For contributing to Spoon, the recommended way is to create a pull request (PR) on Github. Upon acceptance, the merged code is copyrighted under the Cecill-C license.
Guidelines for pull requests:
G1: The pull request must contain a test case specifying the new feature or highlighting the bug.
G2: The pull request must comply with Spoon's formatting rules.
G3: The pull request's commit must have an explicit and clear commit message.
G4: To achieve a clean commit history after a pull request discussion, commits should be squashed as much as possible.
G5: If your pull request contains a critical bug fix of the current release, you must create a pull request to the stable branch.
- Refactoring and documentation PRs are exceptions to G1.
- Pull requests with test cases only are welcome.
- Commit messages start with a verb: "adds support", "fixes bug", ...
- We encourage long commit messages.
- G2 is specified in SpoonFormatterPrefs.xml.
- If there is no activity on an issue or on a pull request for 3 months it's closed.