diff --git a/autofit/__init__.py b/autofit/__init__.py
index a02199d53..4852f150a 100644
--- a/autofit/__init__.py
+++ b/autofit/__init__.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 from .mapper.prior_model.annotation import AnnotationPriorModel
 from .mapper.prior_model.collection import Collection
 from .mapper.prior_model.prior_model import Model
-from .mapper.prior_model.prior_model import Model
+from .mapper.prior_model.array import Array
 from .non_linear.search.abstract_search import NonLinearSearch
 from .non_linear.analysis.visualize import Visualizer
 from .non_linear.analysis.analysis import Analysis
diff --git a/autofit/mapper/model_object.py b/autofit/mapper/model_object.py
index aea48e872..05be46ef7 100644
--- a/autofit/mapper/model_object.py
+++ b/autofit/mapper/model_object.py
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ def from_dict(
         from autofit.mapper.prior_model.collection import Collection
         from autofit.mapper.prior_model.prior_model import Model
         from autofit.mapper.prior.abstract import Prior
+        from autofit.mapper.prior.gaussian import GaussianPrior
         from autofit.mapper.prior.tuple_prior import TuplePrior
         from autofit.mapper.prior.arithmetic.compound import Compound
         from autofit.mapper.prior.arithmetic.compound import ModifiedPrior
@@ -234,7 +235,10 @@ def get_class_path():
                     f"Could not find type for class path {class_path}. Defaulting to Instance placeholder."
                 instance = ModelInstance()
+        elif type_ == "array":
+            from autofit.mapper.prior_model.array import Array
+            return Array.from_dict(d)
                 return Prior.from_dict(d, loaded_ids=loaded_ids)
@@ -276,6 +280,7 @@ def dict(self) -> dict:
         from autofit.mapper.prior_model.collection import Collection
         from autofit.mapper.prior_model.prior_model import Model
         from autofit.mapper.prior.tuple_prior import TuplePrior
+        from autofit.mapper.prior_model.array import Array
         if isinstance(self, Collection):
             type_ = "collection"
@@ -285,6 +290,8 @@ def dict(self) -> dict:
             type_ = "model"
         elif isinstance(self, TuplePrior):
             type_ = "tuple_prior"
+        elif isinstance(self, Array):
+            type_ = "array"
             raise AssertionError(
                 f"{self.__class__.__name__} cannot be serialised to dict"
diff --git a/autofit/mapper/prior/abstract.py b/autofit/mapper/prior/abstract.py
index fd8669fc3..a1e3c30db 100644
--- a/autofit/mapper/prior/abstract.py
+++ b/autofit/mapper/prior/abstract.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import itertools
-import os
 import random
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
 from copy import copy
@@ -115,7 +114,6 @@ def factor(self):
         return self.message.factor
     def assert_within_limits(self, value):
         if jax_wrapper.use_jax:
diff --git a/autofit/mapper/prior_model/array.py b/autofit/mapper/prior_model/array.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c37c786b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autofit/mapper/prior_model/array.py
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+from typing import Tuple, Dict, Optional, Union
+from autoconf.dictable import from_dict
+from .abstract import AbstractPriorModel
+from autofit.mapper.prior.abstract import Prior
+import numpy as np
+from autofit.jax_wrapper import register_pytree_node_class
+class Array(AbstractPriorModel):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        shape: Tuple[int, ...],
+        prior: Optional[Prior] = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        An array of priors.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        shape : (int, int)
+            The shape of the array.
+        prior : Prior
+            The prior of every entry in the array.
+        """
+        super().__init__()
+        self.shape = shape
+        self.indices = list(np.ndindex(*shape))
+        if prior is not None:
+            for index in self.indices:
+                self[index] = prior.new()
+    @staticmethod
+    def _make_key(index: Tuple[int, ...]) -> str:
+        """
+        Make a key for the prior.
+        This is so an index (e.g. (1, 2)) can be used to access a
+        prior (e.g. prior_1_2).
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index
+            The index of an element in an array.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        The attribute name for the prior.
+        """
+        if isinstance(index, int):
+            suffix = str(index)
+        else:
+            suffix = "_".join(map(str, index))
+        return f"prior_{suffix}"
+    def _instance_for_arguments(
+        self,
+        arguments: Dict[Prior, float],
+        ignore_assertions: bool = False,
+    ) -> np.ndarray:
+        """
+        Create an array where the prior at each index is replaced with the
+        a concrete value.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        arguments
+            The arguments to replace the priors with.
+        ignore_assertions
+            Whether to ignore assertions in the priors.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        The array with the priors replaced.
+        """
+        array = np.zeros(self.shape)
+        for index in self.indices:
+            value = self[index]
+            try:
+                value = value.instance_for_arguments(
+                    arguments,
+                    ignore_assertions,
+                )
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+            array[index] = value
+        return array
+    def __setitem__(
+        self,
+        index: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]],
+        value: Union[float, Prior],
+    ):
+        """
+        Set the value at an index.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index
+            The index of the prior.
+        value
+            The new value.
+        """
+        setattr(
+            self,
+            self._make_key(index),
+            value,
+        )
+    def __getitem__(
+        self,
+        index: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]],
+    ) -> Union[float, Prior]:
+        """
+        Get the value at an index.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index
+            The index of the value.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        The value at the index.
+        """
+        return getattr(
+            self,
+            self._make_key(index),
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def from_dict(
+        cls,
+        d,
+        reference: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
+        loaded_ids: Optional[dict] = None,
+    ) -> "Array":
+        """
+        Create an array from a dictionary.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        d
+            The dictionary.
+        reference
+            A dictionary of references.
+        loaded_ids
+            A dictionary of loaded ids.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        The array.
+        """
+        arguments = d["arguments"]
+        shape = from_dict(arguments["shape"])
+        array = cls(shape)
+        for key, value in arguments.items():
+            if key.startswith("prior"):
+                setattr(array, key, from_dict(value))
+        return array
+    def tree_flatten(self):
+        """
+        Flatten this array model as a PyTree.
+        """
+        members = [self[index] for index in self.indices]
+        return members, (self.shape,)
+    @classmethod
+    def tree_unflatten(cls, aux_data, children):
+        """
+        Unflatten a PyTree into an array model.
+        """
+        (shape,) = aux_data
+        instance = cls(shape)
+        for index, child in zip(instance.indices, children):
+            instance[index] = child
+        return instance
+    @property
+    def prior_class_dict(self):
+        return {
+            **{
+                prior: cls
+                for prior_model in self.direct_prior_model_tuples
+                for prior, cls in prior_model[1].prior_class_dict.items()
+            },
+            **{prior: np.ndarray for _, prior in self.direct_prior_tuples},
+        }
+    def gaussian_prior_model_for_arguments(self, arguments: Dict[Prior, Prior]):
+        """
+        Returns a new instance of model mapper with a set of Gaussian priors based on
+        tuples provided by a previous nonlinear search.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        arguments
+            Tuples providing the mean and sigma of gaussians
+        Returns
+        -------
+        A new model mapper populated with Gaussian priors
+        """
+        new_array = Array(self.shape)
+        for index in self.indices:
+            new_array[index] = self[index].gaussian_prior_model_for_arguments(arguments)
+        return new_array
diff --git a/docs/cookbooks/model.rst b/docs/cookbooks/model.rst
index 1f9081d75..84590ccca 100644
--- a/docs/cookbooks/model.rst
+++ b/docs/cookbooks/model.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ This cookbook provides an overview of basic model composition tools.
 If first describes how to use the ``af.Model`` object to define models with a single model component from single
 Python classes, with the following sections:
@@ -21,6 +23,8 @@ Python classes, with the following sections:
 - **Tuple Parameters (Model)**: Defining model components with parameters that are tuples.
 - **Json Output (Model)**: Output a model in human readable text via a .json file and loading it back again.
 It then describes how to use the ``af.Collection`` object to define models with many model components from multiple
 Python classes, with the following sections:
@@ -31,6 +35,19 @@ Python classes, with the following sections:
 - **Json Output (Collection)**: Output a collection in human readable text via a .json file and loading it back again.
 - **Extensible Models (Collection)**: Using collections to extend models with new model components, including the use of Python dictionaries and lists.
+The cookbook next describes using NumPy arrays via tbe `af.Array` object to compose models, where each entry of the
+array is a free parameters, therefore offering maximum flexibility with the number of free parameter. This has
+the following sections:
+ - **Model Composition (af.Array)**: Composing models using NumPy arrays and `af.Array`().
+ - **Prior Customization (af.Array)**: How to customize the priors of a numpy array model.
+ - **Instances (af.Array)**: Create an instance of a numpy array model via input parameters.
+ - **Model Customization (af.Array):** Customize a numpy array model (e.g. fixing parameters or linking them to one another).
+ - **Json Output (af.Array)**: Output a numpy array model in human readable text via a .json file and loading it back again.
+ - **Extensible Models (af.Array)**: Using numpy arrays to compose models with a flexible number of parameters.
 Python Class Template
@@ -718,7 +735,7 @@ Python dictionaries can easily be saved to hard disk as a ``.json`` file.
 This means we can save any **PyAutoFit** model to hard-disk.
-Checkout the file ``autofit_workspace/*/model/jsons/model.json`` to see the model written as a .json.
+Checkout the file ``autofit_workspace/*/model/jsons/collection.json`` to see the model written as a .json.
 .. code-block:: python
@@ -910,6 +927,321 @@ This gives the following output:
     normalization (Gaussian) =  5.0
     sigma (Gaussian) =  6.0
+Model Composition (af.Array)
+Models can be composed using NumPy arrays, where each element of the array is a free parameter.
+This offers a lot more flexibility than using ``Model`` and ``Collection`` objects, as the number of parameters in the
+model is chosen on initialization via the input of the ``shape`` attribute.
+For many use cases, this flexibility is key to ensuring model composition is as easy as possible, for example when
+a part of the model being fitted is a matrix of parameters which may change shape depending on the dataset being
+To compose models using NumPy arrays, we use the ``af.Array`` object.
+.. code-block:: python
+    model = af.Array(
+        shape=(2, 2),
+        prior=af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0),
+    )
+Each element of the array is a free parameter, which for ``shape=(2,2)`` means the model has 4 free parameters.
+.. code-block:: python
+    print(f"Model Total Free Parameters = {model.total_free_parameters}")
+The ``info`` attribute of the model gives information on all of the parameters and their priors.
+.. code-block:: python
+    print(model.info)
+This gives the following output:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    Total Free Parameters = 4
+    model                                                                           Array (N=4)
+        indices                                                                     list (N=0)
+    shape                                                                           (2, 2)
+    indices
+        0                                                                           (0, 0)
+        1                                                                           (0, 1)
+        2                                                                           (1, 0)
+        3                                                                           (1, 1)
+    prior_0_0                                                                       GaussianPrior [124], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+    prior_0_1                                                                       GaussianPrior [125], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+    prior_1_0                                                                       GaussianPrior [126], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+    prior_1_1                                                                       GaussianPrior [127], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+Prior Customization (af.Array)
+The prior of every parameter in the array is set via the ``prior`` input above.
+NumPy array models do not currently support default priors via config files, so all priors must be manually specified.
+The prior of every parameter in the array can be customized by normal NumPy array indexing:
+.. code-block:: python
+    model = af.Array(shape=(2, 2), prior=af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0))
+    model.array[0, 0] = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=0.0, upper_limit=1.0)
+    model.array[0, 1] = af.LogUniformPrior(lower_limit=1e-4, upper_limit=1e4)
+    model.array[1, 0] = af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=2.0)
+The ``info`` attribute shows the customized priors.
+.. code-block:: python
+    print(model.info)
+The output is as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    Total Free Parameters = 4
+    model                                                                           Array (N=4)
+        indices                                                                     list (N=0)
+    shape                                                                           (2, 2)
+    indices
+        0                                                                           (0, 0)
+        1                                                                           (0, 1)
+        2                                                                           (1, 0)
+        3                                                                           (1, 1)
+    prior_0_0                                                                       UniformPrior [133], lower_limit = 0.0, upper_limit = 1.0
+    prior_0_1                                                                       LogUniformPrior [134], lower_limit = 0.0001, upper_limit = 10000.0
+    prior_1_0                                                                       GaussianPrior [135], mean = 0.0, sigma = 2.0
+    prior_1_1                                                                       GaussianPrior [132], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+Instances (af.Array)
+Instances of numpy array model components can be created, where an input ``vector`` of parameters is mapped to create
+an instance of the Python class of the model.
+If the priors of the numpy array are not customized, ordering of parameters goes from element [0,0] to [0,1] to [1,0],
+as shown by the ``paths`` attribute.
+.. code-block:: python
+    model = af.Array(
+        shape=(2, 2),
+        prior=af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0),
+    )
+    print(model.paths)
+The output is as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    ['prior_0_0', 'prior_0_1', 'prior_1_0', 'prior_1_1']
+An instance can then be created by passing a vector of parameters to the model via the ``instance_from_vector`` method.
+The ``instance`` created is a NumPy array, where each element is the value passed in the vector.
+.. code-block:: python
+    instance = model.instance_from_vector(vector=[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
+    print("\nModel Instance:")
+    print(instance)
+The output is as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    Model Instance:
+    [[0. 1.]
+    [2. 3.]]
+Prior customization changes the order of the parameters, therefore if you customize the priors of the numpy
+array you must check the ordering of the parameters in the ``paths`` attribute before passing a vector to
+the ``instance_from_vector``
+.. code-block:: python
+    model[0, 0] = af.UniformPrior(lower_limit=0.0, upper_limit=1.0)
+    model[0, 1] = af.LogUniformPrior(lower_limit=1e-4, upper_limit=1e4)
+    model[1, 0] = af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=2.0)
+    print(model.paths)
+The output is as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    [('prior_1_1',), ('prior_0_0',), ('prior_0_1',), ('prior_1_0',)]
+If we create a vector and print its values from this customized model:
+.. code-block:: python
+    instance = model.instance_from_vector(vector=[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
+    print("\nModel Instance:")
+    print(instance)
+The output is as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    Model Instance:
+    [[1. 2.]
+     [3. 0.]]
+Model Customization (af.Array)
+The model customization API for numpy array models is the same as for ``af.Model`` and ``af.Collection`` objects.
+.. code-block:: python
+    model = af.Array(
+        shape=(2, 2),
+        prior=af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0),
+    )
+    model[0,0] = 50.0
+    model[0,1] = model[1,0]
+    model.add_assertion(model[1,1] > 0.0)
+    print(model.info)
+The output is as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    Total Free Parameters = 2
+    model                                                                           Array (N=2)
+        indices                                                                     list (N=0)
+    shape                                                                           (2, 2)
+    indices
+        0                                                                           (0, 0)
+        1                                                                           (0, 1)
+        2                                                                           (1, 0)
+        3                                                                           (1, 1)
+    prior_0_0                                                                       50.0
+    prior_0_1 - prior_1_0                                                           GaussianPrior [147], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+    prior_1_1                                                                       GaussianPrior [148], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+JSon Outputs (af.Array)
+An ``Array`` has a ``dict`` attribute, which express all information about the model as a Python dictionary.
+By printing this dictionary we can therefore get a concise summary of the model.
+.. code-block:: python
+    model = af.Array(
+        shape=(2, 2),
+        prior=af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0),
+    )
+    print(model.dict())
+Python dictionaries can easily be saved to hard disk as a ``.json`` file.
+This means we can save any **PyAutoFit** model to hard-disk.
+Checkout the file ``autofit_workspace/*/model/jsons/array.json`` to see the model written as a .json.
+.. code-block:: python
+    model_path = path.join("scripts", "model", "jsons")
+    os.makedirs(model_path, exist_ok=True)
+    model_file = path.join(model_path, "array.json")
+    with open(model_file, "w+") as f:
+        json.dump(model.dict(), f, indent=4)
+We can load the model from its ``.json`` file, meaning that one can easily save a model to hard disk and load it
+.. code-block:: python
+    model = af.Array.from_json(file=model_file)
+    print(f"\n Model via Json Prior Count = {model.prior_count}")
+Extensible Models (af.Array)
+For ``Model`` objects, the number of parameters is fixed to those listed in the input Python class when the model is
+For ``Collection`` objects, the use of dictionaries and lists allows for the number of parameters to be extended, but it
+was still tied to the input Python classes when the model was created.
+For ``Array`` objects, the number of parameters is fully customizable, you choose the shape of the array and therefore
+the number of parameters in the model when you create it.
+This makes ``Array`` objects the most extensible and flexible way to compose models.
+You can also combine ``Array`` objects with ``Collection`` objects to create models with a mix of fixed and extensible
+.. code-block:: python
+    model = af.Collection(
+        gaussian=Gaussian,
+        array=af.Array(shape=(3, 2), prior=af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0))
+    )
+    model.gaussian.sigma = 2.0
+    model.array[0, 0] = 1.0
+    print(model.info)
+The output is as follows:
+.. code-block:: python
+    Total Free Parameters = 7
+    model                                                                           Collection (N=7)
+        gaussian                                                                    Gaussian (N=2)
+        array                                                                       Array (N=5)
+            indices                                                                 list (N=0)
+    gaussian
+        centre                                                                      UniformPrior [165], lower_limit = 0.0, upper_limit = 100.0
+        normalization                                                               LogUniformPrior [166], lower_limit = 1e-06, upper_limit = 1000000.0
+        sigma                                                                       2.0
+    array
+        shape                                                                       (3, 2)
+        indices
+            0                                                                       (0, 0)
+            1                                                                       (0, 1)
+            2                                                                       (1, 0)
+            3                                                                       (1, 1)
+            4                                                                       (2, 0)
+            5                                                                       (2, 1)
+        prior_0_0                                                                   1.0
+        prior_0_1                                                                   GaussianPrior [160], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+        prior_1_0                                                                   GaussianPrior [161], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+        prior_1_1                                                                   GaussianPrior [162], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+        prior_2_0                                                                   GaussianPrior [163], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
+        prior_2_1                                                                   GaussianPrior [164], mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0
 Wrap Up
diff --git a/docs/overview/scientific_workflow.rst b/docs/overview/scientific_workflow.rst
index f6f1ed9be..ff670803a 100644
--- a/docs/overview/scientific_workflow.rst
+++ b/docs/overview/scientific_workflow.rst
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ For simpler scenarios, adjustments might include:
 In more intricate cases, models might involve numerous parameters and complex compositions of multiple model components.
 **PyAutoFit** offers a sophisticated model composition API designed to handle these complexities. It provides
-tools for constructing elaborate models using lists of Python classes and hierarchical structures of Python classes.
+tools for constructing elaborate models using lists of Python classes, NumPy arrays and hierarchical structures of Python classes.
 For a detailed exploration of these capabilities, you can refer to
 the `model cookbook <https://pyautofit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cookbooks/model.html>`_, which provides comprehensive
diff --git a/docs/overview/the_basics.rst b/docs/overview/the_basics.rst
index a67e9302c..da3d213d5 100644
--- a/docs/overview/the_basics.rst
+++ b/docs/overview/the_basics.rst
@@ -298,13 +298,13 @@ Analysis
 We now tell **PyAutoFit** how to fit the model to the data.
-We define an `Analysis` class, which includes:
+We define an ``Analysis`` class, which includes:
-- An `__init__` constructor that takes `data` and `noise_map` as inputs (this can be extended with additional elements necessary for fitting the model to the data).
+- An ``__init__`` constructor that takes ``data`` and ``noise_map`` as inputs (this can be extended with additional elements necessary for fitting the model to the data).
-- A `log_likelihood_function` that defines how to fit an `instance` of the model to the data and return a log likelihood value.
+- A ``log_likelihood_function`` that defines how to fit an ``instance`` of the model to the data and return a log likelihood value.
-Read the comments and docstrings of the `Analysis` class in detail for a full description of how the analysis works.
+Read the comments and docstrings of the ``Analysis`` class in detail for a full description of how the analysis works.
 .. code-block:: python
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ examples demonstrating more complex model-fitting tasks.
 This includes cookbooks, which provide a concise reference guide to the **PyAutoFit** API for advanced model-fitting:
-- [Model Cookbook](https://pyautofit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cookbooks/model.html): Learn how to compose complex models using multiple Python classes, lists, dictionaries, and customize their parameterization.
+- [Model Cookbook](https://pyautofit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cookbooks/model.html): Learn how to compose complex models using multiple Python classes, lists, dictionaries, NumPy arrays and customize their parameterization.
 - [Analysis Cookbook](https://pyautofit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cookbooks/search.html): Customize the analysis with model-specific output and visualization to gain deeper insights into your model fits.
diff --git a/test_autofit/mapper/functionality/__init__.py b/test_autofit/mapper/functionality/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/test_autofit/mapper/test_by_path.py b/test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_by_path.py
similarity index 100%
rename from test_autofit/mapper/test_by_path.py
rename to test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_by_path.py
diff --git a/test_autofit/mapper/test_explicit_width_modifier.py b/test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_explicit_width_modifier.py
similarity index 100%
rename from test_autofit/mapper/test_explicit_width_modifier.py
rename to test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_explicit_width_modifier.py
diff --git a/test_autofit/mapper/test_from_data_names.py b/test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_from_data_names.py
similarity index 100%
rename from test_autofit/mapper/test_from_data_names.py
rename to test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_from_data_names.py
diff --git a/test_autofit/mapper/test_has.py b/test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_has.py
similarity index 100%
rename from test_autofit/mapper/test_has.py
rename to test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_has.py
diff --git a/test_autofit/mapper/test_take_attributes.py b/test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_take_attributes.py
similarity index 100%
rename from test_autofit/mapper/test_take_attributes.py
rename to test_autofit/mapper/functionality/test_take_attributes.py
diff --git a/test_autofit/mapper/test_array.py b/test_autofit/mapper/test_array.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..836eb91f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_autofit/mapper/test_array.py
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+import pytest
+import numpy as np
+import autofit as af
+from autoconf.dictable import to_dict
+def array():
+    return af.Array(
+        shape=(2, 2),
+        prior=af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0),
+    )
+def array_3d():
+    return af.Array(
+        shape=(2, 2, 2),
+        prior=af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0),
+    )
+def test_prior_count(array):
+    assert array.prior_count == 4
+def test_prior_count_3d(array_3d):
+    assert array_3d.prior_count == 8
+def test_instance(array):
+    instance = array.instance_from_prior_medians()
+    assert (instance == [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]]).all()
+def test_instance_3d(array_3d):
+    instance = array_3d.instance_from_prior_medians()
+    assert (
+        instance
+        == [
+            [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]],
+            [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]],
+        ]
+    ).all()
+def test_modify_prior(array):
+    array[0, 0] = 1.0
+    assert array.prior_count == 3
+    assert (
+        array.instance_from_prior_medians()
+        == [
+            [1.0, 0.0],
+            [0.0, 0.0],
+        ]
+    ).all()
+def test_correlation(array):
+    array[0, 0] = array[1, 1]
+    array[0, 1] = array[1, 0]
+    instance = array.random_instance()
+    assert instance[0, 0] == instance[1, 1]
+    assert instance[0, 1] == instance[1, 0]
+def array_dict():
+    return {
+        "arguments": {
+            "indices": {
+                "type": "list",
+                "values": [
+                    {"type": "tuple", "values": [0, 0]},
+                    {"type": "tuple", "values": [0, 1]},
+                    {"type": "tuple", "values": [1, 0]},
+                    {"type": "tuple", "values": [1, 1]},
+                ],
+            },
+            "prior_0_0": {
+                "lower_limit": float("-inf"),
+                "mean": 0.0,
+                "sigma": 1.0,
+                "type": "Gaussian",
+                "upper_limit": float("inf"),
+            },
+            "prior_0_1": {
+                "lower_limit": float("-inf"),
+                "mean": 0.0,
+                "sigma": 1.0,
+                "type": "Gaussian",
+                "upper_limit": float("inf"),
+            },
+            "prior_1_0": {
+                "lower_limit": float("-inf"),
+                "mean": 0.0,
+                "sigma": 1.0,
+                "type": "Gaussian",
+                "upper_limit": float("inf"),
+            },
+            "prior_1_1": {
+                "lower_limit": float("-inf"),
+                "mean": 0.0,
+                "sigma": 1.0,
+                "type": "Gaussian",
+                "upper_limit": float("inf"),
+            },
+            "shape": {"type": "tuple", "values": [2, 2]},
+        },
+        "type": "array",
+    }
+def test_to_dict(array, array_dict, remove_ids):
+    assert remove_ids(to_dict(array)) == array_dict
+def test_from_dict(array_dict):
+    array = af.AbstractPriorModel.from_dict(array_dict)
+    assert array.prior_count == 4
+    assert (
+        array.instance_from_prior_medians()
+        == [
+            [0.0, 0.0],
+            [0.0, 0.0],
+        ]
+    ).all()
+def array_1d():
+    return af.Array(
+        shape=(2,),
+        prior=af.GaussianPrior(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0),
+    )
+def test_1d_array(array_1d):
+    assert array_1d.prior_count == 2
+    assert (array_1d.instance_from_prior_medians() == [0.0, 0.0]).all()
+def test_1d_array_modify_prior(array_1d):
+    array_1d[0] = 1.0
+    assert array_1d.prior_count == 1
+    assert (array_1d.instance_from_prior_medians() == [1.0, 0.0]).all()
+def test_tree_flatten(array):
+    children, aux = array.tree_flatten()
+    assert len(children) == 4
+    assert aux == ((2, 2),)
+    new_array = af.Array.tree_unflatten(aux, children)
+    assert new_array.prior_count == 4
+    assert (
+        new_array.instance_from_prior_medians()
+        == [
+            [0.0, 0.0],
+            [0.0, 0.0],
+        ]
+    ).all()
+class Analysis(af.Analysis):
+    def log_likelihood_function(self, instance):
+        return -float(
+            np.mean(
+                (
+                    np.array(
+                        [
+                            [0.1, 0.2],
+                            [0.3, 0.4],
+                        ]
+                    )
+                    - instance
+                )
+                ** 2
+            )
+        )
+def test_optimisation():
+    array = af.Array(
+        shape=(2, 2),
+        prior=af.UniformPrior(
+            lower_limit=0.0,
+            upper_limit=1.0,
+        ),
+    )
+    result = af.DynestyStatic().fit(model=array, analysis=Analysis())
+    posterior = result.model
+    array[0, 0] = posterior[0, 0]
+    array[0, 1] = posterior[0, 1]
+    result = af.DynestyStatic().fit(model=array, analysis=Analysis())
+    assert isinstance(result.instance, np.ndarray)
diff --git a/test_autofit/serialise/test_samples.py b/test_autofit/serialise/test_samples.py
index 12e039ef4..ccb8fa2b5 100644
--- a/test_autofit/serialise/test_samples.py
+++ b/test_autofit/serialise/test_samples.py
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ def test_summary(summary, model, sample):
     assert summary.model is model
     assert summary.max_log_likelihood_sample == sample
 def make_summary_dict():
     return {
@@ -123,6 +122,7 @@ def make_summary_dict():
 def test_dict(summary, summary_dict, remove_ids):
     assert remove_ids(to_dict(summary)) == summary_dict