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Workflow 1 - API to Queue / Queue to Function


  1. Description
  2. Code projects
  3. Components required
  4. Introductory documentation
  5. Microservices port configuration for debugging
  6. Applications to Container Registry
  7. Kubernetes resources
  8. Load test


The purpose of this workflow it's to represent an exposed API that will be receiving messages from an external worker service, these messages will be stored in the Azure Service Bus Queue and eventually they will be consumed and processed by a ServiceBusTrigger Function to finally send the results to an storage.

In this scenario, some KEDA components were added, to horizontal autoscale the pods based on the amount of events received in the queue, this behavior will be only available in Kubernetes.

Note: During the development of the project, I found some early adoption considerations, the first one, it's the lack of the support of Dapr queue trigger for Service Bus Queues, this forced to me to use the ServiceBusTrigger Function instead of a possible DaprQueueTrigger, this creates a direct dependency to the Service Bus resource, but once we have the Dapr queue trigger available for Functions, the resource will be fully adaptive to other non-Azure components, for further details about the Dapr Functions Extension project:

Code projects

  • source/workflow-1/RetroPOS.ExposedService.Api
  • source/workflow-1/RetroPOS.ExposedService.WorkerService
  • source/workflow-1/RetroPOS.Consumer.Function

Components required

  • Output Binding (Dapr) - Azure Service Bus
  • State (Dapr) - Redis, CosmosDB or any other supported component by Dapr
  • Distributed Tracing (Dapr) - Zipkin, App Insights or any other supported component by Dapr

Introductory documentation

Microservices port configuration for local development environment

services http http-dapr grpc-dapr dapr command
RetroPOS.ExposedService.Api 5000 5100 5200 dapr run --app-id exposed-api --components-path source\workflow-1\RetroPOS.Dapr.Components --app-port 5000 --dapr-http-port 5100 --dapr-grpc-port 5200 --config source\workflow-1\RetroPOS.Dapr.Components\dapr.tracing.yml
RetroPOS.Consumer.Function 6000 6100 6200 dapr run --app-id consumer-function --components-path source\workflow-1\RetroPOS.Dapr.Components --app-port 6000 --dapr-http-port 6100 --dapr-grpc-port 6200 --config source\workflow-1\RetroPOS.Dapr.Components\dapr.tracing.yml

Applications to Container Registry

  1. Connect to Azure Container Registry via Azure CLI.

    az login
  2. Build, tag and push image to Azure Container Registry.

    Exposed Service API:

    az acr build -f source/workflow-1/RetroPOS.ExposedService.Api/Dockerfile -t [name of registry].[registry host]/exposed-api:1.0.0 -r [name of registry] source/workflow-1/RetroPOS.ExposedService.Api/

    Consumer Function:

    az acr build -f source/workflow-1/RetroPOS.Consumer.Function/Dockerfile -t [name of registry].[registry host]/consumer-function:1.0.0 -r [name of registry] source/workflow-1/RetroPOS.Consumer.Function/

Kubernetes resources

  1. Create the retropos-workflow-1 namespace.

    kubectl create ns retropos-workflow-1
  2. HELM Charts.

    Installation order:

    1. security-components
    2. dapr-components
    3. exposed-api
    4. consumer-function


    Packages has been prepared to work with the resources deployed with the Azure powershell script, in case you want to use another component you will need to modify the target chart.

    Chart: security-components

    Description: Package to deploy security components for Workflow 1

    Required Parameters Description
    secretProviderClass.secretObjects.databaseConnectionString cosmosdb connection string secret on key vault
    secretProviderClass.secretObjects.databasePrimaryKey cosmosdb primary key secret on key vault
    secretProviderClass.secretObjects.serviceBusConnectionString service bus connection string secret on key vault
    secretProviderClass.secretObjects.storageConnectionString storage connection string secret on key vault
    secretProviderClass.secretObjects.storagePrimaryKey storage primary key secret on key vault
    secretProviderClass.parameters.keyVaultName name of the key vault resource
    secretProviderClass.parameters.resourceGroup name of the resource group
    secretProviderClass.parameters.subscriptionId subscription identifier
    secretProviderClass.parameters.tenantId tenant identifier

    Chart installation sample:

    helm upgrade --install security-components kubernetes\helm\workflow-1\security-components 
                 --namespace retropos-workflow-1 
                 --set secretProviderClass.secretObjects.databaseConnectionString=cosmosdb-connectionstring-retroposcos 
                 --set secretProviderClass.secretObjects.databasePrimaryKey=cosmosdb-primarykey-retroposcos 
                 --set secretProviderClass.secretObjects.serviceBusConnectionString=servicebus-connectionstring-retropossbns 
                 --set secretProviderClass.secretObjects.storageConnectionString=storage-connectionstring-retroposstg 
                 --set secretProviderClass.secretObjects.storagePrimaryKey=storage-primarykey-retroposstg 
                 --set secretProviderClass.parameters.keyVaultName=retroposkv 
                 --set secretProviderClass.parameters.resourceGroup=retropos-group 
                 --set secretProviderClass.parameters.subscriptionId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 
                 --set secretProviderClass.parameters.tenantId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

    Chart: dapr-components

    Description: Package to deploy dapr components for Workflow 1

    Required Parameters Description
    secretStore.vaultName name of the key vault resource
    secretStore.clientId managed identity client id
    bindingInternalQueue.connectionString service bus connection string secret on key vault
    stateConsumerState.url cosmosdb url
    stateConsumerState.masterKey cosmosdb primary key secret on key vault
    stateConsumerState.database cosmosdb database name

    Chart installation sample:

    helm upgrade --install dapr-components kubernetes\helm\workflow-1\dapr-components 
                 --namespace retropos-workflow-1 
                 --set secretStore.vaultName=retroposkv 
                 --set secretStore.clientId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 
                 --set bindingInternalQueue.connectionString=servicebus-connectionstring-retropossbns 
                 --set stateConsumerState.url= 
                 --set stateConsumerState.masterKey=cosmosdb-primarykey-retroposcos 
                 --set stateConsumerState.database=retroposdb

    Chart: exposed-api

    Description: Package to deploy exposed api components for Workflow 1

    Required Parameters Description
    deployment.replicas exposed service api pod replicas
    deployment.image.repository exposed service api repository, image and tag
    autoscaling.minReplicas exposed service api autoscaler pod min replicas
    autoscaling.maxReplicas exposed service api autoscaler pod max replicas

    Chart installation sample:

    helm upgrade --install exposed-api kubernetes\helm\workflow-1\exposed-api 
                 --namespace retropos-workflow-1 
                 --set deployment.replicas=2 
                 --set autoscaling.minReplicas=2 
                 --set autoscaling.maxReplicas=20

    Chart: consumer-function

    Description: Package to deploy consumer-function components for Workflow 1

    Required Parameters Description
    deployment.replicas consumer function pod replicas
    deployment.image.repository consumer function repository, image and tag
    deployment.env.azureWebJobsStorage consumer function storage connection string secret on key vault
    deployment.env.serviceBusConnectionString consumer function service bus connection string secret on key vault
    keda.scaledObject.minReplicaCount consumer function keda min pod replicas
    keda.scaledObject.maxReplicaCount consumer function keda max pod replicas
    keda.scaledObject.triggers.messageCount consumer function keda message count

    Chart installation sample:

    helm upgrade --install consumer-function kubernetes\helm\workflow-1\consumer-function 
                 --namespace retropos-workflow-1 
                 --set deployment.replicas=5 
                 --set deployment.env.azureWebJobsStorage=storage-connectionstring-retroposstg 
                 --set deployment.env.serviceBusConnectionString=servicebus-connectionstring-retropossbns 
                 --set keda.scaledObject.minReplicaCount=5 
                 --set keda.scaledObject.maxReplicaCount=20 
                 --set keda.scaledObject.triggers.messageCount=2

Load test

This is an important consideration in the workflow design to validate the stability, integrity and resilence of each one of the components, because the more components we have the more points of failures we need to validate. You can perform this by using the RetroPOS.ExposedService.WorkerService project, this is console application that can run in the development environment to hit our cluster or we can use a set of virtual machines working together to amplify the volumetry of requests.