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File metadata and controls

172 lines (132 loc) · 5.18 KB

Development Guide

Coding Conventions

  • DO use fixed length types defined in include/openenclave/types.h instead of language keywords determined by the compiler (e.g. int64_t, uint8_t, not long, unsigned char).

  • DO use const and static and visibility modifiers to scope exposure of variables and methods as much as possible.

  • DON'T use global variables where possible.

Style Guide

Automated Formatting with clang-format

For all C/C++ files (*.c, *.cpp and *.h), we use clang-format (exactly version 3.6) to apply our code formatting rules. After modifying C/C++ files and before merging, be sure to run:

$ ./scripts/format-code

This allows us apply formatting choices such as the use of Allman style braces and the 80 character column width consistently.

Please stage the formatting changes with your commit, instead of making an extra "Format Code" commit. Your editor can likely be setup to automatically run clang-format across the file or region you're editing. See:

The .clang-format file describes the style that is enforced by the script, which is based off the LLVM style with modifications closer to the default Visual Studio style. See clang-format style options for details.

License Header

The following license header must be included at the top of every file:

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.

It should be prefixed with the file's comment marker. If there is a compelling reason to not include this header, the file can be added to .check-license.ignore.

All files are checked for this header with the script:

$ ./scripts/check-license

Naming Conventions

Naming conventions we use that are not automated include:

  1. Use lower_snake_case for variable, member/field, and function names.
  2. Use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for macro names and constants.
  3. Prefer lower_snake_case file names for headers and sources.
  4. Prefer full words for names over contractions (i.e. memory_context, not mem_ctx).
  5. Prefix names with _ to indicate internal and private fields or methods (e.g. _internal_field, _internal_method()).
  6. Prefix struct definitions with _, and always create a typedef with the suffix _t:
typedef struct _oe_private_key
    uint64_t magic;
    mbedtls_pk_context pk;
} oe_private_key_t;
  1. Prefix Open Enclave specific names in the global namespace with oe_ (e.g. oe_result_t, oe_call_enclave).

Above all, if a file happens to differ in style from these guidelines (e.g. private members are named m_member rather than _member), the existing style in that file takes precedence.

Note that we no longer use CamelCase nor double underscores (__), but you may find remnants and so again should prefer the local style. This is especially the case for classes, which are still using PascalCase. For now, follow the existing style. The project maintainers prefer to fix style issues in bulk using automation, so avoid submitting PRs intended to fix only a few instances of the inconsistent style.

For other files (*.asm, *.S, etc.) our current best guidance is consistency:

  • When editing files, keep new code and changes consistent with the style in the files.
  • For new files, it should conform to the style for that component.
  • For new components, any style that is broadly accepted is fine.

Example File

Excerpt from enclave/key.c:

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.

#include "key.h"
#include <openenclave/internal/enclavelibc.h>

typedef oe_result_t (*oe_copy_key)(
    mbedtls_pk_context* dest,
    const mbedtls_pk_context* src,
    bool copy_private_fields);

bool oe_private_key_is_valid(
    const oe_private_key_t* private_key,
    uint64_t magic)
    return private_key && private_key->magic == magic;

oe_result_t oe_public_key_init(
    oe_public_key_t* public_key,
    const mbedtls_pk_context* pk,
    oe_copy_key copy_key,
    uint64_t magic)
    oe_result_t result = OE_UNEXPECTED;

    if (!public_key || (pk && !copy_key) || (copy_key && !pk))

    public_key->magic = 0;

    if (pk && copy_key)
        OE_CHECK(copy_key(&public_key->pk, pk, false));

    public_key->magic = magic;

    result = OE_OK;

    return result;

static mbedtls_md_type_t _map_hash_type(oe_hash_type_t md)
    switch (md)
        case OE_HASH_TYPE_SHA256:
            return MBEDTLS_MD_SHA256;
        case OE_HASH_TYPE_SHA512:
            return MBEDTLS_MD_SHA512;
        case __OE_HASH_TYPE_MAX:
            return MBEDTLS_MD_NONE;

    /* Unreachable */
    return 0;