; -*- mode: clojure; -*- ; vi: filetype=clojure (require 'aero.core) (logging/init {:file "riemann.log"}) (let [host ""] (tcp-server {:host host}) (udp-server {:host host})) (instrumentation {:enabled? false}) (periodically-expire 10) (defn int-cores [es] (map (fn [e] (update e :cores (fn [v] (Integer/parseInt v)))) es)) (defn high-cpu-load [{:keys [cores metric]}] (< (* 2 cores) metric)) (def config (let [home (System/getProperty "user.home")] (aero.core/read-config (str home "/.re-ops.edn") {:profile :dev}))) (def smtp (get-in config [:shared :smtp])) (def email (mailer smtp)) (def to (get-in config [:riemann :to])) (def from (get-in config [:riemann :from])) (def tell-ops (rollup 5 3600 (email to))) (let [index (index)] (streams (default :ttl 60 index (where (service "usb") (by :host (changed :result {:pairs? true} (fn [[e1 e2]] (when e1 (when-not (= (hash-set e1) (hash-set e2)) (riemann.email/email-event smtp {:to to :from from} e1))))))) (where (and (tagged "success") (not (expired? event))) (where (service "disk-usage") (by :host (where (<= 85 metric) tell-ops))) (where (service "entropy/available") (by :host (fixed-event-window 5 (smap folds/mean (where (<= 0 metric 1000) tell-ops))))) (where (service "cpu/idle") (by :host (fixed-event-window 10 (smap folds/mean (where (<= 0 metric 10) tell-ops))))) (where (service "load/one") (by :host (fixed-event-window 10 (smap int-cores (smap folds/mean (where* high-cpu-load tell-ops)))))) (where (service "load/five") (by :host (fixed-event-window 5 (smap int-cores (smap folds/mean (where* high-cpu-load tell-ops))))))))))