This repository is to run PRS models across various phenotypes in the UK Biobank.
We store the output from this repo into two places:
- This contains individual-level data, such as the PRS score computed for each individual.
- I would recommend to make a symbolic link so that you can access this directory with
- This contains non-private outputs from the repo, such as evaluation metric (R/AUC).
- We have multiple PRS models supported in this repo. This includes:
: The canonical PRS with p-value cut-off and LD-clumpingsnpnet_PRS
: Junyang's snpnet (
- In general we structure the repository so that the results (and pipeline) for each model is kept separate:
<repository_root>/[src | public_output | private_output | jobs]/<PRS_model>/
- The only exception is in
directory because we share the same scripts across multiple models (such as the one for evaluation)
- This directory contains pipeline (bash script) that can run particular PRS model.
- If you run
$bash src/
, it should dump usage.
- The score file is stored here:
- For example, IOP score is in:
- Install packages
$ ml load snpnet # the module (/home/groups/mrivas/.modules/snpnet.lua) loads dependencies
$ R
> # If you don't have devtools on R, please install it.
> # install.packages("devtools")
> install.packages("BGData", dependencies=TRUE)
> library(devtools)
> install_github("junyangq/snpnet")
> # snpnet depends on glmnetPlus package.
> # This package is in Junyang's private repo.
> # You may use a copy on $OAK
> install_local('/oak/stanford/groups/mrivas/software/glmnetPlus')
> # Plase make sure you can load the new packages
> library(glmnetPlus)
> library(snpnet)
You may want to install libssh and/or libssh2 from Anaconda.
- Clone the repo and create a symbolic link to
$ cd $OAK/users/$USER/repos/rivas-lab
$ git clone
$ # There is a dependency to some scripts in ukbb-tools
$ git clone
$ cd PRS
$ ln -s $OAK/projects/PRS/private_output .
- load the relevant modules
$ ml load snpnet
- run snpnet_PRS or vanilla_PRS
$ cd $OAK/users/$USER/repos/rivas-lab/PRS/src
$ PRS_model="snpnet_PRS"
$ dataset_name="test_$USER"
$ memory=120000 # 120 GB
$ threads=10 # 10 CPUs
$ app_id=24983
$ n_PCs=10
$ bash [ GBE_ID | phe_file.phe ] [ qt | bin ] keep.phe $OAK/projects/PRS/private_output/${PRS_model}/${dataset_name} ${memory} ${threads} ${app_id} ${nPCs}
You sould be able to run $OAK/users/$USER/repos/rivas-lab/PRS/src/
in a very similar way.