Todo list for the numerals-base package
Useful resources:
How many items - one, two, three
Position - first, second, third.
- en 1 = first
- en 2 = second
- en 32 = thirty-second
- nl 8 = achtste
- nl 9 = negende
- nl 89 = negenentachtigste
Expresses a fraction - half, third, quarter.
- en 1÷2 = half
- en 2÷3 = two thirds
- nl 2÷3 = twee derden
- nl 3÷4 = drie kwart
Fractions of powers of ten
- en 0.7 = seven-tenths
- en 0.065 = sixty-five thousanths
- nl 0.28 = achtentwintig honderdsten
How many times - once, twice, thrice.
- en 1 = once
- en 2 = twice
- en 3 = thrice
- en [4..] = undefined - or use a convention like "four times, five times, etc."
Expresses a group of the number specified: In pairs, by the dozen. English does not have distributive numerals for these but other languages such as Georgian do.