All concrete quick-fix implementations (classes) must be in their own .cs source file in a namespace that corresponds to its folder location, under this namespace.
The xml-doc content in this namespace is automatically downloaded, processed, and ultimately served on the website feature pages.
Each quick-fix can have as many examples using as many modules of as many types as necessary. The following string values are recognized as module types:
- "Standard Module"
- "Class Module"
- "Predeclared Class"
- "Interface Module"
- "UserForm Module"
- "Document Module"
The "edit this page" link on each page generated from xml-doc content in this namespace, links to{namespace}/{quickfix-name}.cs
; it is imperative that the files' folder location corresponds to their namespace, lest we generate broken links on the website.
The content generated from xml-doc in this namespace (and any concrete inspections in a namespace under it) is accessible at{quickfix-name}