$ git config commit.template ./.commit_template
$ git commit
$ git commit -m ':emoji: commit message'
🎉 :tada:
Begin a project.
🚧 :construction:
WIP(Work In Progress)
✨ :sparkles:
Introduce new features.
💬 :speech_balloon:
Add or Update text and literals.
🔧 :wrench:
Add or Update configuration files.
🙈 :see_no_evil:
Add or Update a .*ignore files.
✅ :white_check_mark:
Add or Update test code.
💄 :lipstick:
Add or Update the UI and style files.
📝 :memo:
Add or update documentation.
👷 :construction_worker:
Add or Update CI build system.
🎨 :art:
Improve structure format of the code.
🔍 :mag:
Improve SEO.
⚡ :zap:
Improve performance.
♻️ :recycle:
🔥 :fire:
Remove code ro files.
✏️ :pencil2:
Fix typos.
🐛 :bug:
Fix a bug.
🚨 :rotating_light:
Fix compiler / Linter warnings.
🔒 :lock:
Fix security issues.
🚑 :ambulance:
Critical hotfix.
🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
Merge branches.
🔖 :bookmark:
Release / Version tags.
🚀 :rocket:
Deploy stuff.