All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
- read package name and version from npm instead of hardcoded string in test - (f4b0185) - Ryan Chang
- replace deprecated request mocking methods in fetch_mock@12 - (ec6d8e3) - Ryan Chang
1.2.0 - 2024-10-02
- process git status only from git tracked files - (d4f4aa8) - Ryan Chang
- add codeclimate badge - (4316735) - Ryan Chang
- unified stdout/stderr for git cli commands - (0b3db5a) - Ryan Chang
- unified graphql request logging and error handling - (ca96c9b) - Ryan Chang
- git file changes processing - (8b5e2b0) - Ryan Chang
- graphql log message formatting - (67b0fa0) - Ryan Chang
- simplify object assign - (c2fa4b9) - Ryan Chang
- update graphql tests around log message - (24746db) - Ryan Chang
- add test on git status exec cmd - (e5ca112) - Ryan Chang
1.1.0 - 2024-09-27
- extract repo, owner, branch resolution logic - (ed0d4a0) - Ryan Chang
- file commit when files input is non empty and tag commit when tag input is non empty - (6328922) - Ryan Chang
- handle no file changes gracefully - (c215e44) - Ryan Chang
- unified tag commit selection - (fa5adbc) - Ryan Chang
- tag grapqhl syntax - (f75b136) - Ryan Chang
- file not exist error message - (97c8cb5) - Ryan Chang
- add glob file pattern examples in - (0b1716e) - Ryan Chang
- create tag when creating commit on branch - (e0b7c0d) - Ryan Chang
- add tag input usage - (5ca7e38) - Ryan Chang
- use separate methods for create tag and create commit since tag can be created on the new commit - (bbad16f) - Ryan Chang
- allow configurable push tag behavior when no file changes - (58a0a61) - Ryan Chang
- update input definitions and doc for tag commit - (ed75cff) - Ryan Chang
- output committed tag - (bfa7bee) - Ryan Chang
- update input definitions and readme for tag output - (f2e8558) - Ryan Chang
- grapqhl query formatting - (5790249) - Ryan Chang
- update existing createCommitOnBranch graphql test - (f3b89a0) - Ryan Chang
- update graphql test for create commit/tag - (bc78a84) - Ryan Chang
- add test case for commit file and push tag - (2f60927) - Ryan Chang
- tag only action test - (cbb2484) - Ryan Chang
- file + tag action test - (06d778a) - Ryan Chang
- no file changes + tag action test - (6317377) - Ryan Chang
- mock implementation once as the default - (b95e4d8) - Ryan Chang
- add test around branch commit fail to fetch from github - (ede1388) - Ryan Chang
- simplify getMultilineInput mock since we are using it for one single type of input - (396459f) - Ryan Chang
- add git cli stdout and stderr tests - (30e9d2a) - Ryan Chang
- add file/stream errors test for blob - (5251c8e) - Ryan Chang
- remove commit type check - (b4430a0) - Ryan Chang