To contribute to the Zend Framework 2 documentation you can send us a pull request using GitHub, that's it!
If you are not familiar with github you can read the
Zend Framework Git Guide
using the repository git://
instead of
We only ask you to use a couple of conventions:
If you want to propose a new doc we use the
branch name convention, where<doc>
is the name of the document that you want to create; -
To fix or update a document we use the
branch name convention, where<doc>
is the name of the document that you want to create;
If you want to work on a document in a language different from English, please include the name of the language in the branch name.
For instance, if you want to propose a new document in Italian you have to use the
following naming convention: feature/it/<doc>
, where it
is Italian.
The same convention is applied on the fix or update: fix/it/<doc>
You can find the supported languages in the docs/languages
The Zend Framework 2 documentation is written using the reStructuredText format.
If you are not familiar with this format we suggest to have a look at this reStructuredText primer.
To render the documentation we use the Sphinx project. At the moment we support only the HTML render format but we are going to support soon the PDF and ePub formats.
There is a soft limit on the max line length of 115 characters. Is recommended to keep this limit whenever possible
In order to render the documentation you have to install Sphinx version 1.1.0 or newer. Sphinx requires Python and several Python libraries to run.
If your system already has a package with Sphinx, make sure that it is version 1.1 or higher. At the time of writing this, Debian systems provide Sphinx version 0.6 or 1.0.8 and will refuse to work correctly with this documentation.
To install latest Sphinx on a Debian-based system, use the following commands:
> apt-get install python-setuptools python-pygments
> easy_install -U Sphinx
> sphinx-build --version
Sphinx v1.1.3
Usage: /usr/local/bin/sphinx-build ....
To render the documentation in HTML format:
- Clone the git repository or download and extract an archive with documentation.
- Enter the
subdirectory; - Run
make html
The HTML documentation will be generated in docs/_build/html
By default, the make html
command renders the documentation in English.
To render in a different language you have to specify the LANG in the command line.
For instance, to render the documentation in Italian (it
), execute the following command:
make html LANG=it
You can find the supported languages in the docs/languages
After you've made changes to .rst files, you can run make html
again to update HTML for changed pages.
If you want to begin a new translation, you need to create a new subdirectory in the 'docs/languages' directory. The name of the directory must be the ISO 639-1 code for your language.
The compilation process takes all English files in the directory 'docs/languages/en' and overwrites them with those in your language directory if it exists with the same filemame in the same tree. If you want to translate a file, copy the English file to your directory and start the translation. When the translation is completed, you have to add a revcheck tag like '.. EN-Revision: 1a526e4' at the top of the file. '1a526e4' are the 7 first characters of the English commit on which your translation is based. This helps the maintainer of the translation to know if it exists one ore multiples modifications of the English that need to be added to the translation.
All revcheck tags have been initialized to 'none'. This indicates to all maintainers of translations that it needs at least one review of the file after the automatic migration from ZF1 (Docbook to reST). We will provide in a next future a visual tool for translators to be able to detect non-translated files or outdated files (based on the revcheck tag).
In this philosophy, you can translate an image if you want. But there are 2 specifics files at the root of English directory that you musn't translate:
- 'index.rst'
- 'snippets.rst'
All sentences in these files that need a translation are handled by the reST substitution syntax. You can find them in the 'translated-snippets.rst' file.