This is server-side component of <vcf-autocomplete> Web Component. Autocomplete is a text input with a panel of suggested options. When user change value of text input, panel with found options will be shown, so user can select one of the suggested options. Once user selected his option, it appears in text input.
A simple use of the Autocomplete component would be the following: create autocomplete, add change listener in which you will add options to autocomplete, according to users input.
H3 inputH3 = new H3("Current input: ");
H3 selectionH3 = new H3("Selection: ");
Autocomplete autocomplete = new Autocomplete(5);
autocomplete.addChangeListener(event -> {
String text = event.getValue();
inputH3.setText("Current input: " + text);
autocomplete.addAutocompleteValueAppliedListener(event -> {
selectionH3.setText("Selection: " + event.getValue());
autocomplete.addValueClearListener(event -> {
selectionH3.setText("Selection: " + "");
autocomplete.setLabel("Find what you want:");
autocomplete.setPlaceholder("search ...");
Clone the project in GitHub (or fork it if you plan on contributing)
git clone
to install project, to your maven repository run
mvn install
The Demo can be run going to the project autocomplete-demo
and executing the maven goal:
mvn jetty:run
Apache License 2