in this website i showed products,product review,product remove and also showed a user log In form with email password and also google sign method and also showed CheckOut page.Also i have store my data in mongoDB.also i have added tha payment gateway system
- Header
- Home
- product
- product details
- Order details
- CheckOut
- LogIn
- Manage Product
- Product list
- Private Data
- pagination 1.user details 1.user details show 1.sidebar 1.dashboard 1.dashboard-caption 1.main-dashboard 1.own-order 1.inventory 1.notFound 1.orderManagement 1.orderManagement details 1.process-payment 1.Cart 1.Shipment details many more
- This project's fully dynamic. There is a user log in form system, products management, Service add update order status, admin blogs section and also have admin panel etc.
- The web application is used to sell electronic products to clients.
- Built the client-side & backend-side using HTML, CSS, ReactJS, React-Router, React Hook Form, React Router, React stripe, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Heroku, express JS and deployed on Firebase.