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Combining start and end barcodes

Ryan Wick edited this page Aug 22, 2018 · 3 revisions

For the native barcoding kit, barcodes can be present on both the start and end of reads. This makes for a few interesting possibilities: the start/end barcodes can disagree and either can be absent. The starts of reads are much more likely to have a barcode (over 80%) than the ends of reads (often less than 50%).


Deepbinner has a few different options for how to handle these cases:

  • --require_either: This is the most lenient mode and the default behaviour. Reads will be binned if either the start or end has a barcode. If both have a barcode and they conflict, the read goes in the 'none' bin.
  • --require_start: This mode is moderately stricer. Reads must have a barcode at their start but not necessarily at the end.
  • --require_both: This is the strictest mode. Reads are only binned if there is a matching barcode on each end.


Start barcode End barcode require_either require_start require_both
5 none 5 5 none
9 9 9 9 9
9 7 none none none
8 none 8 8 none
none 3 3 none none