We provide a Dockerfile.base to build an ubuntu base image, and a Dockerfile to build a smaller one with a multi-stage build (TBA). 🚧️
Updated containers are built and deployed on merges to the master branch and releases. If you want to request a build on demand, you can manually run the workflow thanks to the workflow dispatch event.
Here is how to build the base container. Note that we build so it belongs to the same namespace as the repository here. "ghcr.io" means "GitHub Container Registry" and is the GitHub packages registry that supports Docker images and other OCI artifacts. From the root of the repository:
$ docker build -f ./spack/Dockerfile.base -t ghcr.io/rse-ops/flux-core-base .
And then to build the flux-core container (also from the root):
$ docker build -f ./spack/Dockerfile -t ghcr.io/rse-ops/flux-spack-docker .
To shell into the container:
$ docker run -it ghcr.io/rse-ops/flux-core-ubuntu
Flux (and other executables) should be installed to the view:
# which flux
You could next follow the flux-tutorial to launch a job!