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File metadata and controls

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How to setup the application on Azure

In this instruction, we are going to use these Azure services as follows.

  • Blob Storage
  • Blob Queue
  • SQL Database
  • App Service

Command Line for runnning the application in 20 minutes.

You can copy these lines below, change several variables, and then paste them to Azure Cloud Shell. After that you will get running application in 20 minute. In this case, it will costs $70 per month.

# Variables

# Generate random numerics.
export rand=$RANDOM

# Resource Group Name
export resourcegroup=slide-$rand

# [CHANGE THIS VALUE] Region Name (Specify your region)
# See
export region='Japan West'

# Storage Account Name
export storageaccount=slidestorage$rand

# Azure Database for MySQL Endpoint Name
export dbserver=slide-mysql-$rand

# Database Name
export dbname=slidehub

# Database Administrator Name
export dbuser=slideadmin

# [CHANGE THIS VALUE] Database Administrator Password
# See
# In summary, the password contains characters from three of the following four categories:
# * Latin uppercase letters (A through Z)
# * Latin lowercase letters (a through z)
# * Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
# * Non-alphanumeric characters such as: exclamation point (!), dollar sign ($), number sign (#), or percent (%).
# Length must be between 8 to 128.
export dbpassword=YourPassW0rd

# App Service Plan Name
export appservice_plan=appserviceplan$rand

# App Service Name
export appservice_name=slidehub-$rand

# App Service Instance Size
# You can set a value from "B1,B2,B3,S1,S2,S3,P1,P2,P3,P4,P1v2,P2v2,P3v2,I1,I2,I3"
# See
export appservice_instance=B1

# Docker Image
export container_image=ryuzee/slidehub:latest

# [CHANGE THIS VALUE] SECRET KEY for Application (Specify log random strings)
export secretkey=03659dccb3fab0cd064b2d265257e657f21d0f060853bf5fa2dd70359a23

# Start ceating resources

# Create Resource Group
az group create --name "$resourcegroup" --location "$region"

# Create Storage Account
az storage account create --name "$storageaccount" --resource-group "$resourcegroup" --location "$region"

# Get Storage Access Key
key=`az storage account keys list --account-name "$storageaccount" --resource-group "$resourcegroup" | jq -r '.[0].value'`

# Create two Blob Storages
az storage container create --name "slide-files-$rand" --account-name "$storageaccount" --public-access off
az storage container create --name "slide-images-$rand" --account-name "$storageaccount" --public-access blob

# Set Access Policy to the Blob Storage
az storage cors add --methods PUT GET HEAD POST OPTIONS --origins "*" --exposed-headers "*" --allowed-headers "*" --account-name "$storageaccount" --services b

# Create Blob Queue
az storage queue create --name "slide-queue-$rand" --account-name "$storageaccount"

# Create SQL Database Server
az mysql server create --resource-group "$resourcegroup" --location "$region" --sku-name B_Gen5_1 --name "$dbserver" --admin-user "$dbuser" --admin-password "$dbpassword" --ssl-enforcement Disabled

# Set firewall Policy for SQL Database
az mysql server firewall-rule create --start-ip-address --end-ip-address --name "$dbserver-rule" --resource-group "$resourcegroup" --server "$dbserver"

# Create Database
az mysql db create --resource-group "$resourcegroup" --server "$dbserver" --name "$dbname" --charset "utf8" --collation "utf8_general_ci"

# Create App Service Plan
az appservice plan create --name "$appservice_plan" --resource-group "$resourcegroup" --sku "$appservice_instance" --is-linux

# Create App Service Application
az webapp create --resource-group "$resourcegroup" --plan "$appservice_plan" --name "$appservice_name" --deployment-container-image-name "$container_image" --startup-file /opt/application/current/script/

# Set Environmental Variables for the application
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group "$resourcegroup" --name "$appservice_name" --settings \
OSS_AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME="slide-files-$rand" \
OSS_AZURE_IMAGE_CONTAINER_NAME="slide-images-$rand" \
OSS_AZURE_QUEUE_NAME="slide-queue-$rand" \
OSS_DB_ENGINE=mysql2 \
OSS_DB_NAME="$dbname" \
OSS_DB_PASSWORD="$dbpassword" \
OSS_DB_PORT=3306 \
OSS_DB_URL="$" \
OSS_DB_USERNAME="$dbuser@$dbserver" \
OSS_SECRET_KEY_BASE="$secretkey" \