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Complexity Risk

Rob Moffat edited this page Nov 27, 2018 · 145 revisions

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Complexity Risk are the risks to your project due to its underlying "complexity". Over the next few sections, we'll break down exactly what we mean by complexity, looking at Dependency Risk and Boundary Risk as two particular sub-types of Complexity Risk.

Codebase Risk

In this section, we're going to start by looking at code you write: the size of your code-base, the number of modules, the interconnectedness of the modules and how well-factored the code is.

Complexity Risk and Codebase Risk

You could think of this as Codebase Risk. We'll look at three separate measures of codebase complexity and talk about Technical Debt, before looking at areas in which Complexity Risk is at it's greatest.

Kolmogorov Complexity

The standard Computer-Science definition of complexity, is Kolmogorov Complexity. This is:

"...the length of the shortest computer program (in a predetermined programming language) that produces the object as output." - Kolmogorov Complexity, Wikipedia

This is a fairly handy definition for us, as it means that to in writing software to solve a problem, there is a lower bound on the size of the software we write. In practice, this is pretty much impossible to quantify. But that doesn't really matter: the techniques for moving in that direction are all that we are interested in, and this basically amounts to compression.

Let's say we wanted to write a JavaScript program to output this string:


We might choose this representation:

function out() {                                      (7 )
    return "abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd" (45)
}                                                     (1 )

The numbers in brackets indicate how many symbols each line contains, so in total, this code block contains 53 symbols, if you count function, out and return as one symbol each.

But, if we write it like this:

const ABCD="ABCD";                                    (11)

function out() {                                      (7 )
    return ABCD+ABCD+ABCD+ABCD+ABCD+ABCD+ABCD+        (16)
        ABCD+ABCD+ABCD;                               (6 )
}                                                     (1 )

With this version, we now have 41 symbols (ABCD is a single symbol, because we could have called it anything). And with this version:

const ABCD="ABCD";                                    (11)

function out() {                                      (7 )
    return ABCD.repeat(10)                            (7 )
}                                                     (1 )

... we have 26 symbols.


What's happening here is that we're exploiting a pattern: we noticed that ABCD occurs several times, so we defined it a single time and then used it over and over, like a stamp.

By applying abstraction, we can improve in the direction of the Kolmogorov limit. And, by allowing ourselves to say that symbols (like out and ABCD) are worth one complexity point, we've allowed that we can be descriptive in our function name and const. Naming things is an important part of abstraction, because to use something, you have to be able to refer to it.


Generally, the more complex a piece of software is, the more difficulty users will have understanding it, and the more difficulty developers will have changing it. We should prefer the third version of our code over either the first or second because of it's brevity.

But we could go further down into Code Golf territory. This javascript program plays FizzBuzz up to 100, but is less readable than you might hope:

(i%5?'':'Buzz')||i)+"<br>")                           (62)

So there is at some point a trade-off to be made between Complexity Risk and Communication Risk. After a certain point, reducing Kolmogorov Complexity further risks making the program less intelligible.


A second, useful measure of complexity comes from graph theory, and that is the connectivity of a graph:

"...the minimum number of elements (nodes or edges) that need to be removed to disconnect the remaining nodes from each other" - Connectivity, Wikipedia

To see this in action, have a look at the below graph:

Graph 1, 2-Connected

It has 10 vertices, labelled a to j, and it has 15 edges (or links) connecting the vertices together. If any single edge were removed from the diagram above, the 10 vertices would still be linked together. Because of this, we can say that the graph is 2-connected. That is, to disconnect any single vertex, you'd have to remove at least two edges.

As a slight aside, let's consider the Kolmogorov Complexity of this graph, by inventing a mini-language to describe graphs. It could look something like this:

<item> : [<item>,]* <item>    # Indicates that the item 
                              # before the colon 
                              # has a connection to all 
                              # the items after the colon

So our graph could be defined like this:

a: b,c,d
b: c,f,e
c: f,d
d: j
e: h,j
f: h
g: j
h: i
i: j                                                  

Let's remove some of those extra links:

Graph 2, 1-Connected

In this graph, I've removed 6 of the edges. Now, we're in a situation where if any single edge is removed, the graph becomes unconnected. That is, it's broken into distinct chunks. So, it's 1-connected.

The second graph is clearly simpler than the first. And, we can show this by looking at the Kolgomorov Complexity in our little language:

a: d,g
b: f
c: d,f
d: j
f: h
e: h
h: i                                                  

Connectivity is also Complexity. This carries over into software too: because heavily connected software is more complex than less-connected software, it is harder to reason about and work with, and the reason programs with greater connectivity are harder to work with is that changing one module potentially impacts many others. Let's dig into this further.

Hierarchies and Modularisation

In the second, simplified graph, I've arranged it as a hierarchy, which I can do now that it's only 1-connected. For 10 vertices, we need 9 edges to connect everything up. It's always:

  edges = vertices - 1

Note that I could pick any hierarchy here: I don't have to start at c (although it has the nice property that it has two roughly even sub-trees attached to it).

How does this help us? Imagine if a - j were modules of a software system, and the edges of the graph showed communications between the different sub-systems. In the first graph, we're in a worse position:

  • Who's in charge? What deals with what?
  • Can I isolate a component and change it safely?
  • What happens if one component disappears?

But, in the second graph, it's easier to reason about, because of the reduced number of connections and the new hierarchy of organisation.

On the down-side, perhaps our messages have farther to go now: in the original, i could send a message straight to j, but now we have to go all the way via c. But this is the basis of Modularisation and Hierarchy.

As a tool to battle complexity, we don't just see this in software, but everywhere in our lives. Society, business, nature and even our bodies:

  • Organelles - such as Mitochondria.
  • Cells - such as blood cells, nerve cells, skin cells in the Human Body.
  • Organs - like hearts livers, brains etc.
  • Organisms - like you and me.

The great complexity-reducing mechanism of modularisation is that you only have to consider your local environment.

More Abstraction

A variation on this graph connectivity metric is our third measure of complexity, Cyclomatic Complexity. This is:

Cyclomatic Complexity = edges − vertices + 2P,

Where P is the number of Connected Components (i.e. distinct parts of the graph that aren't connected to one another by any edges).

So, our first graph had a Cyclomatic Complexity of 7. (15 - 10 + 2), while our second was 1. (9 - 10 + 2).

Cyclomatic complexity is all about the number of different routes through the program. The more branches a program has, the greater it's cyclomatic complexity. Hence, this is a useful metric in Testing and Code Coverage: the more branches you have, the more tests you'll need to exercise them all.

Our second graph has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 1 (the minimum), but we can go further through abstraction, because this representation isn't minimal from a Kolmogorov Complexity point-of-view. For example, we might observe that there are further similarities in the graph that we can "draw out":

Complexity 3

Here, we've spotted that the structure of subgraphs P1 and P2 are the same: we can have the same functions there to assemble those. Noticing and exploiting patterns of repetition is one of the fundamental tools we have in the fight against Complexity Risk.

So, we've looked at some measures of software structure complexity, in order that we can say "this is more complex than this". However, we've not really said why complexity entails Risk. So let's address that now by looking at two analogies, Mass and Technical Debt.

Complexity is Mass

The first way to look at complexity is as Mass : a software project with more complexity has greater mass than one with less complexity. Newton's Second Law states:

F = ma, ( Force = Mass x Acceleration )

That is, in order to move your project somewhere new, and make it do new things, you need to give it a push, and the more mass it has, the more Force you'll need to move (accelerate) it.

You could stop here and say that the more lines of code a project contains, the higher it's mass. And, that makes sense, because in order to get it to do something new, you're likely to need to change more lines.

But there is actually some underlying sense in which this is true in the real, physical world too, as discussed in this Veritasium video. To paraphrase:

"Most of your mass you owe due to E=mc², you owe to the fact that your mass is packed with energy, because of the interactions between these quarks and gluon fluctuations in the gluon field... what we think of as ordinarily empty space... that turns out to be the thing that gives us most of our mass." - Your Mass is NOT From the Higgs Boson, Veritasium

I'm not an expert in physics, at all, and so there is every chance that I am pushing this analogy too hard. But, substituting quarks and gluons for pieces of software we can (in a very handwaving-y way) say that more complex software has more interactions going on, and therefore has more mass than simple software.

If we want to move fast we need simple codebases.

At a basic level, Complexity Risk heavily impacts on Schedule Risk: more complexity means you need more force to get things done, which takes longer.

Complexity Risk and some mitigations

Technical Debt

The most common way we talk about unnecessary complexity in software is as Technical Debt:

"Shipping first time code is like going into debt. A little debt speeds development so long as it is paid back promptly with a rewrite... The danger occurs when the debt is not repaid. Every minute spent on not-quite-right code counts as interest on that debt. Entire engineering organisations can be brought to a stand-still under the debt load of an unconsolidated implementation, object-oriented or otherwise." - Ward Cunningham, 1992

Building a perfect first-time solution is a waste, because perfection takes a long time. You're taking on more attendant Schedule Risk than necessary and Meeting Reality more slowly than you could.

A quick-and-dirty, over-complex implementation mitigates the same Feature Risk and allows you to Meet Reality faster.

But, having mitigated the Feature Risk, you are now carrying more Complexity Risk than you necessarily need, and it's time to think about how to Refactor the software to reduce this risk again.

Kitchen Analogy

It’s often hard to make the case for minimising Technical Debt: it often feels that there are more important priorities, especially when technical debt can be “swept under the carpet” and forgotten about until later. (See Discounting The Future.)

One helpful analogy I have found is to imagine your code-base is a kitchen. After preparing a meal (i.e. delivering the first implementation), you need to tidy up the kitchen. This is just something everyone does as a matter of basic sanitation.

Now of course, you could carry on with the messy kitchen. When tomorrow comes and you need to make another meal, you find yourself needing to wash up saucepans as you go, or working around the mess by using different surfaces to chop on.

It's not long before someone comes down with food poisoning.

We wouldn't tolerate this behaviour in a restaurant kitchen, so why put up with it in a software project?

Complexity Risk and it's implications

Feature Creep

In Brooks' essay "No Silver Bullet - Essence and Accident in Software Engineering", a distinction is made between:

  • Essence: the difficulties inherent in the nature of the software.
  • Accident: those difficulties that attend its production but are not inherent. - Fred Brooks, No Silver Bullet

The problem with this definition is that we are accepting features of our software as essential.

Applying Risk-First, if you want to mitigate some Feature Risk then you have to pick up Complexity Risk as a result. But, that's a choice you get to make.

Mitigating Feature Fit Risk (from Feature Risk)

Therefore, Feature Creep (or Gold Plating) is a failure to observe this basic equation: instead of considering this trade off, you're building every feature possible. This has an impact on Complexity Risk, which in turn impacts Communication Risk and also Schedule Risk.

Sometimes, feature-creep happens because either managers feel they need to keep their staff busy, or the staff decide on their own that they need to keep themselves busy. This is something we'll return to in Agency Risk.

Dead-End Risk

Dead-End Risk

Dead-End Risk is where you take an action that you think is useful, only to find out later that actually, it was a dead-end, and your efforts were wasted.

For example, let's say that the Accounting sub-system needed password protection (so you built this). Then the team realised that you needed a way to change the password (so you built that). Then, that you needed to have more than one user of the Accounting system so they would all need passwords (OK, fine).

Finally, the team realises that actually logging-in would be something that all the sub-systems would need, and that it had already been implemented more thoroughly by the Approvals sub-system.

At this point, you realise you're in a Dead End:

  • Option 1: Continue. You carry on making minor incremental improvements to the accounting password system (carrying the extra Complexity Risk of the duplicated functionality).
  • Option 2: Merge. You rip out the accounting password system, and merge in the Approvals system, surfacing new, hidden Complexity Risk in the process, due to the difficulty in migrating users from the old to new way of working. There is Implementation Risk here.
  • Option 3: Remove You start again, trying to take into account both sets of requirements at the same time, again, possibly surfacing new hidden Complexity Risk due to the combined approach. Rewriting code or a whole project can seem like a way to mitigate Complexity Risk, but it usually doesn't work out too well. As Joel Spolsky says:

There’s a subtle reason that programmers always want to throw away the code and start over. The reason is that they think the old code is a mess. And here is the interesting observation: they are probably wrong. The reason that they think the old code is a mess is because of a cardinal, fundamental law of programming: It’s harder to read code than to write it. - Things You Should Never Do, Part 1, Joel Spolsky

Sometimes, the path across the Risk Landscape will take you to dead ends, and the only benefit to be gained is experience. No one deliberately chooses a dead end - often you can take an action that doesn't pay off, but frequently the dead end appears from nowhere: it's a Hidden Risk. The source of a lot of this hidden risk is the complexity of the risk landscape.

Version Control Systems like Git are a useful mitigation of Dead-End Risk, because using them means that at least you can go back to the point where you made the bad decision and go a different way. Additionally, they provide you with backups against the often inadvertent Dead-End Risk of someone wiping the hard-disk.

Where Complexity Hides

So far, we've focused mainly on Codebase Risk, but this isn't the only place complexity appears in software. We're going to cover a few of these areas now, but be warned, this is not a complete list by any means:

  • Algorithmic (Space and Time) Complexity
  • Memory Management
  • Protocols / Types
  • Concurrency / Mutability
  • Networks / Security
  • The Environment

Space and Time Complexity

There is a whole branch of complexity theory devoted to how the software runs, namely Big O Complexity.

Once running, an algorithm or data structure will consume space or runtime dependent on it's performance characteristics, which may well have an impact on the Operational Risk of the software. Using off-the-shelf data structures and algorithms helps, but you still need to know their performance characteristics.

The Big O Cheat Sheet is a wonderful resource to investigate this further.

Memory Management

Memory Management (and more generally, all resource management in software) is another place where Complexity Risk hides:

"Memory leaks are a common error in programming, especially when using languages that have no built in automatic garbage collection, such as C and C++." - Memory Leak, Wikipedia

Garbage Collectors (as found in Javascript or Java) offer you the deal that they will mitigate the Complexity Risk of you having to manage your own memory, but in return perhaps give you fewer guarantees about the performance of your software. Again, there are times when you can't accommodate this Operational Risk, but these are rare and usually only affect a small portion of an entire software-system.

Protocols And Types

As we saw in Communication Risk, whenever two components of a software system need to interact, they have to establish a protocol for doing so. As systems become more complex, and the connectedness increases, it becomes hard to manage the risk around versioning protocols. This becomes especially true when operating beyond the edge of the compiler's domain.

Although type checking helps mitigate Protocol Risk in the small, when software systems grow large it becomes hard to communicate their intent and keep their degree of connectivity low, and you end up with the Big Ball Of Mud:

"A big ball of mud is a software system that lacks a perceivable architecture. Although undesirable from a software engineering point of view, such systems are common in practice due to business pressures, developer turnover and code entropy. " - Big Ball Of Mud, Wikipedia

Concurrency / Mutability

Although modern languages include plenty of concurrency primitives, (such as the java.util.concurrent libraries), concurrency is still hard to get right.

Race conditions and Deadlocks thrive in over-complicated concurrency designs: complexity issues are magnified by concurrency concerns, and are also hard to test and debug.

Recently, languages such as Clojure have introduced persistent collections to alleviate concurrency issues. The basic premise is that any time you want to change the contents of a collection, you get given back a new collection. So, any collection instance is immutable once created. The tradeoff is again attendant Performance Risk to mitigate Complexity Risk.

An important lesson here is that choice of language can reduce complexity: and we'll come back to this in Software Dependency Risk.

Networking / Security

There are plenty of Complexity Risk perils in anything to do with networked code, chief amongst them being error handling and (again) protocol evolution.

In the case of security considerations, exploits thrive on the complexity of your code, and the weaknesses that occur because of it. In particular, Schneier's Law says, never implement your own cryptographic scheme:

"Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that he himself can't break. It's not even hard. What is hard is creating an algorithm that no one else can break, even after years of analysis." - Bruce Schneier, 1998

Luckily, most good languages include cryptographic libraries that you can include to mitigate these Complexity Risks from your own code-base.

This is a strong argument for the use of libraries. But, when should you use a library and when should you implement yourself? This is again covered in the section on Software Dependency Risk.

The Environment

The complexity of software tends to reflect the complexity of the environment it runs in, and complex software environments are more difficult to reason about, and more susceptible to Operational Risk and Security-Risk.

In particular, when we talk about the environment, we are talking about the number of dependencies that the software has, and the risks we face when relying on those dependencies. So the next stop in the tour is a closer look at Dependency Risk.

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