From the
directory in this repo
Follow the instructions here to create and load the IMDb data into Cosmos DB
- Make sure the following environment variables are set correctly
- Imdb_DB
- Imdb_Col
- Imdb_Name
- Imdb_RG
- Make sure you have properly setup azure-cli. Simply follow this section
# check environment variables
env | grep Imdb_
# create app secrets (if necessary)
kubectl create secret generic ngsa-secrets \
--from-literal=CosmosDatabase=$Imdb_DB \
--from-literal=CosmosCollection=$Imdb_Col \
--from-literal=CosmosKey=$(az cosmosdb keys list -n $Imdb_Name -g $Imdb_RG --query primaryMasterKey -o tsv) \
# display the secrets (base 64 encoded)
kubectl get secret ngsa-secrets -o jsonpath='{.data}'
# set temporary Log Analytics secrets (if necessary)
kubectl create secret generic log-secrets \
--from-literal=WorkspaceId=dev \
# deploy ngsa app
kubectl apply -f ngsa-cosmos.yaml
# check pods until running
kubectl get pods
# check local logs
kubectl logs ngsa-cosmos
# check the version and genres endpoints
http $PIP:30081/version
http $PIP:30081/api/genres
# check logs
kubectl logs ngsa-cosmos
# delete ngsa app
kubectl delete -f ngsa-cosmos.yaml
# check pods
kubectl get pods
# Result - No resources found in default namespace.