Releases: reimagined/resolve
Breaking changes
- API between read/view-models facade in
and it's usage inresolve-scripts
. - Invocations for read/view models into client-side intial state building, sagas and auth side had been changes (see below).
- Add logical and comparation query operators for find/findOne/update operations in readmodel-adapters, referenced to #527 .
- Functions
for sagas and auth side, which supports simplified arguments for read/view models invocation, and autojwtToken
bind for auth facade (See hacker news example).
- Fixed initial state for view models and it's reconciliation while serializing on server and deserializing on client side.
- Beautify example applications todo-two-levels and hacker-news with bootstrap styles.
Breaking changes
- Project structure minor changes
- One intuitive resolve config instead of three previous
- resolve-auth package and new auth example
- Snapshots of aggregates and view models
- Smooth transitions in hacker-news example
- Documentation topics
- Examples' style
- Reactive read-models and top-list example
- Improve adapters API
- Changed examples setup API: flags -e or --example
- New documentation structure: docs folder
- ssrMode (GitHub Issue)
- feat(resolve-scripts): include resolve router, fix config files to provide router paths instead of Root compontent (#476)
- fix(examples): add todo-two-levels, fix todo example and remove router examples
- feat(resolve-scripts, resolve-command, resolve-query): exclude getJwtValue function and pass JWT directly (#477)
- remove benchmarks (#480)
- migrate from npm to yarn (#481)
- ci: use yarn (#483)
- docs(create-resolve-app): fix (#485)
- fix(resolve-scripts, resolve-redux): rename ROOT_DIR -> ROOT_PATH (#486) fixes #484
- docs(all packages): fix links (#487)
- feat(resolve-scripts, resolve-redux): reactxp support (#478)
- fix(resolve-redux): fix graphql_connector, add resolve-redux to resolve-scripts, remove isomorphic-fetch from resolve-redux; fix template package.json
- fix(create-resolve-app): add one more template, fix template copy, fix template prepublish, add resolve-redux to dependencies, update reactxp version
- feat(resolve-scripts): custom client index support
- fix(resolve-scripts, resolve-redux): fix graphql_connector for react native
- fix(resolve-scipts): fix env name, fix resolve-scripts index file, fix client-index.js file
- docs: Create ToDo List App
- fix(all packages): use oao@1.3.1 (#491)
- fix(resolve-storage-lite): error message (#492)
- fix(resolve-scripts): fix isomorphic fetch import (#493)
- fix(resolve-scripts-auth): use async callbacks (#494)
- Fix socket for RN (#496)
- feat(resolve-query, resolve-readmodel): new store API for projections and resolvers (#495)
feat(resolve-query, resolve-readmodel-mongo): implement mongodb adapter and persistence storage in database
feat(resolve-redux): add success reaction on send command (#433)
fix(resolve-scripts): pass the getJwtValue param to the initial state function (#434)
docs(all packages): update documentation and articles
refactor(all packages): move to jest testing framework, count and increment coverage
refactor(resolve-redux): refactor view models (#453)
- Rename "resolveMiddleware" to "createResolveMiddleware"
- Rename "viewModel" to "viewModelName"
- Remove "withViewModel"
- Add "connect"
- Add custom event bus support (for example mqtt)
- Add the flag "loading"
- Fix SSR
fix(all packages): fix prettier speed (#460)
fix(resolve-scripts): hotfix root dir on authorization (#466)
fix(resolve-scripts): React peer dependencies fix, add SSR configuration, fix testcafe runner & fix documentation (#456)
fix(resolve-scripts): fix auth env.ROOT_DIR (#468)
feat(resolve-readmodel-redis): implement readmodel Redis adapter (#461)
feat(resolve-readmodel-memory, resolve-readmodel-mongo, resolve-query): simplify query interface (#463)
ci: fix Jenkinsfile (#457)
fix(resolve-readmodel-memory): add insertion _id (#426)
fix(resolve-redux): add success reaction on send command (#428)
fix(resolve-scripts): pass the getJwtValue param to the initial state function (#431)
fix(resolve-scripts): optimise package dependencies and reduce production client bundle size (#441)
docs: add docs (#442)
fix(examples): fix launch commands in package.json (#440)
ci: fixed Jenkinsfile to produce sequential alpha/beta versions and documentation for
ci: update Jenkinsfile for fresh CI (#446)