Hydra Provisioning Scripts for deploying Hyku, Fcrepo and Solr. They are not production-ready.
Each of the following folders contains a Vagrantfile for bringing up a local or AWS box using vagrant. There are various configuration settings in the Vagrantfile that may need changing for your environment. Eg. for the amount of RAM given to the box, or the AWS box (t1.micro etc.).
To deploy a Centos7 VirtualBox with Blacklight, using Vagrant:
cd blacklight
vagrant up
To deploy a Centos7 VirtualBox with Hyrax, using Vagrant:
cd hyrax
vagrant up
To deploy a Centos7 VirtualBox with Hyku, using Vagrant:
cd hyku
vagrant up
Before running, check, the variables at the top of provision_hyku_local.sh
and provision_scripts\provision_phantomjs.sh
This script take a while and installs Hyku in a production-like way, with apache, passenger and other things. But it still uses solr_wrapper and fcrepo_wrapper which are not intended for production. To change what is installed, edit the list of scripts in the Vagrant file.
To deploy a Centos7 AWS Box with solr, using Vagrant:
Make sure vagrant-env is installed
vagrant plugin install vagrant-env
Create a file called .env within the aws_solr directory containing the following:
AWS_SECURITY_GROUPS= # space-separated
cd aws_solr
vagrant up --provider=aws
Before running, check, the variables at the top of provision_solr_centos7.sh
To deploy a Centos7 AWS Box with Hyku, using Vagrant:
Create the following to provide the solr and fedora uri and paths using .rbenv-vars-template as a guide:
- install_files/.rbenv-vars
add the variables at the top of this file including the the solr URI:
- provision_hyku_aws.sh
Hyku will run in single-tenancy mode.
Make sure vagrant-env is installed
vagrant plugin install vagrant-env
Create a file called .env within the aws_hyku directory containing the following:
AWS_SECURITY_GROUPS= # space-separated
cd aws_hyku
vagrant up --no-provision
This will create the box, but won't run the provisioning scripts. We need the machine ip address in order to fully provision.
Once the machine is running, find it's ip address and do the following:
- Add it into an AWS security group to enable the fedora and solr servers to receive requests from this IP.
- Edit the following files in install_files with the new ip address:
- install_files/hyku.conf
- install_files/hyku_ssl.conf
- install_files/hyku_ssl_passenger.conf
- install_files/sp2config.xml
- Metadataforshibhykutesting
The current text is set as REPLACE_ME ... so a find and replace on that will suffice.
Before running, check, the variables at the top of provision_hyku_aws.sh
Note: Metadataforshibhykutesting
is a sample of the shibboleth metadata that can be used for testing with testshib.org.
vagrant_for_fcrepo4-ansible/fcrepo4 contains a modified Vagrantfile from https://github.com/VTUL/fcrepo4-ansible
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
- Checkout https://github.com/VTUL/fcrepo4-ansible
- Replace the Vagrant file with this vagrant_for_fcrepo4-ansible/fcrepo4/Vagrantfile
- Create an .env file containing
Note: If running on Windows, Ansible is not supported (there are ways round this, with cygwin and the Linux subsystem for Windows) but as an alternative vagrant_for_fcrepo4-ansible contains a Vagrantfile for a centosbox that will install vagrant and ansible - this can be used to run the vagrant up/provision. It's not ideal, but it works!
The scripts in the 'provision_scripts' folder are used by the vagrant installations. They can also be used standalone.
provision_prereq.sh (set the fits and ruby versions at the top of the script, the domain/ip )
provision_phantom.js (requires the correct version to be set as a variable in the script)
provision_shib.sh (set the domain/ip at the top of the file)
provision sidekiq.sh
provision_solr_centos7.sh (requires the solr version and user to be set as a variable in the script)
incomplete and rough script to run dart_hyrax on ubuntu 16.04
If you get the error No synced folder implementation is available for your synced folders
, a quick solution is
vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd
or figure out how to install rsync I guess.