The main goal of this project is to create a WebGL library that will perform optimally on all browsers / devices (PC, Mobile).
- Release Note V7.0
- Release Note V6.0
- Release Note V5.0
- Release Note V4.0
- Release Note V3.0
- Release Note V2.0
- See the example. Various examples are available.
- See the doc.
<script src=""></script>
var canvas;
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
RedGL(canvas, function (v) {
if (v) {
console.log('Initialization successful!');
var tWorld, tView, tScene, tController, tRenderer;
// create RedWorld Instance
this['world'] = tWorld = RedWorld();
// create RedScene Instance
tScene = RedScene(this);
// create camera
tController = RedObitController(this);
tController.pan = 45;
tController.tilt = -45;
// create RedRenderer
tRenderer = RedRenderer();
// create a RedView instance and add to the RedWorld instance
tView = RedView('HelloRedGL', this, tScene, tController);
// set grid debuger
tScene['grid'] = RedGrid(this);
// set axis debuger
tScene['axis'] = RedAxis(this);
// start rendering
tRenderer.start(this, function (time) {
// set renderDebugPanel
} else {
alert('Initialization fail!')
git clone
cd RedGL2
npm install
npm run build
# You can see the built RedGL files in the `release` folder.
This project is maintained by RedCamel