Run this example from the command line with:
node eg/magnetometer-log.js
var chalk = require("chalk"),
five = require("johnny-five"),
board, colors, servo, mag, count, dirs, lock;
(board = new five.Board()).on("ready", function() {
count = -1;
dirs = ["cw", "ccw"];
lock = false;
// Medium Speed Counter Clock Wise
[92, "ccw"],
// Medium Speed Clock Wise
[88, "cw"]
].forEach(function(def) {
// Define a directional method and default speed
five.Servo.prototype[def[1]] = function(speed) {
speed = speed || def[0];
// Create a new `servo` hardware instance.
servo = new five.Servo({
pin: 9,
// `type` defaults to standard servo.
// For continuous rotation servos, override the default
// by setting the `type` here
type: "continuous"
// Create an I2C `Magnetometer` instance
mag = new five.Magnetometer();
// Inject the servo and magnometer into the REPL
servo: servo,
mag: mag
// set the continuous servo to stopped
// As the heading changes, log heading value
mag.on("headingchange", function() {
var log;
var color = colors[this.bearing.abbr];
log = ( + " " + Math.floor(this.heading) + "°");
if (!lock && === "North") {
// Set redirection lock
lock = true;
// Redirect
servo[dirs[++count % 2]]();
// Release redirection lock
board.wait(2000, function() {
lock = false;
this.wait(2000, function() {
servo[dirs[++count % 2]]();
colors = {
N: "red",
NbE: "red",
NNE: "red",
NEbN: "red",
NE: "yellow",
NEbE: "yellow",
ENE: "yellow",
EbN: "yellow",
E: "green",
EbS: "green",
ESE: "green",
SEbE: "green",
SE: "green",
SEbS: "cyan",
SSE: "cyan",
SbE: "cyan",
S: "cyan",
SbW: "cyan",
SSW: "cyan",
SWbS: "blue",
SW: "blue",
SWbW: "blue",
WSW: "blue",
WbS: "blue",
W: "magenta",
WbN: "magenta",
WNW: "magenta",
NWbW: "magenta",
NW: "magenta",
NWbN: "magenta",
NNW: "magenta",
NbW: "red"
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Rick Waldron Licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Johnny-Five Contributors Licensed under the MIT license.