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Releases: ropensci/spocc


06 Aug 17:35
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spocc 0.2.0


  • occ() gains new parameter callopts to pass on curl debugging options to httr::GET() (#35)
  • wkt_vis() now by default plots a well known text area (WKT) on an interactive mapbox map in your default browser. New parameter which allows you to choose the interactive map or a static ggplot2 map. (#70)
  • Individual data sources occ() gains new class. In the previous version of this package, a data.frame was printed. Now the data is assigned the object occdatind (short for occdat individual).
  • occ() now uses a print method for the occdatind class, adopted from dplyr that prints a brief data.frame, with columns wrapped to fit the width of your console, and additional columns not printed given at bottom with their class type. Note that the print behavior for the resulting object of an occ() call remains the same. (#69) (#74)


  • Added whisker as a package import to use in the wkt_vis() function. (#70)
  • Mapping functions now all accept the same input. Previously mapggplot() accepted the output of occ(), of class occdat, while the other two functions for mapping, mapleaflet() and mapgist() accepted a data.frame. Now all three functions accept the output of occ(), an object of class occdat. (#75)
  • The meta slot in each returned object (indexed by object$meta) contains spots for returned and found, to designate number of records returned, and number of records found. (#64)


  • Fixed bug in AntWeb output, where there was supposed to be a column titled name. (#71)


01 May 19:20
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spocc 0.1.2


  • There were quite a few changes in one of the key packages that spocc depends on: rgbif. A number of input and output parameter names changed. A new version of rgbif was pushed to CRAN. (#56)
  • New function clean_spocc() started (not finished yet) to attempt to clean data. For example, one use case is removing impossible lat/long values (i.e., longitue values greater than absolute 180). Another, not implemented yet, is to remove points that are not in the country or habitat your points are supposed to be in. (#44)
  • New function fixnames() to trim species names with optional input parameters to make data easier to use for mapping.
  • New function wkt_vis() to visualize a WKT (well-known text) area on a map. Uses ggmap to pull down a Google map so that the visualization has some geographic and natural earth context. We'll soon introduce an interactive version of this function that will bring up a small Shiny app to draw a WKT area, then return those coordinates to your R session. (#34)


  • Added a file to the github repo to help guide contributions (#61)
  • Packages that require a certain version are forced to be X version or greater. Thes are rinat (>= 0.1.1), rbison (>= 0.3.2), rgbif (>= 0.6.2), ecoengine (>= 1.3), rebird (>= 0.1.1), AntWeb (>= 0.6.1), and leafletR (>= 0.2-0). This should help avoid problems.
  • General improvement to function documentation.


  • spocc_0.1.2.tar.gz (source, Linux)
  • spocc_0.1.2.tgz (OSX)
  • (Windows)