Drop-in replacements for React Native Components with a built-in Markdown formatter.
npm install @s77rt/react-native-markdown
<MarkdownTextInput />
is a drop-in replacement for <TextInput />
with a built-in Markdown formatter.
<MarkdownTextInput />
accepts an addtional prop markdownStyles
allowing you to customize the format of each Markdown fragment. Please refer to Markdown Styles for the list of supported styles.
const markdownStyles = useMemo<MarkdownStyles>(
() => ({
h1: {
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: "bold",
h2: {
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: "bold",
blockquote: {
stripeColor: "lightgray",
stripeWidth: 4,
gapWidth: 4,
bold: {
fontWeight: "bold",
italic: {
fontStyle: "italic",
link: {
color: "blue",
/* ... */
// Render
<MarkdownTextInput markdownStyles={markdownStyles} multiline />
Heading (h1 -> h6 ) |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight , |
blockquote |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight , gapWidth , stripeWidth , stripeColor |
codeblock |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight |
horizontalRule |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight |
bold |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight |
italic |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight |
link |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight |
image |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight |
code |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight |
strikethrough |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight |
underline |
backgroundColor , color , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontWeight |
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CommonMark is used with extended support for:
- Auto links
- Strikethrough