make sound go croak

croaker is a VST3/CLAP plugin that will make your audio sound like a croaking frog 🐸 (it's actually just a multi effects plugin).
croaker is made with the following:
this project is being completed partially in fulfillment of the senior capstone requirement for the Computer Science + Music degree program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
A temporary download link to standalone, VST3, and CLAP versions can be found here: Google Drive
I have only tested plugin on macOS Monterey 12.5 using Audacity and Ableton Live 11. I haven't been able to run this on Reason 12. Also, since I don't have an Apple Developer account (yet), I haven't codesigned or notarized these applications. So, you'll need to do that yourself. Here are some useful links:
After installing Rust, you can compile croaker as follows:
cargo xtask bundle croaker --release
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later.
Code that is copied or translated from other sources will be noted in the source code.
The font, Fantasque Sans Mono, is licensed under the SIL Open Font License.
(If there is an issue with licensing, please contact me at