The Star Wars Console is a good example to show how easy it is to create asynchronous code (axios
, readline
). It is also easy to interop with JavaScript libraries (in this case node's readline
Look in index.mjs
for examples on how to inject dependencies into your application. This is the entry point to your application.
is the meat of your application. You should find some good branching examples with ifElse
in there.
Star Wars API provided by
# clone repository
git clone
# enter directory
cd MojiScript/examples/star-wars-console
# install dependencies
npm ci
# start quietly
npm start --silent
Answer the prompt Search for Star Wars Character:
and you should one of the three outputs depending on your search:
No Search:
Search for Star Wars Character:
No search was performed.
No Results:
Search for Star Wars Character: asdf
0 Results for "asdf".
Search Results:
Search for Star Wars Character: Skywalker
3 results:
- Luke Skywalker (male)
- Anakin Skywalker (male)
- Shmi Skywalker (female)
Dependencies are loaded and injected into the main
application in index.mjs
const dependencies = {
run ({ dependencies, main })
Prompting the user for input and then performing an AJAX search is simple.
const main = ({ axios, askQuestion, log }) => pipe ([
askQuestion ('Search for Star Wars Character: '),
ifEmpty (showNoSearch) (searchForPerson (axios)),
(Excerpt from main.mjs)
conditions can be reusable...
const ifEmpty = ifElse (isEmpty)
...and a joy to work with.
ifEmpty (showNoSearch) (searchForPerson (axios))
ifEmpty (showNoResults (search)) (showResults)
(Excerpt from main.mjs)