diff --git a/types/src/v25/mod.rs b/types/src/v25/mod.rs
index 7f5efbe..57b2811 100644
--- a/types/src/v25/mod.rs
+++ b/types/src/v25/mod.rs
@@ -1,174 +1,242 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
-//! Structs with standard types.
-//! These structs model the types returned by the JSON-RPC API and use stdlib types (or custom
-//! types) and are specific to a specific to Bitcoin Core `v25`.
-//! **== Blockchain ==**
-//! - [x] `getbestblockhash`
-//! - [x] `getblock "blockhash" ( verbosity )`
-//! - [x] `getblockchaininfo`
-//! - [ ] `getblockcount`
-//! - [ ] `getblockfilter "blockhash" ( "filtertype" )`
-//! - [ ] `getblockfrompeer "blockhash" peer_id`
-//! - [ ] `getblockhash height`
-//! - [ ] `getblockheader "blockhash" ( verbose )`
-//! - [ ] `getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats )`
-//! - [ ] `getchaintips`
-//! - [ ] `getchaintxstats ( nblocks "blockhash" )`
-//! - [ ] `getdeploymentinfo ( "blockhash" )`
-//! - [ ] `getdifficulty`
-//! - [ ] `getmempoolancestors "txid" ( verbose )`
-//! - [ ] `getmempooldescendants "txid" ( verbose )`
-//! - [ ] `getmempoolentry "txid"`
-//! - [ ] `getmempoolinfo`
-//! - [ ] `getrawmempool ( verbose mempool_sequence )`
-//! - [ ] `gettxout "txid" n ( include_mempool )`
-//! - [ ] `gettxoutproof ["txid",...] ( "blockhash" )`
-//! - [ ] `gettxoutsetinfo ( "hash_type" hash_or_height use_index )`
-//! - [ ] `gettxspendingprevout [{"txid":"hex","vout":n},...]`
-//! - [ ] `preciousblock "blockhash"`
-//! - [ ] `pruneblockchain height`
-//! - [ ] `savemempool`
-//! - [ ] `scanblocks "action" ( [scanobjects,...] start_height stop_height "filtertype" "options" )`
-//! - [ ] `scantxoutset "action" ( [scanobjects,...] )`
-//! - [ ] `verifychain ( checklevel nblocks )`
-//! - [ ] `verifytxoutproof "proof"`
-//! **== Control ==**
-//! - [ ] `getmemoryinfo ( "mode" )`
-//! - [ ] `getrpcinfo`
-//! - [ ] `help ( "command" )`
-//! - [ ] `logging ( ["include_category",...] ["exclude_category",...] )`
-//! - [x] `stop`
-//! - [ ] `uptime`
-//! **== Mining ==**
-//! - [ ] `getblocktemplate ( "template_request" )`
-//! - [ ] `getmininginfo`
-//! - [ ] `getnetworkhashps ( nblocks height )`
-//! - [ ] `prioritisetransaction "txid" ( dummy ) fee_delta`
-//! - [ ] `submitblock "hexdata" ( "dummy" )`
-//! - [ ] `submitheader "hexdata"`
-//! **== Network ==**
-//! - [ ] `addnode "node" "command"`
-//! - [ ] `clearbanned`
-//! - [ ] `disconnectnode ( "address" nodeid )`
-//! - [ ] `getaddednodeinfo ( "node" )`
-//! - [ ] `getconnectioncount`
-//! - [ ] `getnettotals`
-//! - [ ] `getnetworkinfo`
-//! - [ ] `getnodeaddresses ( count "network" )`
-//! - [ ] `getpeerinfo`
-//! - [ ] `listbanned`
-//! - [ ] `ping`
-//! - [ ] `setban "subnet" "command" ( bantime absolute )`
-//! - [ ] `setnetworkactive state`
-//! **== Rawtransactions ==**
-//! - [ ] `analyzepsbt "psbt"`
-//! - [ ] `combinepsbt ["psbt",...]`
-//! - [ ] `combinerawtransaction ["hexstring",...]`
-//! - [ ] `converttopsbt "hexstring" ( permitsigdata iswitness )`
-//! - [ ] `createpsbt [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"sequence":n},...] [{"address":amount,...},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime replaceable )`
-//! - [ ] `createrawtransaction [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"sequence":n},...] [{"address":amount,...},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime replaceable )`
-//! - [ ] `decodepsbt "psbt"`
-//! - [ ] `decoderawtransaction "hexstring" ( iswitness )`
-//! - [ ] `decodescript "hexstring"`
-//! - [ ] `finalizepsbt "psbt" ( extract )`
-//! - [ ] `fundrawtransaction "hexstring" ( options iswitness )`
-//! - [ ] `getrawtransaction "txid" ( verbosity "blockhash" )`
-//! - [ ] `joinpsbts ["psbt",...]`
-//! - [ ] `sendrawtransaction "hexstring" ( maxfeerate maxburnamount )`
-//! - [ ] `signrawtransactionwithkey "hexstring" ["privatekey",...] ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex","witnessScript":"hex","amount":amount},...] "sighashtype" )`
-//! - [ ] `testmempoolaccept ["rawtx",...] ( maxfeerate )`
-//! - [ ] `utxoupdatepsbt "psbt" ( ["",{"desc":"str","range":n or [n,n]},...] )`
-//! **== Signer ==**
-//! - [ ] `enumeratesigners`
-//! **== Util ==**
-//! - [ ] `createmultisig nrequired ["key",...] ( "address_type" )`
-//! - [ ] `deriveaddresses "descriptor" ( range )`
-//! - [ ] `estimatesmartfee conf_target ( "estimate_mode" )`
-//! - [ ] `getdescriptorinfo "descriptor"`
-//! - [ ] `getindexinfo ( "index_name" )`
-//! - [ ] `signmessagewithprivkey "privkey" "message"`
-//! - [ ] `validateaddress "address"`
-//! - [ ] `verifymessage "address" "signature" "message"`
-//! **== Wallet ==**
-//! - [ ] `abandontransaction "txid"`
-//! - [ ] `abortrescan`
-//! - [ ] `addmultisigaddress nrequired ["key",...] ( "label" "address_type" )`
-//! - [ ] `backupwallet "destination"`
-//! - [ ] `bumpfee "txid" ( options )`
-//! - [x] `createwallet "wallet_name" ( disable_private_keys blank "passphrase" avoid_reuse descriptors load_on_startup external_signer )`
-//! - [ ] `dumpprivkey "address"`
-//! - [ ] `dumpwallet "filename"`
-//! - [ ] `encryptwallet "passphrase"`
-//! - [ ] `getaddressesbylabel "label"`
-//! - [ ] `getaddressinfo "address"`
-//! - [x] `getbalance ( "dummy" minconf include_watchonly avoid_reuse )`
-//! - [x] `getbalances`
-//! - [x] `getnewaddress ( "label" "address_type" )`
-//! - [ ] `getrawchangeaddress ( "address_type" )`
-//! - [ ] `getreceivedbyaddress "address" ( minconf include_immature_coinbase )`
-//! - [ ] `getreceivedbylabel "label" ( minconf include_immature_coinbase )`
-//! - [x] `gettransaction "txid" ( include_watchonly verbose )`
-//! - [ ] `getunconfirmedbalance`
-//! - [ ] `getwalletinfo`
-//! - [ ] `importaddress "address" ( "label" rescan p2sh )`
-//! - [ ] `importdescriptors "requests"`
-//! - [ ] `importmulti "requests" ( "options" )`
-//! - [ ] `importprivkey "privkey" ( "label" rescan )`
-//! - [ ] `importprunedfunds "rawtransaction" "txoutproof"`
-//! - [ ] `importpubkey "pubkey" ( "label" rescan )`
-//! - [ ] `importwallet "filename"`
-//! - [ ] `keypoolrefill ( newsize )`
-//! - [ ] `listaddressgroupings`
-//! - [ ] `listdescriptors ( private )`
-//! - [ ] `listlabels ( "purpose" )`
-//! - [ ] `listlockunspent`
-//! - [ ] `listreceivedbyaddress ( minconf include_empty include_watchonly "address_filter" include_immature_coinbase )`
-//! - [ ] `listreceivedbylabel ( minconf include_empty include_watchonly include_immature_coinbase )`
-//! - [ ] `listsinceblock ( "blockhash" target_confirmations include_watchonly include_removed include_change "label" )`
-//! - [ ] `listtransactions ( "label" count skip include_watchonly )`
-//! - [ ] `listunspent ( minconf maxconf ["address",...] include_unsafe query_options )`
-//! - [ ] `listwalletdir`
-//! - [ ] `listwallets`
-//! - [x] `loadwallet "filename" ( load_on_startup )`
-//! - [ ] `lockunspent unlock ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n},...] persistent )`
-//! - [ ] `migratewallet ( "wallet_name" "passphrase" )`
-//! - [ ] `newkeypool`
-//! - [ ] `psbtbumpfee "txid" ( options )`
-//! - [ ] `removeprunedfunds "txid"`
-//! - [ ] `rescanblockchain ( start_height stop_height )`
-//! - [ ] `restorewallet "wallet_name" "backup_file" ( load_on_startup )`
-//! - [ ] `send [{"address":amount,...},{"data":"hex"},...] ( conf_target "estimate_mode" fee_rate options )`
-//! - [ ] `sendall ["address",{"address":amount,...},...] ( conf_target "estimate_mode" fee_rate options )`
-//! - [ ] `sendmany ( "" ) {"address":amount,...} ( minconf "comment" ["address",...] replaceable conf_target "estimate_mode" fee_rate verbose )`
-//! - [x] `sendtoaddress "address" amount ( "comment" "comment_to" subtractfeefromamount replaceable conf_target "estimate_mode" avoid_reuse fee_rate verbose )`
-//! - [ ] `sethdseed ( newkeypool "seed" )`
-//! - [ ] `setlabel "address" "label"`
-//! - [ ] `settxfee amount`
-//! - [ ] `setwalletflag "flag" ( value )`
-//! - [ ] `signmessage "address" "message"`
-//! - [ ] `signrawtransactionwithwallet "hexstring" ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex","witnessScript":"hex","amount":amount},...] "sighashtype" )`
-//! - [ ] `simulaterawtransaction ( ["rawtx",...] {"include_watchonly":bool,...} )`
-//! - [ ] `unloadwallet ( "wallet_name" load_on_startup )`
-//! - [ ] `upgradewallet ( version )`
-//! - [ ] `walletcreatefundedpsbt ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"sequence":n,"weight":n},...] ) [{"address":amount,...},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime options bip32derivs )`
-//! - [ ] `walletdisplayaddress "address"`
-//! - [ ] `walletlock`
-//! - [ ] `walletpassphrase "passphrase" timeout`
-//! - [ ] `walletpassphrasechange "oldpassphrase" "newpassphrase"`
-//! - [ ] `walletprocesspsbt "psbt" ( sign "sighashtype" bip32derivs finalize )`
-//! **== Zmq ==**
-//! - [ ] `getzmqnotifications`
+//! # JSON-RPC types for Bitcoin Core `v0.25`
+//! These structs are shaped for the JSON data returned by the JSON-RPC API. They use stdlib types
+//! (or custom types) and where necessary implement an `into_model` function to convert the type to
+//! a [`crate::model`] type of the same name. The types in this module are version specific. The
+//! types in the `model` module are version nonspecific and are strongly typed using `rust-bitcoin`.
+//! ### Method name and implementation status
+//! Every JSON-RPC method supported by this version of Bitcoin Core is listed below along with its
+//! current implementation status.
+//! Methods from the == Blockchain == section
+//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
+//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
+//! | getbestblockhash | done |
+//! | getblock | done |
+//! | getblockchaininfo | done |
+//! | getblockcount | done |
+//! | getblockfilter | todo |
+//! | getblockfrompeer | todo |
+//! | getblockhash | done |
+//! | getblockheader | done |
+//! | getblockstats | done (untested) |
+//! | getchaintips | done |
+//! | getchaintxstats | done |
+//! | getdeploymentinfo | todo |
+//! | getdifficulty | done |
+//! | getmempoolancestors | done (untested) |
+//! | getmempooldescendants | done (untested) |
+//! | getmempoolentry | done |
+//! | getmempoolinfo | done |
+//! | getrawmempool | done |
+//! | gettxout | done |
+//! | gettxoutproof | omitted |
+//! | gettxoutsetinfo | done |
+//! | gettxspendingprevout | todo |
+//! | preciousblock | omitted |
+//! | pruneblockchain | omitted |
+//! | savemempool | omitted |
+//! | scanblocks | todo |
+//! | scantxoutset | omitted |
+//! | verifychain | omitted |
+//! | verifytxoutproof | done |
+//! Methods from the == Control == section
+//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
+//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
+//! | getmemoryinfo | done |
+//! | getrpcinfo | todo |
+//! | help | omitted |
+//! | logging | done |
+//! | stop | omitted |
+//! | uptime | omitted |
+//! Methods from the == Mining == section
+//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
+//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
+//! | getblocktemplate | todo |
+//! | getmininginfo | todo |
+//! | getnetworkhashps | todo |
+//! | prioritisetransaction | todo |
+//! | submitblock | todo |
+//! | submitheader | todo |
+//! Methods from the == Network == section
+//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
+//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
+//! | addnode | omitted |
+//! | clearbanned | omitted |
+//! | disconnectnode | omitted |
+//! | getaddednodeinfo | done |
+//! | getconnectioncount | omitted |
+//! | getnettotals | done |
+//! | getnetworkinfo | done |
+//! | getnodeaddresses | todo |
+//! | getpeerinfo | done |
+//! | listbanned | omitted |
+//! | ping | omitted |
+//! | setban | omitted |
+//! | setnetworkactive | omitted |
+//! Methods from the == Rawtransactions == section
+//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
+//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
+//! | analyzepsbt | todo |
+//! | combinepsbt | todo |
+//! | combinerawtransaction | todo |
+//! | converttopsbt | todo |
+//! | createpsbt | todo |
+//! | createrawtransaction | todo |
+//! | decodepsbt | todo |
+//! | decoderawtransaction | todo |
+//! | decodescript | todo |
+//! | finalizepsbt | todo |
+//! | fundrawtransaction | todo |
+//! | getrawtransaction | todo |
+//! | joinpsbts | todo |
+//! | sendrawtransaction | done (untested) |
+//! | signrawtransactionwithkey | todo |
+//! | testmempoolaccept | todo |
+//! | utxoupdatepsbt | todo |
+//! Methods from the == Signer == section
+//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
+//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
+//! | enumeratesigners | todo |
+//! Methods from the == Util == section
+//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
+//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
+//! | createmultisig | omitted |
+//! | deriveaddresses | todo |
+//! | estimatesmartfee | omitted |
+//! | getdescriptorinfo | todo |
+//! | getindexinfo | todo |
+//! | signmessagewithprivkey | omitted |
+//! | validateaddress | omitted |
+//! | verifymessage | omitted |
+//! Methods from the == Wallet == section
+//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
+//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
+//! | abandontransaction | omitted |
+//! | abortrescan | omitted |
+//! | addmultisigaddress | done (untested) |
+//! | backupwallet | omitted |
+//! | bumpfee | done |
+//! | createwallet | done |
+//! | dumpprivkey | done |
+//! | dumpwallet | done |
+//! | encryptwallet | omitted |
+//! | getaddressesbylabel | done |
+//! | getaddressinfo | done (untested) |
+//! | getbalance | done |
+//! | getbalances | done |
+//! | getnewaddress | done |
+//! | getrawchangeaddress | done |
+//! | getreceivedbyaddress | done |
+//! | getreceivedbylabel | todo |
+//! | gettransaction | done |
+//! | getunconfirmedbalance | done (untested) |
+//! | getwalletinfo | done (untested) |
+//! | importaddress | omitted |
+//! | importdescriptors | todo |
+//! | importmulti | omitted |
+//! | importprivkey | omitted |
+//! | importprunedfunds | omitted |
+//! | importpubkey | omitted |
+//! | importwallet | omitted |
+//! | keypoolrefill | omitted |
+//! | listaddressgroupings | done (untested) |
+//! | listdescriptors | todo |
+//! | listlabels | done (untested) |
+//! | listlockunspent | done (untested) |
+//! | migratewallet | todo |
+//! | newkeypool | todo |
+//! | psbtbumpfee | todo |
+//! | listreceivedbyaddress | done (untested) |
+//! | listreceivedbylabel | todo |
+//! | listsinceblock | done (untested) |
+//! | listtransactions | done (untested) |
+//! | listunspent | done (untested) |
+//! | listwalletdir | todo |
+//! | listwallets | done (untested) |
+//! | loadwallet | done |
+//! | lockunspent | omitted |
+//! | removeprunedfunds | omitted |
+//! | rescanblockchain | done (untested) |
+//! | restorewallet | todo |
+//! | send | todo |
+//! | sendall | todo |
+//! | sendmany | done (untested) |
+//! | sendtoaddress | done |
+//! | sethdseed | omitted |
+//! | setlabel | todo |
+//! | settxfee | omitted |
+//! | setwalletflag | todo |
+//! | signmessage | done (untested) |
+//! | signrawtransactionwithwallet | done (untested) |
+//! | simulaterawtransaction | todo |
+//! | unloadwallet | omitted |
+//! | upgradewallet | todo |
+//! | walletcreatefundedpsbt | done (untested) |
+//! | walletdisplayaddress | todo |
+//! | walletlock | omitted |
+//! | walletpassphrase | omitted |
+//! | walletpassphrasechange | omitted |
+//! | walletprocesspsbt | done (untested) |
+//! Methods from the == Zmq == section
+//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
+//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
+//! | getzmqnotifications | done (untested) |
+//! **Items marked omitted were omitted because:**
+//! - Method does not return anything.
+//! - Method returns a simple type (e.g. bool or integer).
+//! - Method is deprecated.
mod wallet;
@@ -177,14 +245,29 @@ pub use self::wallet::{CreateWallet, LoadWallet};
pub use crate::{
- GenerateToAddress, GetBalance, GetBestBlockHash, GetBlockVerbosityOne,
- GetBlockVerbosityZero, GetNetworkInfo, GetNetworkInfoAddress, GetNetworkInfoNetwork,
- GetNewAddress, GetTransaction, GetTransactionDetail, GetTxOut, SendRawTransaction,
- TransactionCategory,
+ AddMultisigAddress, AddedNode, AddedNodeAddress, AddressInformation, Banned, BumpFee,
+ ChainTips, ChainTipsStatus, DumpPrivKey, DumpWallet, Generate, GenerateToAddress,
+ GetAddedNodeInfo, GetAddressInfo, GetAddressInfoEmbedded, GetAddressInfoLabel,
+ GetAddressesByLabel, GetBalance, GetBestBlockHash, GetBlockCount, GetBlockHash,
+ GetBlockHeader, GetBlockHeaderVerbose, GetBlockStats, GetBlockVerbosityOne,
+ GetBlockVerbosityZero, GetChainTips, GetChainTxStats, GetDifficulty, GetMemoryInfoStats,
+ GetMempoolAncestors, GetMempoolAncestorsVerbose, GetMempoolDescendants,
+ GetMempoolDescendantsVerbose, GetMempoolEntry, GetMempoolInfo, GetNetTotals,
+ GetNetworkInfo, GetNetworkInfoAddress, GetNetworkInfoError, GetNetworkInfoNetwork,
+ GetNewAddress, GetPeerInfo, GetRawChangeAddress, GetRawMempool, GetRawMempoolVerbose,
+ GetReceivedByAddress, GetTransaction, GetTransactionDetail, GetTxOut, GetTxOutSetInfo,
+ GetUnconfirmedBalance, GetWalletInfo, GetZmqNotifications, ListAddressGroupings,
+ ListAddressGroupingsItem, ListBanned, ListLabels, ListLockUnspent, ListLockUnspentItem,
+ ListReceivedByAddress, ListReceivedByAddressItem, ListSinceBlock,
+ ListSinceBlockTransaction, ListTransactions, ListTransactionsItem, ListUnspent,
+ ListUnspentItem, ListWallets, Locked, Logging, MempoolEntry, MempoolEntryFees, PeerInfo,
+ RescanBlockchain, ScriptPubkey, SendMany, SendRawTransaction, SendToAddress, SignErrorData,
+ SignMessage, SignRawTransactionWithWallet, SoftforkReject, TransactionCategory,
+ UploadTarget, Uptime, VerifyTxOutProof, WalletCreateFundedPsbt, WalletProcessPsbt,
Bip9SoftforkInfo, Bip9SoftforkStatistics, Bip9SoftforkStatus, GetBalances, GetBalancesMine,
GetBalancesWatchOnly, GetBlockchainInfo, Softfork, SoftforkType,
- v22::{SendToAddress, UnloadWallet},
+ v21::UnloadWallet,
diff --git a/verify/rpc-api-v25.txt b/verify/rpc-api-v25.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85f8b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verify/rpc-api-v25.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+== Blockchain ==
+getblock "blockhash" ( verbosity )
+getblockfilter "blockhash" ( "filtertype" )
+getblockfrompeer "blockhash" peer_id
+getblockhash height
+getblockheader "blockhash" ( verbose )
+getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats )
+getchaintxstats ( nblocks "blockhash" )
+getdeploymentinfo ( "blockhash" )
+getmempoolancestors "txid" ( verbose )
+getmempooldescendants "txid" ( verbose )
+getmempoolentry "txid"
+getrawmempool ( verbose mempool_sequence )
+gettxout "txid" n ( include_mempool )
+gettxoutproof ["txid",...] ( "blockhash" )
+gettxoutsetinfo ( "hash_type" hash_or_height use_index )
+gettxspendingprevout [{"txid":"hex","vout":n},...]
+preciousblock "blockhash"
+pruneblockchain height
+scanblocks "action" ( [scanobjects,...] start_height stop_height "filtertype" "options" )
+scantxoutset "action" ( [scanobjects,...] )
+verifychain ( checklevel nblocks )
+verifytxoutproof "proof"
+== Control ==
+getmemoryinfo ( "mode" )
+help ( "command" )
+logging ( ["include_category",...] ["exclude_category",...] )
+== Mining ==
+getblocktemplate ( "template_request" )
+getnetworkhashps ( nblocks height )
+prioritisetransaction "txid" ( dummy ) fee_delta
+submitblock "hexdata" ( "dummy" )
+submitheader "hexdata"
+== Network ==
+addnode "node" "command"
+disconnectnode ( "address" nodeid )
+getaddednodeinfo ( "node" )
+getnodeaddresses ( count "network" )
+setban "subnet" "command" ( bantime absolute )
+setnetworkactive state
+== Rawtransactions ==
+analyzepsbt "psbt"
+combinepsbt ["psbt",...]
+combinerawtransaction ["hexstring",...]
+converttopsbt "hexstring" ( permitsigdata iswitness )
+createpsbt [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"sequence":n},...] [{"address":amount,...},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime replaceable )
+createrawtransaction [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"sequence":n},...] [{"address":amount,...},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime replaceable )
+decodepsbt "psbt"
+decoderawtransaction "hexstring" ( iswitness )
+decodescript "hexstring"
+finalizepsbt "psbt" ( extract )
+fundrawtransaction "hexstring" ( options iswitness )
+getrawtransaction "txid" ( verbosity "blockhash" )
+joinpsbts ["psbt",...]
+sendrawtransaction "hexstring" ( maxfeerate maxburnamount )
+signrawtransactionwithkey "hexstring" ["privatekey",...] ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex","witnessScript":"hex","amount":amount},...] "sighashtype" )
+testmempoolaccept ["rawtx",...] ( maxfeerate )
+utxoupdatepsbt "psbt" ( ["",{"desc":"str","range":n or [n,n]},...] )
+== Signer ==
+== Util ==
+createmultisig nrequired ["key",...] ( "address_type" )
+deriveaddresses "descriptor" ( range )
+estimatesmartfee conf_target ( "estimate_mode" )
+getdescriptorinfo "descriptor"
+getindexinfo ( "index_name" )
+signmessagewithprivkey "privkey" "message"
+validateaddress "address"
+verifymessage "address" "signature" "message"
+== Wallet ==
+abandontransaction "txid"
+addmultisigaddress nrequired ["key",...] ( "label" "address_type" )
+backupwallet "destination"
+bumpfee "txid" ( options )
+createwallet "wallet_name" ( disable_private_keys blank "passphrase" avoid_reuse descriptors load_on_startup external_signer )
+dumpprivkey "address"
+dumpwallet "filename"
+encryptwallet "passphrase"
+getaddressesbylabel "label"
+getaddressinfo "address"
+getbalance ( "dummy" minconf include_watchonly avoid_reuse )
+getnewaddress ( "label" "address_type" )
+getrawchangeaddress ( "address_type" )
+getreceivedbyaddress "address" ( minconf include_immature_coinbase )
+getreceivedbylabel "label" ( minconf include_immature_coinbase )
+gettransaction "txid" ( include_watchonly verbose )
+importaddress "address" ( "label" rescan p2sh )
+importdescriptors "requests"
+importmulti "requests" ( "options" )
+importprivkey "privkey" ( "label" rescan )
+importprunedfunds "rawtransaction" "txoutproof"
+importpubkey "pubkey" ( "label" rescan )
+importwallet "filename"
+keypoolrefill ( newsize )
+listdescriptors ( private )
+listlabels ( "purpose" )
+listreceivedbyaddress ( minconf include_empty include_watchonly "address_filter" include_immature_coinbase )
+listreceivedbylabel ( minconf include_empty include_watchonly include_immature_coinbase )
+listsinceblock ( "blockhash" target_confirmations include_watchonly include_removed include_change "label" )
+listtransactions ( "label" count skip include_watchonly )
+listunspent ( minconf maxconf ["address",...] include_unsafe query_options )
+loadwallet "filename" ( load_on_startup )
+lockunspent unlock ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n},...] persistent )
+migratewallet ( "wallet_name" "passphrase" )
+psbtbumpfee "txid" ( options )
+removeprunedfunds "txid"
+rescanblockchain ( start_height stop_height )
+restorewallet "wallet_name" "backup_file" ( load_on_startup )
+send [{"address":amount,...},{"data":"hex"},...] ( conf_target "estimate_mode" fee_rate options )
+sendall ["address",{"address":amount,...},...] ( conf_target "estimate_mode" fee_rate options )
+sendmany ( "" ) {"address":amount,...} ( minconf "comment" ["address",...] replaceable conf_target "estimate_mode" fee_rate verbose )
+sendtoaddress "address" amount ( "comment" "comment_to" subtractfeefromamount replaceable conf_target "estimate_mode" avoid_reuse fee_rate verbose )
+sethdseed ( newkeypool "seed" )
+setlabel "address" "label"
+settxfee amount
+setwalletflag "flag" ( value )
+signmessage "address" "message"
+signrawtransactionwithwallet "hexstring" ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex","witnessScript":"hex","amount":amount},...] "sighashtype" )
+simulaterawtransaction ( ["rawtx",...] {"include_watchonly":bool,...} )
+unloadwallet ( "wallet_name" load_on_startup )
+upgradewallet ( version )
+walletcreatefundedpsbt ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n,"sequence":n,"weight":n},...] ) [{"address":amount,...},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime options bip32derivs )
+walletdisplayaddress "address"
+walletpassphrase "passphrase" timeout
+walletpassphrasechange "oldpassphrase" "newpassphrase"
+walletprocesspsbt "psbt" ( sign "sighashtype" bip32derivs finalize )
+== Zmq ==
diff --git a/verify/src/lib.rs b/verify/src/lib.rs
index 627d463..5ce50da 100644
--- a/verify/src/lib.rs
+++ b/verify/src/lib.rs
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ pub enum Version {
/// Bitcoin Core v24.
+ /// Bitcoin Core v25.
+ V25,
impl Version {
@@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ impl Version {
"v22" | "22" => Ok(Version::V22),
"v23" | "23" => Ok(Version::V23),
"v24" | "24" => Ok(Version::V24),
+ "v25" | "25" => Ok(Version::V25),
other => Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!("unknown version: '{}'", other))),
@@ -66,6 +69,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for Version {
V22 => "v22",
V23 => "v23",
V24 => "v24",
+ V25 => "v25",
fmt::Display::fmt(&s, f)
diff --git a/verify/src/method/mod.rs b/verify/src/method/mod.rs
index 6859b25..dcd7e0f 100644
--- a/verify/src/method/mod.rs
+++ b/verify/src/method/mod.rs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ pub mod v21;
pub mod v22;
pub mod v23;
pub mod v24;
+pub mod v25;
use crate::Version;
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ pub fn all_methods(version: Version) -> Vec {
V22 => v22::METHODS,
V23 => v23::METHODS,
V24 => v24::METHODS,
+ V25 => v25::METHODS,
list.iter().map(|m| m.name.to_string()).collect()
@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ impl Method {
V22 => v22::METHODS,
V23 => v23::METHODS,
V24 => v24::METHODS,
+ V25 => v25::METHODS,
list.iter().find(|&method| method.name == name)
diff --git a/verify/src/method/v25.rs b/verify/src/method/v25.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef941d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verify/src/method/v25.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
+//! JSON RPC methods provided by Bitcoin Core v25.
+use super::Method;
+/// Data for the JSON RPC methods provided by Bitcoin Core v25.
+pub const METHODS: &[Method] = &[
+ Method::new_modeled("getbestblockhash", "GetBestBlockHash", "get_best_block_hash"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getblock", "GetBlockVerbosityZero", "get_block"), // We only check one of the types.
+ Method::new_modeled("getblockchaininfo", "GetBlockchainInfo", "get_blockchain_info"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getblockcount", "GetBlockCount", "get_block_count"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getblockfilter", "GetBlockFilter", "get_block_filter"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getblockfrompeer", "GetBlockFromPeer", "get_block_from_peer"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getblockhash", "GetBlockHash", "get_block_hash"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getblockheader", "GetBlockHeader", "get_block_header"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getblockstats", "GetBlockStats", "get_block_stats"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getchaintips", "GetChainTips", "get_chain_tips"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getchaintxstats", "GetChainTxStats", "get_chain_tx_stats"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getdeploymentinfo", "GetDeploymentInfo", "get_deployment_info"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getdifficulty", "GetDifficulty", "get_difficulty"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getmempoolancestors", "GetMempoolAncestors", "get_mempool_ancestors"),
+ Method::new_modeled(
+ "getmempooldescendants",
+ "GetMempoolDescendants",
+ "get_mempool_descendants",
+ ),
+ Method::new_modeled("getmempoolentry", "GetMempoolEntry", "get_mempool_entry"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getmempoolinfo", "GetMempoolInfo", "get_mempool_info"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getrawmempool", "GetRawMempool", "get_raw_mempool"),
+ Method::new_modeled("gettxout", "GetTxOut", "get_tx_out"),
+ Method::new_modeled("gettxoutproof", "GetTxOutProof", "get_tx_out_proof"),
+ Method::new_modeled("gettxoutsetinfo", "GetTxOutSetInfo", "get_tx_out_set_info"),
+ Method::new_modeled("gettxspendingprevout", "GetTxSpendingPrevout", "get_tx_spending_prevout"),
+ Method::new_nothing("preciousblock", "precious_block"),
+ Method::new_numeric("pruneblockchain", "prune_blockchain"),
+ Method::new_nothing("savemempool", "save_mempool"),
+ Method::new_modeled("scanblocks", "ScanBlocks", "scan_blocks"),
+ Method::new_modeled("scantxoutset", "ScanTxOutSet", "scan_tx_out_set"),
+ Method::new_bool("verifychain", "verify_chain"),
+ Method::new_modeled("verifytxoutproof", "VerifyTxOutProof", "verify_tx_out_proof"),
+ Method::new_no_model("getrpcinfo", "GetRpcInfo", "get_rpc_info"),
+ Method::new_no_model("getmemoryinfo", "GetMemoryInfoStats", "get_memory_info"),
+ Method::new_string("help", "help"),
+ Method::new_no_model("logging", "Logging", "logging"),
+ Method::new_nothing("stop", "stop"),
+ Method::new_numeric("uptime", "uptime"),
+ Method::new_none("getblocktemplate", "get_block_template"),
+ Method::new_none("getmininginfo", "get_mining_info"),
+ Method::new_none("getnetworkhashps", "get_network_hashes_per_second"),
+ Method::new_bool("prioritisetransaction", "prioritise_transaction"),
+ Method::new_none("submitblock", "submit_block"),
+ Method::new_nothing("submitheader", "submit_header"),
+ Method::new_nothing("addnode", "add_node"),
+ Method::new_nothing("clearbanned", "clear_banned"),
+ Method::new_nothing("disconnectnode", "disconnect_node"),
+ Method::new_no_model("getaddednodeinfo", "GetAddedNodeInfo", "get_added_node_info"),
+ Method::new_numeric("getconnectioncount", "get_connection_count"),
+ Method::new_no_model("getnettotals", "GetNetTotals", "get_net_totals"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getnetworkinfo", "GetNetworkInfo", "get_network_info"),
+ Method::new_no_model("getnodeaddresses", "GetNodeAddresses", "get_node_addresses"),
+ Method::new_no_model("getpeerinfo", "GetPeerInfo", "get_peer_info"),
+ Method::new_string("listbanned", "list_banned"), // v17 docs seem wrong, says no return.
+ Method::new_nothing("ping", "ping"),
+ Method::new_nothing("setban", "set_ban"),
+ Method::new_nothing("setnetworkactive", "set_network_active"),
+ Method::new_modeled("analyzepsbt", "AnalyzePsbt", "analyze_psbt"),
+ Method::new_none("combinepsbt", "combine_psbt"),
+ Method::new_none("combinerawtransaction", "combine_raw_transaction"),
+ Method::new_none("converttopsbt", "convert_to_psbt"),
+ Method::new_none("createpsbt", "create_psbt"),
+ Method::new_none("createrawtransaction", "create_raw_transaction"),
+ Method::new_none("decodepsbt", "decode_psbt"),
+ Method::new_none("decoderawtransaction", "decode_raw_transaction"),
+ Method::new_none("decodescript", "decode_script"),
+ Method::new_none("finalizepsbt", "finalize_psbt"),
+ Method::new_none("fundrawtransaction", "fund_raw_transaciton"),
+ Method::new_none("getrawtransaction", "get_raw_transaction"),
+ Method::new_modeled("joinpsbts", "JoinPsbts", "join_psbts"),
+ Method::new_modeled("sendrawtransaction", "SendRawTransaction", "send_raw_transaction"),
+ Method::new_none("signrawtransactionwithkey", "sign_raw_transaction_with_key"),
+ Method::new_none("testmempoolaccept", "test_mempool_accept"),
+ Method::new_modeled("utxoupdatepsbt", "UtxoUpdatePsbt", "utxo_update_psbt"),
+ Method::new_modeled("enumeratesigners", "EnumerateSigners", "enumerate_signers"),
+ Method::new_modeled("createmultisig", "CreateMultisig", "create_multisig"),
+ Method::new_modeled("deriveaddresses", "DeriveAddresses", "derive_addresses"),
+ Method::new_nothing("estimatesmartfee", "estimate_smart_fee"),
+ Method::new_no_model("getdescriptorinfo", "GetDescriptorInfo", "get_descriptor_info"),
+ Method::new_no_model("getindexinfo", "GetIndexInfo", "get_index_info"),
+ Method::new_string("signmessagewithprivkey", "sign_message_with_priv_key"),
+ Method::new_modeled("validateaddress", "ValidateAddress", "validate_address"),
+ Method::new_bool("verifymessage", "verify_message"),
+ Method::new_nothing("abandontransaction", "abandon_transaction"),
+ Method::new_nothing("abortrescan", "abort_rescan"),
+ Method::new_modeled("addmultisigaddress", "AddMultisigAddress", "add_multisig_address"),
+ Method::new_nothing("backupwallet", "backup_wallet"),
+ Method::new_modeled("bumpfee", "BumpFee", "bump_fee"),
+ Method::new_modeled("createwallet", "CreateWallet", "create_wallet"),
+ Method::new_modeled("dumpprivkey", "DumpPrivKey", "dump_priv_key"),
+ Method::new_modeled("dumpwallet", "DumpWallet", "dump_wallet"),
+ Method::new_nothing("encryptwallet", "encrypt_wallet"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getaddressesbylabel", "GetAddressesByLabel", "get_addresses_by_label"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getaddressinfo", "GetAddressInfo", "get_address_info"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getbalance", "GetBalance", "get_balance"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getbalances", "GetBalances", "get_balances"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getnewaddress", "GetNewAddress", "get_new_address"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getrawchangeaddress", "GetRawChangeAddress", "get_raw_change_address"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getreceivedbyaddress", "GetReceivedByAddress", "get_received_by_address"),
+ Method::new_modeled("getreceivedbylabel", "GetReceivedByLabel", "get_received_by_label"),
+ Method::new_modeled("gettransaction", "GetTransaction", "get_transaction"),
+ Method::new_modeled(
+ "getunconfirmedbalance",
+ "GetUnconfirmedBalance",
+ "get_unconfirmed_balance",
+ ),
+ Method::new_modeled("getwalletinfo", "GetWalletInfo", "get_wallet_info"),
+ Method::new_nothing("importaddress", "import_address"),
+ Method::new_no_model("importdescriptors", "ImportDescriptors", "import_descriptors"),
+ Method::new_nothing("importmulti", "import_multi"),
+ Method::new_nothing("importprivkey", "import_priv_key"),
+ Method::new_nothing("importprunedfunds", "import_pruned_funds"),
+ Method::new_nothing("importpubkey", "import_pubkey"),
+ Method::new_nothing("importwallet", "import_walet"),
+ Method::new_nothing("keypoolrefill", "keypool_refill"),
+ Method::new_modeled("listaddressgroupings", "ListAddressGroupings", "list_address_groupings"),
+ Method::new_modeled("listdescriptors", "ListDescriptors", "list_descriptors"),
+ Method::new_modeled("listlabels", "ListLabels", "list_labels"),
+ Method::new_modeled("listlockunspent", "ListLockUnspent", "list_lock_unspent"),
+ Method::new_modeled("migratewallet", "MigrateWallet", "migrate_wallet"),
+ Method::new_modeled("newkeypool", "NewKeyPool", "new_key_pool"),
+ Method::new_modeled("psbtbumpfee", "PsbtBumpFee", "psbt_bump_fee"),
+ Method::new_modeled(
+ "listreceivedbyaddress",
+ "ListReceivedByAddress",
+ "list_received_by_address",
+ ),
+ Method::new_modeled("listreceivedbylabel", "ListReceivedByLabel", "list_received_by_label"),
+ Method::new_modeled("listsinceblock", "ListSinceBlock", "list_since_block"),
+ Method::new_modeled("listtransactions", "ListTransactions", "list_transactions"),
+ Method::new_modeled("listunspent", "ListUnspent", "list_unspent"),
+ Method::new_no_model("listwalletdir", "ListWalletDir", "list_wallet_dir"),
+ Method::new_modeled("listwallets", "ListWallets", "list_wallets"),
+ Method::new_modeled("loadwallet", "LoadWallet", "load_wallet"),
+ Method::new_bool("lockunspent", "lock_unspent"),
+ Method::new_nothing("removeprunedfunds", "remove_pruned_funds"),
+ Method::new_modeled("rescanblockchain", "RescanBlockchain", "rescan_blockchain"),
+ Method::new_modeled("restorewallet", "RestoreWallet", "restore_wallet"),
+ Method::new_modeled("send", "Send", "send"),
+ Method::new_modeled("sendall", "SendAll", "send_all"),
+ Method::new_modeled("sendmany", "SendMany", "send_many"),
+ Method::new_modeled("sendtoaddress", "SendToAddress", "send_to_address"),
+ Method::new_nothing("sethdseed", "set_hd_seed"),
+ Method::new_nothing("setlabel", "set_label"),
+ Method::new_bool("settxfee", "set_tx_fee"),
+ Method::new_modeled("setwalletflag", "SetWalletFlag", "set_wallet_flag"),
+ Method::new_modeled("signmessage", "SignMessage", "sign_message"),
+ Method::new_modeled(
+ "signrawtransactionwithwallet",
+ "SignRawTransactionWithWallet",
+ "sign_raw_transaction_with_wallet",
+ ),
+ Method::new_modeled("simulaterawtransaction", "SimulateRawTransaction", "simulate_raw_transaction"),
+ Method::new_nothing("unloadwallet", "unload_wallet"),
+ Method::new_no_model("upgradewallet", "UpgradeWalled", "upgrade_wallet"),
+ Method::new_modeled(
+ "walletcreatefundedpsbt",
+ "WalletCreateFundedPsbt",
+ "wallet_create_funded_psbt",
+ ),
+ Method::new_modeled("walletdisplayaddress", "WalletDisplayAddress", "wallet_display_address"),
+ Method::new_nothing("walletlock", "wallet_lock"),
+ Method::new_nothing("walletpassphrase", "wallet_passphrase"),
+ Method::new_nothing("walletpassphrasechange", "wallet_passphrase_change"),
+ Method::new_modeled("walletprocesspsbt", "WalletProcessPsbt", "wallet_process_psbt"),
+ Method::new_no_model("getzmqnotifications", "GetZmqNotifications", "get_zmq_notifications"),