diff --git a/docs/final.md b/docs/final.md index 71577ea..0be32f5 100644 --- a/docs/final.md +++ b/docs/final.md @@ -21,15 +21,12 @@ are configured with that in mind. This tool is innovative because such specialized data visualization tools are rare and aren't commonly used for the most part. -To that end we provide the following functionalities: - - #### Team Members - Gilbert Hoermann - seal9055 - Dung Nguyen - dungwinux - Ronan Salz - rsalz47 -#### User Interaface +#### User Interface - This is the initial Dashboard displayed when the site is first opened by a logged in user. It displays a window with notes shared between team members (these can be edited here too), a table describing the users currently on this project, and 2 tables displaying various high level @@ -358,10 +355,8 @@ assigned for these milestones. We did encounter some last minute difficulties pe Heroku's free tier cancellation, though we acknowledge that this was something far beyond the control of course staff. -In sum, our group found this entire experience gratifying. Through all the trials and -tribulations we laughed, we cried, and altogether grew closer as a team. We learned patience, we -learned anger management, and we learned to fix more merge conflicts than we thought possible. -We found the end product to be immensely satisfying, and were ecstatic to see a working front end -visualize sophisticated data relevant to our own individual passions: reverse engineering and -vulnerability research. +Despite the hardships listed above, we found the end product to be immensely satisfying. +We were ecstatic to see a working front end visualize sophisticated data relevant to our own +individual passions, being vulnerability research, and thought this project provided a unique +outlet to pursue these interests.