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File metadata and controls

57 lines (44 loc) · 3.89 KB


These are all the supported variables to be used in API Mockr responses:


The applicaton delegates in @ngneat/falso for most of the fake data generation. We only use a subset of Falso lib fake data generators, if you miss something please ask for it in GitHub Issues.

  • random.integer: Integer number (Optional param: Max possible value). I.e. random.integer or random.integer.10.
  • random.float: Float value (Optional param: Max possible value, by default 100.0). I.e. random.float or random.float.1000.
  • random.boolean: It will return a boolean value, true or false.
  • random.choose: It will return a random value from the array passed as param. I.e. random.choose.saturday.sunday.friday will return randomly one of: saturday, sunday or friday.
  • random.hexColor: A string with a random hex color. I.e. #0f34ac.
  • A random email (Optional params: domain and suffix). I.e. or
  • random.personFullName: A random full name (Optional param: gender, male or female). I.e: random.personFullName or random.personFullName.female
  • random.personFirstName: A random first name (Optional param: gender, male or female). I.e: random.personFirstName or random.personFirstName.male
  • random.personLastName: A random last name.
  • random.username: Random username, usually based in random first and last person name.
  • random.url: A random internet url. I.e: https://www.whatever-place/with/path
  • A random city name.
  • A random phone number.
  • random.zipCode: A random zip code.
  • A random country name.
  • random.countryCode: A random country ISO code. I.e: us, fr, es, ...
  • random.emoji: A random emoji. I.e: 🐭
  • random.brand: A random brand name.
  • A random company name.
  • A random sport name.
  • random.filePath: A random file path. I.e: /tmp/file.txt
  • random.ip: A random IP4 address.
  • random.uuid: A random UUID.
  • random.department: A random department name.
  • random.jobTitle: A random job title.
  • random.pastDate: A random date in the past in ISO format (Optional params: years, limit of years to generate the date since current date). I.e; random.pastDate.10 -> 2019-11-23
  • random.futureDate: A random date in the future in ISO format (Optional params: years, limit of years to generate the date since current date). I.e; random.futureDate.10 -> 2030-10-20
  • random.datetime: A random past date and time in ISO format (Optional params: years, limit of years to generate the date since current date). I.e; random.datetime.10 -> 2019-11-23T12:34:52.000Z
  • random.phrase: A random phrase. I.e: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


The request params return data from request object.

  • request.path: Request path. Value example: /api/users/1
  • request.params: A map with all query params (Optionaly we can pass a paramName to return the specific value). I.e: { "foo": "bar" } for request.params or "bar" for
  • request.payload: Request body or payload. (Optionally we can pass a field name to return the specific value). I.e: { "name": "John" } for request.body or "John" for
  • request.headers: Request headers. (Optionally we can pass a header name to return the specific value). I.e: { "content-type": "application/json" } for request.headers or "application/json" for request.headers["content-type"].


Specific server data, currently only the time and date server data is supported.

  • server.timestamp: Server epoch datatime in milliseconds. I.e: 1589788000000
  • server.isoDatetime: Server current datetime in ISO format. I.e: 2020-01-01T10:30:45.000Z
  • server.isoDate: Server current date in ISO format. I.e: 2020-01-01