This docker image for jupyterlab, pytorch and cuda.
docker run --rm \ # remove the container when it exits
-it \ # pseudo-TTY
-p 8888:8888 \ # port forwarding: <Host>:<Container>
--gpus all \ # support all gpus
-v /local_vol:/docker_vol \ # volume: mapping local folder to container
-e JUPYTER_TOKEN=passwd \ # Jupyter password: passwd
-e SYS_MEM_LIMIT=16 \ # Set the monitoring memory limit
-e SYS_CPU_LIMIT=8 \ # Set the monitoring cpu limit
-d rodrigobaron/torch-notebook:latest
docker run --rm -it \
-p 8888:8888 \
docker run --rm -it \
--gpus all \
-p 8888:8888 \
The containe contains simple but powerfull extensions enablind productivity boosting.
See the extension list above:
- jupyterlab-lsp: Turn jupyter notebook into IDE like, documentation inspecting, diagnostics, code complection..
- jupyterlab-git: Brings git commands and visualization tools.
- jupyterlab-system-monitor: display system infomation (memory and cpu usage).
- jupyterlab/debugger: Enable debugging and tracing.
- aquirdturtle_collapsible_headings: Make headings collapsible like Mathematica notebooks.
- jupyterlab_execute_time: Display cell timings.
Using darcula theme as default.