Suggestions on bugs and typos are highly welcome and appreciated. The README and other comments in the code were written relatively quickly, and there may be bugs in the system because it was not tested. I manually tested this for AuthorizationCode Grant Type, but other grant types are also given on MOIDC.
Pull requests are also welcome, even if they solve a small problem. Please, just make sure to detail what your changes fix.
Here are some external links that helped me come up with this code in the first place:
The next guides show were this code even comes from, thanks to Jared Hanson:
- passport-google-oauth2
- passport-facebook
- passport-twitter
- passport-oauth2
- passport-strategy
- passport
Understanding the codebases above (mainly the Google, Facebook, and Twitter ones) will tremendeously help understanding this codebase.
Adding more test cases would be a plus! All other passport strategies are 100% tested! This one is not :(.