The objective here is to update our app so that we can detect server code changes on the fly. This will speed up our backend development cycles while still working with kubernetes in a development environment.
The flask development server has a nice reload experience:
The flask command line script (Command Line Interface) is strongly recommended for development because it provides a superior reload experience due to how it loads the application. The basic usage is like this:
export FLASK_APP=my_application export FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run
From: Source: Development Server
We will use this behaviour to get reload exeprience with the app we are building.
navigate to ks4
➜ pwd ~/dev/github/redgate/ks/ks4
start minikube
➜ minikube start
switch to minikube context
➜ eval $(minikube docker-env)
If you ever need to switch back to your machine's context do:
➜ eval $(docker-machine env -u)
build web docker image
➜ docker build -f ./web/Dockerfile -t ks4webimage .
build web server docker image
➜ docker build -f ./server/Dockerfile -t ks4webserverimage .
mount ks4 source code
In a separate terminal, in the root of the project (this terminal needs to keep running the whole time you're debugging...).
➜ pwd ~/dev/github/redgate/ks/ks4 ➜ minikube mount .:/mounted-ks4-src Mounting . into /mounted-ks4-app-src on the minikube VM This daemon process needs to stay alive for the mount to still be accessible... ufs starting
For more information about mounting volumes read these docs
add environment variable to webserver section in deployment yaml file
As described in the flask docs we will add the
environment variable to get the reloading experience we want.command: ["python"] args: ["-m", "flask", "run"] env: - name: FLASK_DEBUG value: "1" ports: - containerPort: 5000
add the web server volumes to the deployment yaml file
Update the global volume section of the
with apython-server
volume that points to the python backend so that changes are picked up on save.volumes: - name: python-server hostPath: path: /mounted-ks4-src/server - name: frontend hostPath: path: /mounted-ks4-src/app/src
Then reference it in the webserver image section
volumeMounts: - mountPath: /server name: python-server
create deployment and service
➜ kubectl create -f ./config/dev.ks.deployment.yaml deployment "ks4web" created ➜ kubectl create -f ./config/dev.ks.service.yaml service "ks4web" created ➜ kubectl get all NAME DESIRED CURRENT UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deploy/ks4web 1 1 1 1 31s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE rs/ks4web-2671084145 1 1 1 31s NAME DESIRED CURRENT UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deploy/ks4web 1 1 1 1 31s NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE po/ks4web-2671084145-f0f71 2/2 Running 0 31s
get web server logs
➜ kubectl logs ks4web-2671084145-f0f71 ks4webserver * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) * Restarting with stat /usr/local/lib/python3.5/ RuntimeWarning: 'flask.cli' found in sys.modules after import of package 'flask', but prior to execution of 'flask.cli'; this may result in unpredictable behaviour warn(RuntimeWarning(msg)) * Debugger is active! * Debugger PIN: 207-014-748
service ks4web
➜ minikube service ks4web --url
check backend updates by changing the
controllerIf you attach the logs with
and update./server/controllers/
you should seeDetected change in '/server/controllers/', reloading` in the logs.
Full logs:
➜ kubectl logs ks4web-2671084145-gtz9q ks4webserver -f * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) * Restarting with stat /usr/local/lib/python3.5/ RuntimeWarning: 'flask.cli' found in sys.modules after import of package 'flask', but prior to execution of 'flask.cli'; this may result in unpredictable behaviour warn(RuntimeWarning(msg)) * Debugger is active! * Debugger PIN: 207-014-748 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO in hello [/server/controllers/]: hello controller called -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - [23/Oct/2017 09:53:50] "GET /api/hello HTTP/1.1" 200 - * Detected change in '/server/controllers/', reloading * Restarting with stat /usr/local/lib/python3.5/ RuntimeWarning: 'flask.cli' found in sys.modules after import of package 'flask', but prior to execution of 'flask.cli'; this may result in unpredictable behaviour warn(RuntimeWarning(msg)) * Debugger is active! * Debugger PIN: 207-014-748 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO in hello [/server/controllers/]: hello controller called
If you then refresh the browser you should see the changes in the UI.
minikube mounted volume command should detect this changes
➜ minikube mount .:/mounted-ks4-src Mounting . into /mounted-ks4-src on the minikube VM This daemon process needs to stay alive for the mount to still be accessible... ufs starting Rename ./server/controllers/__pycache__/hello.cpython-35.pyc.140423133386000 to hello.cpython-35.pyc rel results in server/controllers/__pycache__/hello.cpython-35.pyc rename ./server/controllers/__pycache__/hello.cpython-35.pyc.140423133386000 to server/controllers/__pycache__/hello.cpython-35.pyc gets <nil>