# Apply native OS line-endings on checkout of these files... *.boo text *.c text *.cginc text *.config text *.contentproj text *.cpp text *.cs text *.css text *.dae text *.DAE text *.dtd text *.fx text *.glsl text *.h text *.htm text *.html text *.inc text *.ini text *.js text *.JSFL text *.jsfl text *.json text *.log text *.md text *.mel text *.php text *.po text *.shader text *.txt text *.TXT text *.xaml text *.xml text *.xsd text .gitattributes text .gitignore text COPYING text INSTALL* text KEYS* text LICENSE* text NEWS* text NOTICE* text README* text TODO* text WHATSNEW* text # Apply Unix-style LF line-endings on checkout for these files since Unity # project has been configured to force text output for them... *.anim text eol=lf *.asset text eol=lf *.controller text eol=lf *.cubemap text eol=lf *.guiskin text eol=lf *.mat text eol=lf *.prefab text eol=lf *.physicMaterial text eol=lf *.physicmaterial text eol=lf *.unity text eol=lf # Apply Unix-style LF line-endings on checkout of these files... *.meta text eol=lf *.sh text eol=lf *.vspscc text eol=lf .htaccess text eol=lf # Apply Windows/DOS-style CR-LF line-endings on checkout of these files... *.bat text eol=crlf *.cmd text eol=crlf *.csproj text eol=crlf *.sln text eol=crlf *.user text eol=crlf *.vcproj text eol=crlf # No end-of-line conversions are applied (i.e., "-text -diff") to these files... *.7z binary *.ai binary *.apk binary *.bin binary *.bmp binary *.BMP binary *.com binary *.COM binary *.dex binary *.dll binary *.DLL binary *.dylib binary *.eps binary *.exe binary *.EXE binary *.exr binary *.fbx binary *.FBX binary *.fla binary *.flare binary *.flv binary *.gif binary *.gz binary *.ht binary *.ico binary *.jpeg binary *.jpg binary *.keystore binary *.mask binary *.mb binary *.mo binary *.mp3 binary *.mp4 binary *.mpg binary *.ogg binary *.PCX binary *.pcx binary *.pdb binary *.pdf binary *.png binary *.ps binary *.psd binary *.qt binary *.so binary *.swf binary *.tga binary *.tif binary *.tiff binary *.ttf binary *.TTF binary *.unitypackage binary *.unityPackage binary *.wav binary *.wmv binary *.zip binary *.ZIP binary