear/Native/ - this is the mesh obtained from projecting the subject's native white matter mesh to a sphere using FreeSurfer

  • /path/to/mystudy/BOB/MNINonLinear/Native/ - this is the result of correcting for the rotation between the FS_LR and native spaces

  • /path/to/mystudy/BOB/MNINonLinear/Native/ - this is the result of aligning the native surface to FS_LR using HCP protocol for constrained MSM alignment of cortical folding (sulcal depth) to a group template

  • /path/to/mystudy/BOB/MNINonLinear/Native/ - this is the result of aligning the native surface to FS_LR using HCP protocol for serial alignment of folding, myelin and rfMRI to a group template

The important thing to take away here is that the HCP provides spheres aligned using MSM, with cortical folding as the features that drive the alignment. But, as the goal of the HCP is fMRI alignment this is highly constrained. This means the regularisation is strong (see configuration files). Therefore users may wish to define their own MSMSulc alignment. For this they must use the as the input mesh. There are also two more spheres that represent FreeSurfer alignment:

  • /path/to/mystudy/BOB/MNINonLinear/Native/ - This is the results of aligning the native sphere to fsaverage using FreeSurfer

  • /path/to/mystudy/BOB/MNINonLinear/Native/ - This is the results of transforming to the FS_LR space using CARET software

These should not be required, other than for comparisons of results to FreeSurfer-based processing pipelines.

Advanced Command Line Features

In addition to the required inputs to newMSM, there are several useful options. The most important of these is the --conf call that allows users to supply a configuration file which modifies key parameters of the registration. For optimal running of the registration a configuration file should be supplied (parameters are described in more detail below).

Combining Warps

Another very useful feature is the --trans option. This allows users to specify the output mesh from a previous registration stage. For example, if you wished to initialise registration of some other Native space features (such as myelin maps) by first aligning coarse folding structure using sulcal maps (as performed in this paper), you could run registration in two stages as:

  • Step 1:

    msm     \      \
        --indata=in_SULC_data.func.gii   \
        --refdata=ref_SULC_data.func.gii \
        --conf=myconfigSULC              \
  • Step 2:

    msm                  \
        --trans=~/mySULCdirname/ \                   \
        --indata=in_myelin_data.func.gii              \
        --refdata=ref_myelin_data.func.gii            \
        --conf=myconfmyelin                           \

Running registration in this way, rather than simply taking the output from the sulc registration and using it as an input mesh for the RSN registration, allows distortions for all the stages combined (e.g. sulc + myelin here) to be penalised during alignment.

File Formats

The output file format is controlled by the -f/--format option and the options are: GIFTI (surfaces are saved as .surf.gii and data as .func.gii); ASCII (surfaces are saved as .asc and data is saved as .dpv); ASCII-MAT (surfaces are saved as .asc and data is saved as a simple matrix in a textfile .txt); VTK (surfaces as .vtk and data as .txt). For more details on the .dpv format (which is FreeSurfer compatible, but differentiates surface from data files) please see this blog post.

Costfunction Weighting

Costfunction weighting (CFw) can be controlled using --inweight and --refweight options. This allows you to supply a weighting mask for each of your source and reference meshes, although it is possible to run newmsm with only one. The CFw masks can be multivariate which allows you to vary the contribution of different features. For example in section 6.4. Multimodal alignment of adult HCP data of this paper we use a single, multivariate CFw mask created on our template image (and therefore passed as a --refweight option) to vary the contribution of our different modalities to the registration.

Other command line options

  • --verbose option prints diagnostic messages.
  • --debug run debugging with more diagnostic messages.
  • --help prints all command line options.
  • --printoptions prints all configuration options.


Therefore, with all command line parameters used a newmsm call might look like this:

newmsm \                  \
    --trans=~/mySULCdirname/ \                   \
    --indata=in_RSN_data.func.gii                 \
    --refdata=ref_RSN_data.func.gii               \
    --inweight=in_weight_RSN.func.gii             \
    --refweight=ref_weight_RSN.gii                \
    --conf=myconfRSN                              \
    --out=~/myRSNdirname/L.                       \

This will repeat Step 2 above, but this time each of the meshes will have a corresponding weighting function supplied in the form of a GIFTI .func.gii (but this could also be .shape.gii, .asc or as matrix in a text file); the output of the registration will also be smoothed using a kernel of standard deviation 2. The registration will be stopped after two cycles or registration levels irrespective of the number of levels specified in the configuration file.

Anatomical MSM

Strain based regularisation has proved extremely vital for improving quality of alignment for noisy datasets such as fMRI. However, this is not it's only benefit. It can also be used to indirectly infer a smoothed and regularised mapping of the cortical anatomy.

Here, warps continue to be inferred between source and targets spheres (SSS and TSS) via displacements of points to discrete locations defined on the sphere. However, due to one-to-one correspondence between vertices for each subject's sphere and (white/pial/midthickness) surface, it means it is possible to infer an anatomical warp (SAS, DAS) by projecting the moving surface mesh topology (SAS) onto the target anatomical surface (TAS) shape, using the location of source vertices (shown in yellow) relative to target vertices (shown in pink: TSS) to perform the weighted (barycentric) resampling. This leads to a deformed configuration of the source anatomy (DAS) where the 2D transformations ($\mathbf{F_{pqr}}$) of mesh faces (from SAS-DAS) can then be regularised using biomechanical strain ($\mathbf{W_{pqr}}$).

Projecting anatomical landmarks on to a sphere

If you seek to run aMSM and penalise anatomical deformations you might consider the following options:

  • --anatgrid - this uses a downsampled version of the anatomical grid to estimate the distortions ${F_{pqr}}$. The downsampled meshes are estimated through projection of different icospheric mesh resolutions onto the anatomical surface. We found that going lower than ico 3 downgraded performance and advise starting with 4.

In general the command line calls will remain exactly the same. The exception being when you want to run aMSM. Here, you need to supply the input and target cortical anatomy files using the --inanatand --refanat options. Here, the anatomy can be the white, pial, midthickness (or even inflated) surfaces. Each will place different constraints on the alignment. An example call to aMSM is as follows:

newmsm \ \ \ \ \
    --indata=in_data.func.gii \
    --refdata=ref_data.func.gii \
    --out=~/mydirname/L. \
    --conf=aMSM_strainconf \

For more guidance on the impact of parameter choices for aMSM, and guidance on applying to your data please refer this paper. If you are expressly interested in Biomechanical modelling, detailed optimisation and configuration guidance is supplied in the supplementary information of Garcia et al, 2018, where aMSM was used to build a model of cortical growth in preterm neonates.

Groupwise MSM

We extended the existing MSM framework to perform groupwise registration by simultaneously co-registering clusters of surfaces, which share common modes of cortical variation. Let's say, there exist $n$ moving meshes for any given cluster; each input surface is therefore associated with its own low-resolution CP grid. For each iteration, the groupwise registration must choose the optimal discrete displacement for all CP grid by comparing the overlap of features, across all inputs, for the set of proposed moves. For each CP grid, this involves calculating the similarity between overlapping patches of features, defined around each of its CP vertices, and all overlapping patches defined for neighbouring vertices in all other CP grids. These are defined by propagating the proposed mapping to the resolution of the input feature maps, and resampling all data to a common reference frame ($F$) to calculate patch overlap. Here $F$ is defined from a high resolution icospheric tessellation (ico6 - 40,962 vertices), and features are resampled using adaptive barycentric interpolation. Regularisation is then implemented by calculating the hyper-elastic strain of every proposed move on all subjects' CP grid. Then, the energy function to minimise is:

$$ \mathit{E}(G_1, \dots, G_n)= \min \sum_i \sum_{{\mathbf{p}} \in G_i} \sum_{\substack{{\mathbf{q}} \in \ (N(\mathbf{p}) \setminus G_i)}} \rho_{\mathbf{pq}} (l_{\mathbf{p}},l_{\mathbf{q}}) \ + \sum_i \sum_{{\mathbf{p}} \in G_i} \sum_{\substack{{\mathbf{rs}} \in N(p)}} \lambda W_{\mathbf{pqr}} (l_{\mathbf{p}},l_{\mathbf{r}},l_{\mathbf{s}}) $$

Groupwise registration method

The figure above shows the overview of the groupwise registration process. The input of the method is pairs of overlapping patches on all meshes across the group (step 1). These patches are moved around the labels (2), then the calculated costs of all displacements (3) are minimised by the optimisation method (4). Then all CP grids are updated. This iteration runs until convergence (5), then all meshes are deformed (6) according to the results of the optimisation. The aligned meshes (7) then resampled to the output space and saved. As an example, yellow circles highlight patches that are aligned during the process from step 1 to 7. Blue and red circles denote patches on different subjects, similarity costs are calculated on the overlapping area of patches.

Configuration Files

Configuration files modify all tunable parameters of the registration. For a full list of all registration parameters you can enter: newmsm -p

Some parameters require inputs for every stage of the registration, and are input as comma separated lists e.g. --lambda=0,0.1,0.2,0.3 (for four levels). These are:

  • --lambda weights the contribution of the regulariser relative to the similarity force.
  • --opt selects the optimisation approach. Choice of: AFFINE or DISCRETE (default)
  • --simval selects the similarity measure for each stage of the registration. There is a choice of 1) SSD; 2) correlation (default) or 4) DICE overlap. For discrete optimisation we strongly recommend correlation for all datasets. The current implementations of SSD does not in general work well in the discrete case, and we do not advise using it.
  • --it controls the maximum number of iterations at each resolution. In general affine registration will require in excess of 30 iterations. Discrete optimisation usually converge after 5-10 iterations.
  • --sigma_in sets the input smoothing: this changes the smoothing kernel's standard deviation (default --sigma_in=2,2,2, but for very noisy data we suggest you smooth more)
  • --sigma_ref sets the reference smoothing: the values are equal to sigma_in by default, but you could smooth the reference less than the input if you are using an average template.
  • --datagrid in MSM data is typically downsampled from the high resolution surfaces input mesh and reference mesh onto a regular (equally spaced vertex) grid. This speeds up the running of MSM without appreciably downgrading the quality of the alignment. These grids are formed from subdivision of a icosahedron and are coded in terms of the number of resamplings performed. For datagrids we typically we use 10K grids, which have code 5.
  • --CPgrid the Control Point (CP) Grid is a low resolution mesh that controls the warp of the input mesh to the reference. At each iteration of the registration, the CP Grid can undergo one of a discrete set of deformations, where end points are defined by points on the sampling grid. By default the first level of the discrete optimisation is started with a 162 vertex grid (code 2) and this is increased by one for each level. Lower resolution CP grids move larger data patches for large distances, whilst higher resolution ones move smaller data patches for smaller distances.
  • --SGgrid the Sampling Grid resolution determines the maximum number of discrete deformations available to each CP and thus the maximum possible accuracy of the registration at that stage of the registration. It is set 2 levels higher than the CP resolution by default.

Other parameters need only be specified once:

  • --excl tells MSM to ignore an 'exclusion' region; defined by thresholding (the intensity range provided by the cut threshold below)
  • --cutthr controls the exclusion region, which is defined for all intensities between a certain intensity range. It needs two values as upper and lower thresholds for defining cut vertices. As it is usually used to mask the cut on the medial wall (which is zero valued) these values are typically --cutthr=0,0.0001
  • --IN used to normalize the intensity range of the target to that of the input data using histogram matching
  • --VN used to variance normalize input data across all channels
  • --regoption used to set the regulariser. Only strain based regularisation is available. Set this value to 3 for typical and groupwise MSM and 5 for anatomical MSM.
  • --dopt used to select optimiser. Possible values are FastPD or HOCR. As an experimental feature, MCMC can be selected.
  • --triclique option to calculate correlation on mesh face triangle patches instead of circular patches around a CP grid vertex.
  • --shearmod shear modulus and
  • --bulkmod bulk modulus. Investigations in the 2018 MSM paper showed that a) this default parametrisation worked for adult and neonatal brains and b) the method was robust to a range of choices of values. There should be no reason to change from these default values unless you want to do advanced biomechanical modelling of the type described in Garcia et al, 2018.
  • --k_exponent k exponent. See regularisation section in 2018 NeurImage paper.
  • --regexp regularisation exponent. See regularisation section in 2018 NeurImage paper.
  • --rescaleL this argument updates the discrete label space at each iteration to allow more thorough sampling of the entire space (for more details see this paper. It makes the process run slower but improves performance.
  • --cprange increase or decrease the range of sampling from the control point.
  • --stepsize affine registration parameter.
  • --gradsampling affine registration parameter.
  • --numthreads number of execution threads. newMSM can run on multiple CPU threads. (Default is 1)
  • --mciters number of Monte Carlo iterations. See Markov Chain Monte Carlo optimiser section.
  • --mcparam parameter for the random number generator. See Markov Chain Monte Carlo optimiser section.
  • --patchwise calculating similarity patchwise instead of featurewise in multimodal mode.
  • --percentile thresholding percentile for DICE overlap similarity metric. (Default is 0.75)
  • --fixnan Fixing NaN cost function results with the value 1e7.

An example configuration file is (see more at use cases section):


The comma separated lists above represent parameters per level, and the number of resolution levels run by MSM can be controlled by the length of the lists specified here. Registration may also be initialised using an affine alignment step, run as an additional level at the beginning. Therefore, the above case is stating that the registration should run one affine step using: SSD as a similarity measure, 50 iterations, input mesh smoothing 2mm, reference mesh smoothing 2mm, on a data grid of resolution 2562 vertices. Following this, discrete optimisation is run over 3 levels with 3 iterations at each level, using control point grid resolutions 162, 642, and 2562, where the sampling grid resolution is 2 subdivisions above this, and the data grids have resolution: 2562, 10242 and 40962 vertices. Smoothing is applied to the source image as 4, 2, then 1mm sigma smoothing kernels, and to the reference image as 2, 1 and 1mm smoothing. --IN indicates that the source intensity distribution is matched to the target intensity distribution using histogram matching, once at the beginning of the registration.

If you choose to edit or optimise the config files then it is important to remember that all multiresolution level parameter lists must have the same length, else the program will throw the error: MeshREG ERROR:: config file parameter list lengths are inconsistent.

In addition, as affine registration only implements the following parameters: --opt, --simval, --it, --sigma_in, --sigma_ref, --IN, --VN, --scale, --excl, for all other multi level parameters, it is necessary to supply a zero value for the AFFINE stage (see example line --lambda first parameter).


Groupwise registration

In this tutorial, we will guide you through a series of steps to show you how the groupwise mode of MSM works. We will use examples from the HCP dataset, so you should have a few subjects' data downloaded and surfaces reconstructed (with e.g., HCP minimal processing pipeline or Freesurfer).

As a demonstration, to assist the process, we provide pipeline scripts that can be found at GitHub. In this, the script prepares the data, performs registration and post-processes the results. The input of the script is a clustering CSV file that contains a list of subject IDs and corresponding group IDs as demonstrated in the following example (CSV header: line_number, subject ID, group ID):


NODE1910 and NODE1951 are groups that contain subjects 212419.R, 127933.R, etc.

In the bash script file you can set:

  • the input folder where your data resides,
  • a work directory where the outputs and results will be saved,
  • the clustering CSV file path,
  • the template (i.e. registration output space) file path,
  • the configuration file path,
  • and the group ID you want to register.

The required arguments of newmsm are:

  • data: the list of data files (created by the script),
  • meshes: the spherical meshes that the data is on (created by the script),
  • template: the output space of the registration,
  • conf: config file (will be detailed later),
  • out: output path and file name prefix,
  • groupwise: required to start MSM in groupwise mode.

Optional arguments are:

  • verbose: more state messages printed to the console output,
  • mask: this will set a weight mask to all meshes.


$HOME/fsldev/bin/newmsm \
  --data=$workdir/file_lists/input_data_$group_id.txt \
  --meshes=$workdir/file_lists/input_meshes_$group_id.txt \
  --mask=$workdir/configs/maskfile.func.gii \
  --template=$template \
  --conf=$config_file \
  --out=$outdir/$group_id/groupwise.$group_id. \
  --verbose --groupwise

There are a few differences that you should consider when you set your config files. In general, you might need to set the regularisation (lambda) somewhat higher than in typical MSM. In the case of sulcal depth or curvature, this means somewhere between 0.2-0.5. All similarity metrics are available, but we recommend using the Pearson's correlation coefficient (simval=2). For the optimiser, only HOCR is available (MCMC is being developed) and triclique likelihood, the rescaleL option and anatomical mesh regularisation are not available (so use regoption=3). Also note that AFFINE registration is not available at the moment, so it is advised to perform affine alignment separately to a template before groupwise registration (usually this step is done before clustering). Parallelisation is available. As a new option, --fixnan can change NaN values to 1e7, providing more stability to the FastPD optimiser.

An example config file:


After registration, we apply dedrifting for the outputs of the registration for the entire group. We calculate the surface average of the inverse registration and correct all outputs. Finally we generate mean and standard deviation maps and areal and shape distortion maps.

The most important outputs of the pipeline consists of the following files:

  • groupwise.$group_id.sphere-$ the dedrifted mesh
  • groupwise.$group_id.sphere-$subject_id.distortion.func.gii: distortion map of subject
  • groupwise.$group_id.transformed_and_reprojected.dedrift-$subject_id.func.gii: aligned data
  • groupwise.$group_id.areal.distortion.merge.sulc.affine.dedrifted.ico6.shape.gii: areal distortion of all subjects
  • groupwise.$group_id.shape.distortion.merge.sulc.affine.dedrifted.ico6.shape.gii: shape distortion of all subjects
  • groupwise.$group_id.mean.sulc.curv.affine.dedrifted.ico6.shape.gii: mean maps
  • groupwise.$group_id.shape.distortion.merge.sulc.affine.dedrifted.ico6.shape.gii
  • groupwise.$group_id.stdev.curv.affine.dedrifted.ico6.shape.gii: standard deviation map of all subjects

The figures below illustrate the output of the pipeline. First figure (from top left to bottom right): sulcal depth mean, sulcal depth standard deviation, curvature mean and curvature standard deviation maps. Second figure (from left to right): areal distortion and shape distortion charts.

Mean and standard deviation maps

Distortion distribution

As an optional step, we show how we compared gMSM results with typical registration. For this we provide the and scripts. The typical_MSM script performs "typical" registration (i.e. individual subject to template), so you will need to choose a template. In the script provided, this template is MSMStrain.L.sulc.curv.ico6.shape.gii. After registering all the subjects in the specified group to the same template, we generate the mean, standard deviation and areal and shape distortion maps, just as we did with the groupwise results. After this, the script calculates cross-correlation similarity (pairwise average), DICE overlap ratio (percentile can be changed, .75 is the default) and different areal and shape distortion statistics, as shown below for NODE2078:

    Stats for group NODE2078
        CC similarity: 0.8011; Dice overlap: 0.67
        CC similarity: 0.722; Dice overlap: 0.6028
        CC similarity: 0.5337; Dice overlap: 0.5684
        CC similarity: 0.2469; Dice overlap: 0.4056
        Areal mean: 0.2604; Areal Max: 1.209; Areal 95%: 0.587; Areal 98%: 0.6701; Shape mean: 0.544; Shape Max: 1.801
        Areal mean: 0.1707; Areal Max: 0.6959; Areal 95%: 0.3755; Areal 98%: 0.4272; Shape mean: 0.4109; Shape Max: 1.69