Name | Meaning | Default | Note |
popsize | Population size | 10 | The population size is fixed through time |
xstart | Initial trait value | 0 | The trait value of all individuals at the start of the simulation |
tradeoff | Trade-off strength | 1 | The strength of the utilization trade-off between the two resources |
alpha | Resource abundance weight | 0 | Degree to which resource encounter is determined by their abundance |
beta | Degree of optimal choice | 1 | The probability with which individuals choose the most advantageous resource |
delta | Resource discovery rate | 1 | A parameter scaling the degree of soft versus hard selection |
hsymmetry | Habitat symmetry | 1 | The degree of symmetry in resource distribution between the two habitats |
nrounds | Number of feeding rounds | 10 | Number of feeding rounds in a feeding season |
mutrate | Mutation rate | 0.001 | Per individual |
mutsdev | Mutational standard deviation | 0.02 | Standard deviation of the normal distribution mutations are sampled from |
dispersal | Dispersal rate | 0.1 | Chances that an individual disperses to the opposite habitat |
tend | Simulation time | 100 | Number of time steps in a simulation |
tsave | Saving frequency | 20 | Save output every how many time steps? |
seed | Seed for the random number generator | Determined by the clock | |
savepars | Whether to save parameters (0/1) | 1 | If yes, saved to paramlog.txt |
savelog | Whether to save screen output (0/1) | 0 | If yes, saved to screenlog.txt |
talkative | Whether to output time steps to screen (0/1) | 0 | |
whattosave | Which variable(s) to save as output | 1 | Click here for details |