#Version 0.1.6 [development]
- Fixes issue #22 - wLambda error when a class has less than 2 instances
- Fixes infotheo when the dataset cannot be discretized
- Fixes landmarking to handle with datasets with a single column
- Set 'stringsAsFactors = TRUE' in data.frame to keep compatibility with R 4.0
- Include complexity meta-features
- Include concept characterization meta-features
- Include itemset meta-features
- Include the option "default" to distinguish from "all" meta-features groups
- Include relative meta-features
- Include clustering meta-features
- Change the Decision Tree params to support sparse datasets
- Change license
- Support dataset with weird attribute's names
- Changed the comparison of the
statistical meta-feature
- Add new measures in all groups
- Support to new summarization techniques in post.processing method
- Increase the robustness of the Decision Tree algorithm to imbalanced datasets
- Change in the Decision Tree algorithm to support more Landmarking measures
- Support categorical attributes on the 1NN and eNN measures
- Fix Decision Tree model errors related with minority class with an unique instance
- Support datasets that have columns named with numbers
- Fix harmonic and geometric mean
- General meta-features
- Statistical meta-features
- Discriminant meta-features
- Information theoretical meta-features
- Model based Decision Tree meta-features
- Landmarking meta-features