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Condainer - Compressed Conda environments for HPC systems

TL;DR - Quick start guide

Condainer puts Conda environments into compressed (squashfs) images which makes the use of such environments portable and more efficient, in particular on HPC systems. These Condainer environments are standalone, and sidestep the typical integration of a specific conda executable into the user's .bashrc file completely, which often causes issues, for example with the software environment on HPC systems.

Build a compressed environment

Starting in an empty directory, use the following commands once to build a compressed image of your Conda environment that is defined in 'environment.yml':

cnd init
# edit the example 'environment.yml' file, or copy your own file here, before running
cnd build

Activate a compressed environment

After building successfully you can activate the environment for your current shell session, sililar to plain Conda or to a Python virtual environment:

source activate

Please note that source activate will only work with bourne shells (e.g. bash or zsh), not with the older C shells and korn shells.

Alternatively, run an executable from a compressed environment directly

In case you do not want to activate the environment, you can run individual executables from the environment transparently, e.g.

cnd exec -- python3

See the sections below for more detailed explanations and more options.


Often a Problem: Conda environments on HPC file systems

The Conda package manager and the related workflows have become an adopted standard when it comes to distributing scientific software for easy installation by end users. Using conda, complex software environments can be defined by means of simple descriptive environment.yml files. On MPCDF systems, users may use Conda environments, but without support from MPCDF for the software therein.

Once installed, large Conda environments can easily amount to several 100k individual (small) files. On a local file system of a laptop or PC this is typically not an issue. However, in particular on the large shared parallel file systems of HPC systems the vast amount of small files can cause issues as these filesystems are optimized for different scenarios. Inode exhaustion and heavy load due to (millions of) file opens, short reads, and closes happening during the startup phase of Python jobs from the different users on the system are only two examples.

Solution: Move Conda environments into compressed image files

Condainer adresses these issues by moving Conda environments into compressed squashfs images, reducing the number of files stored directly on the host file system by orders of magnitude. Condainer images are standalone and portable: They can be copied between different systems, improving reproducibility and reusability of proven-to-work software environments. In particular, they sidestep the integration of a specific conda executable into the user's .bashrc file, which often causes issues and is orthogonal to the module-based software environments provided on HPC systems.

Technically, Condainer uses a Python basis from Miniforge (which is a free alternative similar to Miniconda) and then installs the user-defined software stack from the usual environment.yml file. Package resolution and installation are extremely fast thanks to the mamba package manager (an optimized replacement for conda). As a second step, Condainer creates a compressed squashfs image file from the staging installation, before it deletes the latter to save disk space. Subsequently, the compressed image is mounted (using squashfuse) at the very same directory, providing the full Conda environment to the user who can activate or deactivate it, just as usual. Moreover, Condainer provides functionality to run executables from the Conda environment directly and transparently, without the need to explicitly mount and unmount the image.

Please note that the squashfs images used by Condainer are not "containers" in the strict terminology of Docker, Apptainer, or alike. With Condainer, there is no process isolation or similar, rather Condainer is an easy-to-use and highly efficient wrapper around the building, compressing, mounting, and unmounting of Conda environments on top of compressed image files. In the following, the basic usage is outlined.


After cloning the repository, Condainer can be installed via `pip``, e.g. using the command

pip install --user .

which would place the executable cnd into ~/.local/bin in the user's homedirectory.


The Condainer executable is cnd and is controlled via subcommands and flags. See cnd --help for full details. The following subcommands are available for cnd and are described briefly below.

Initialize a project using cnd init

Create an empty directory, enter it, and run cnd init to create a skeleton for a Condainer project. Optionally, you may inspect and edit the config file condainer.yml. Importantly, add your environment.yml file to the same directory.

Build and compress an environment using cnd build

Build the Conda environment specified in environment.yml. In case a file requirements.txt is present, its contents will be installed in addition using pip. Finally, create a compressed squashfs image, and delete the files from the staging process.

To stage the files for the Conda environment, a uniquely named directory below the base directory (as specified in condainer.yml) is used. By default, the base directory is /tmp. The unique subdirectory name is of the form condainer-UUID where UUID is a type4 UUID generated and saved during cnd init.

Execute a command using cnd exec

Using a command of the form cnd exec -- python3 it is possible to run executables from the compressed Conda environment directly, in the present example the Python interpreter python3. Mounting and unmounting of the squashfs image are handled automatically and invisibly to the user. Note that the '--' is a necessary separator to be able to pass arguments and flags to the executable. It can be omitted in case there are no arguments or flags.

Activate the environment

In the project directory, run source activate to activate the compressed environment for your current shell session. Similarly, run source deactivate to deactivate it. Once activated, the compressed environment is available just like normal, however, in read-only mode.

Explicitly mount the squashfs image using cnd mount

The command cnd mount mounts the squashfs image below the base directory that is specified in condainer.yml. Hints on activating and deactivating the Conda environment are printed.

Consistent with the cnd build step, the mount point is identical to the directory used during staging and building, such that the absolute paths to the files are unchanged between build and mount.

Explicitly unmount the squashfs image using cnd umount

Unmount the image, if mounted.

Make sure to run conda deactivate in all relevant shell sessions prior to unmounting.

Print information using cnd status

Show some information and the mount status of the image.

Check if the necessary tools are available using cnd prereq

Check and show if the required software is locally available (see below).

System requirements

Condainer works on any recent Linux system and expects the following set of tools available and enabled for non-privileged users:

  • fuse
  • squashfuse
  • squashfs tools

On an Ubuntu (or similar) system, run the command

sudo apt install squashfs-tools squashfuse

to install the necessary tools. In addition curl is required to download the Miniforge installer, in case it is not available locally.

Environment variables

The environment variable CONDAINER_INSTALLER allows to specify the full file path to a Miniforge installer, e.g. to provide it centrally on a cluster. No installer is downloaded in case that variable is defined.

Features and Limitations

  • Any valid environment.yml will work with Condainer, there is no lock-in when using Condainer, as you can use the same environment.yml with plain Conda elsewhere.
  • Condainer environments are read-only and immutable. In case you need to add packages, rebuild the image.
  • Within the same project, when experimenting, you can toggle between multiple existing squashfs images by editing the UUID string in condainer.yml.

cnd command line flags

$ cnd --help
usage: cnd [-h] [-q] [-d DIRECTORY] [-y] {init,build,exec,mount,umount,prereq,status,cache,version} ...

Create and manage conda environments based on compressed squashfs images.

positional arguments:
    init                initialize directory with config files
    build               build containerized conda environment
    exec                execute command within containerized conda environment
    mount               mount containerized conda environment
    umount              unmount ("eject") containerized conda environment
    prereq              check if the necessary tools are installed
    status              print status information about the condainer
    cache               put condainer image into the page cache of the OS
    version             print version information and exit

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           be quiet, do not write to stdout unless an error occurs
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        condainer project directory, the default is the current working directory
  -y, --dryrun          dry run, do not actually do any operations, instead print information on what would be done

More information at

Source Code and Contact

Condainer is available under the MIT license at or

Copyright © 2023- Klaus Reuter, Max Planck Computing and Data Facility