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Data collection

A summary of the process followed to collect the data for this analysis is given below. We also describe the steps followed to filter these data. Please note that further details to filter the first dataset can be found here, while additional filterings for the second dataset can be found here (you will need to access each directory that you will find when clicking the second link above to go through the details followed to filter each data subset).

Dataset 1: 72-genome alignment

We downloaded the set of one-to-one protein-coding orthologs for the 72 mammal genomes available in Ensembl release 98 (accessed 2019/11/15) using EnsemblBioMarts (Kinsella et al., 2011) Sequences that did not meet the following requirements were removed from further analysis:

  • Present in both human and mouse.
  • Not containing stop codons or gene/transcript mismatches
  • Present in at least 10 species and at least 100 codons in length.

This left a total of 15,569 orthologs, which we partitioned into two data blocks: (i) first and second codon positions (12CP) and third codon positions (3CP). For each ortholog, an alignment was built with PRANK v140603 (Loytynoja 2013) and the best-scoring maximum-likelihood (ML) trees were inferred with RAxML v8.2.10 (Stamatakis 2014). Note we used only the alignments with the 12CP-partition in the subsequent Bayesian molecular-clock analyses.

We further filtered the dataset using the estimated best-scoring ML trees for each gene to identify those having a branch whose length was larger than 60% of the total tree length (the sum of all branch lengths). The relative branch length test is useful to detect misaligned or misidentified orthologs in the alignments (Springer & Gatesy, 2017, dos Reis et al., 2012), which may result in unusually long branch lengths. Let $b_{ij}$ be the $i$-th branch length for gene tree $j$ , and let $n$ be the number of branches in the tree, then the relative branch length is

$r_{ij}=b_{ij}/\sum_{i=j}^{n}b_{ij}$ (1).

We identified 133 ortholog alignments associated with at least one relative branch length larger than 60%. These ortholog alignments were removed from further analysis.

Then, we estimated the pairwise distance between each ortholog in Mus musculus and Homo sapiens using the R function ape::dist.dna (Paradis et al., 2004). There were 4 genes (ENSG00000132185, ENSG00000204544, ENSG00000120937, and ENSG00000236699) for which the distances were returned as NaN or were larger than 0.75 for at least one of the substitution models used (i.e., TN93, JC69, and raw). Furthermore, when we plotted the percentage of the tree length inferred for each ortholog alignment versus the corresponding largest branch length (also in percentage), we found an outlier (ENSG00000176973, see figure below).

Fig S1: Quality control check of the estimated relative branch lengths (%) for each gene tree in comparison to the corresponding total tree length (log-scale). One of the criteria we had to keep a gene alignment was that the relative branch lengths (x-axis) could not be larger than or equal to 60% of the total length of the tree (y-axis). This plot shows how most of the gene trees have relative branch lengths that are 10-30% of the length of the tree, while few gene trees have relative branch lengths very close to the threshold (60%). Nevertheless, there is one outlier whose tree length in the log-scale is 4 units despite the relative branch length not accounting for more than 60% of the tree; there are at least two very long branch lengths in this gene tree. This plot is useful to visually identify which gene trees should be deleted according to the total log tree length that the relative branch lengths of each gene tree account for with regards to a specific threshold.

We removed these 5 ortholog alignments, resulting in 15,431 orthologous gene alignments. Of those, 163 orthologs were removed as they are used in the construction of dataset 2 (see below). This filtering step resulted in 15,268 ortholog alignments (Table S1).

Table S1. Summary statistics for the 72-taxon gene alignments after each filtering step.

Filtering step: Raw Initial filtering Relative branch test Pairwise distances HMMER (dataset 2)
Number of genes left 15,904 15,569 15,436 15,431 15,268
Genes removed 0 335 133 5 163
% Removed 0 2.11 0.85 0.03 1.06
Cumulative genes removed 0 335 468 473 636
% Cumulative removed 0 2.11 2.94 2.97 4.00

The 15,268 ortholog alignments were sorted from fast- to slow-evolving according to the pairwise-distance estimates and grouped into four partitions with the same number of genes. Each of the four partitions contained the concatenated 12CP of the orthologs for the partition (Table S2).

Table S2. Number of taxa and orthologs, alignment length, corresponding site pattern counts, and missing data for each data subset and partition scheme. Partitions go from fastest-evolving (1) to slowest-evolving (4).

Data subset No. taxa No. orthologs Alignment length (base pairs) Site pattern counts Missing taxa
Partition 1 72 3,817 8,926,316 3,613,711 60.17
Partition 2 72 3,817 8,339,196 2,941,508 50.78
Partition 3 72 3,817 8,605,264 2,416,624 48.49
Partition 4 72 3,817 7,302,398 1,521,894 45.92

The rationale for this partitioning strategy is as follows. In previous work (dos Reis et al., 2018, dos Reis et al., 2015), we tested phylogenomic data partitioning according to locus rate, principal component analysis of relative branch lengths, and amino acid composition at loci. However, those analyses showed no noticeable differences in posterior time estimates across the partitioning strategies (dos Reis et al., 2018, dos Reis et al., 2015). On the other hand, we have shown that uncertainty in time estimates is sensitive to the number of partitions used (dos Reis et al., 2012, dos Reis et al., 2014) with more partitions producing more precise estimates, but at the cost of additional computation time. It appears four partitions give a reasonable trade-off between computational speed and recision of estimates. For example, twenty partitions would produce slightly more precise stimates but at 5 times the computational cost.

Dataset 2: Alignments of 4,705 taxa

We downloaded 832 complete mammal mitochondrial genomes from NCBI RefSeq (accessed: 2016/01/14). Twelve extinct and two redundant entries were removed, leaving 818 genomes. Twelve protein-coding genes (all but ND6) and the two non-coding RNA genes (RNR1 & RNR2) were extracted from each genome. The overlapping region in ATP8 (position 95 to end) and overlapping codons at the end of ND4L were deleted.

To increase the nuclear and mitochondrial datasets, we mined sequences deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA, The GenBank taxonomy ( was used to search for non-Ensembl mammalia species (this taxonomy is only used for ENA searches and not for any other analyses). A total of 7,188 taxa were found, 83 of which were extinct. The GenBank identifiers were used to reference the corresponding taxa in the ENA, from which all matching coding and on-coding sequences for non-Ensembl mammal taxa were downloaded (accessed: 2016/01/17): we found 6,453 taxa with coding sequences and 3,239 taxa with non-coding sequences (6,606 distinct taxa).

This project started in early 2016. At the time, we downloaded 15K nuclear orthologous gene alignments for 43 mammal taxa from Ensembl 83 and used these orthologs to create HMM sequence profiles with HMMER (Eddy 1998). The HMM profiles were then used to identify orthologs for additional taxa from GenBank, bypassing unreliable GenBank homology annotations, and thus allowing reliable construction of large mammal subtrees. In late 2019, we updated the 15K orthologs to 72 genomes using Ensembl 98 (see above), but the HMM profiles and corresponding homology searches were based on the 2016 mining of Ensembl. HMM profiles were also created for mitochondrial protein-coding and non-coding genes and used for taxa extension of the corresponding alignments. DNA homology searches were performed with nhmmer (Wheeler & Eddy, 2013). using the following match criteria:

  • Sequences with E-value $<1\exp^{-100}$ for a single gene were collected (i.e. sequences with multiple low E-values for different genes were removed).
  • Matched sequences had to be at least 70% as long as the shortest Ensembl sequence in the alignment because many deposited sequences are partial sequences.
  • Matches from hybrid/cross species were removed.
  • Unspecified species (sp.) were excluded, unless no other member of the genus was represented (4 taxa included).
  • Unconfirmed species (cf.) were excluded, unless no other member of the genus was represented (1 taxa included).
  • Coding sequences were checked for correct open reading frame and translation.

Nuclear genes resulting in an expanded set of at least 50 taxa were selected, resulting in a set of 168 nuclear genes. These 168 genes correspond to 163 genes in the 2019 Ensembl mining (5 genes did not pass filtering criteria for the 72 taxa, but they did pass the criteria with the 43 taxa). Thus, dataset 1, based on the 2019 Ensembl mining, was reduced from 15,431 genes to 15,268 (Table S1) to avoid data duplication in the sequential dating approach. For new mined taxa, sequence annotations were extracted, sorted, and visually inspected to help verify homology. Alignments were then extended with homology-matched sequences using PAGAN v0.619 (Loytynoja et al., 2012). Sequences were added in order of decreasing length (i.e., longest sequences were added to the alignment first). Table S3 gives summaries of the numbers of taxa and alignment lengths for datasets 1 and 2.

Table S3. Content of the mammal dataset after bioinformatics filtering.

Dataset Data source Data type Dataset extended? Range of taxa No. genes
Dataset 1 Ensembl Nuclear protein-coding No 10-72 15,268
Dataset 2 ENA/HMM-profile RefSeq Nuclear protein-coding Yes, homology search 48-1,242 168
Dataset 2 RefSeq Mitochondrial protein-coding No 767 3
Dataset 2 ENA / HMM-profile Mitochondrial protein-coding Yes, homology search 805-3,986 9
Dataset 2 ENA / HMM-profile Mitochondrial non-coding rRNA Yes, homology search 1,542-2,114 2

We then used RAxML to estimate the topology for each one of the 182 loci (168 nuclear + 14 mitochondrial) under the GTR+G model. We then manually inspected the trees and further filtered taxa following these criteria:

  • Remove taxa that did not share genes with their order, family, and genus. This is done to avoid unidentifiable positioning of taxa in the subtrees: if a species does not share genes with its close relatives, then several positionings of the species within the subtree will have the same likelihood (a.k.a. "likelihood terraces").
  • Keep only one member of each species while maintaining maximum locus coverage, that is, remove redundant subspecies. Many subspecies slow the analysis down and are not informative about deep divergences (e.g., Rangifer tarandus tarandus). Also, subspecies annotations are missing for many loci, leading to integrity problems when resolving tips.
  • Outdated taxonomic names according to the literature were removed.
  • Remove taxonomically mismatched or mislabelled taxa.
  • Flag taxa with topological placement in mismatch with the literature.
  • Outliers with unusually long branches in estimated trees were removed (three sequences in two genes).

Taxa were subdivided according to the following taxonomic groups: Afrotheria, Xenarthra, Marsupialia, Euarchonta, Lagomorpha, Laurasiatheria, and Rodentia. Laurasiatheria, Rodentia and Chiroptera, which are species-rich, were further divided into additional subsets to speed-up the dating analysis. Monotremata was added as an outgroup to all subtrees. The final dataset has 4,705 taxa and 182 loci divided into 13 subtree alignments. Each alignment was divided into five-partitions: (i) mitochondrial 12CP, (ii) mitochondrial 3CP, (iii) mitochondrial RNA, (iv) nuclear 12CP, (v) nuclear 3CP (Tables S4 I-III, and S5).

Table S4. Number of taxa (alignment length | site pattern counts) for mitochondrial subtrees and partitions. Monotremata is an outgroup in all subtrees.

Data subset mit-12CP mit-3CP mit-RNA
Afrotheria 34 (7,226 | 2,298) 34 (3,613 | 3,352) 32 (2,786 | 1,486)
Euarchonta 452 (7,260 | 4,549) 452 (3,630 | 3,639) 289 (3,087 | 2,274)
Lagomorpha 82 (7,198 | 1,326) 82 (3,599 | 3,034) 46 (2,634 | 928)
Artiodactyla 419 (7,240 | 3,430) 419 (3,620 | 3,614) 293 (2,817 | 1,828)
Chiroptera (I) 216 (7,202 | 1,932) 216 (3,601 | 3,457) 133 (3,287 | 1,993)
Chiroptera (II) 566 (7,240 | 3,020) 566 (3,620 | 3,590) 328 (4,117 | 3,033)
Rest of Laurasiatheria 598 (7,320 | 3,710) 598 (3,660 | 3,640) 386 (3,402 | 2,436)
Marsupialia 260 (7,278 | 3,131) 260 (3,639 | 3,610) 215 (3,366 | 2,342)
Ctenohystrica 174 (7,224 | 2,535) 174 (3,612 | 3,375) 125 (2,897 | 1,709)
Sciuridae and related 215 (7,200 | 2,068) 215 (3,600 | 3,398) 100 (2,958 | 1,727)
Rest of Rodentia (I) 602 (7,366 | 3,712) 602 (3,694 | 3,663) 167 (3,072 | 2053)
Rest of Rodentia (II) 636 (7,320 | 2,826) 636 (3,662 | 3,568) 127 (2,927 | 1,581)
Xenarthra 32 (7,210 | 1,980) 32 (3,605 | 3,404) 33 (2,655 | 1,190)

Table S5. Number of taxa (alignment length | site pattern counts) for nuclear subtrees and partitions. Monotremata is an outgroup in all subtrees.

Data subset nuc-12CP nuc-3CP
Afrotheria 52 (166,190 | 6,853) 52 (83,095 | 6,786)
Euarchonta 253 (193,708 | 40,599) 253 (96,854 | 42,084)
Lagomorpha 43 (130,746 | 1,834) 43 (65,373 | ,2070)
Artiodactyla 189 (191,394 | 19,451) 189 (95,697 | 20,472)
Chiroptera (I) 163 (222,499 | 8,057) 163 (80,524 | 9,316)
Chiroptera (II) 448 (234,986 | 9,407) 448 (117,248 | 10,205)
Rest of Laurasiatheria 453 (198,006 | 45,479) 453 (177,439 | 43,565)
Marsupialia 249 (171,898 | 10,417) 249 (85,949 | 9,322)
Ctenohystrica 116 (3,327 | 8,980) 116 (16,778 | 7,043)
Sciuridae and related 118 (24,890 | 2,967) 118 (12,445 | 3,115)
Rest of Rodentia (I) 379 (423,700 | 11,881) 379 (94,825 | 12,671)
Rest of Rodentia (II) 505 (206,736 | 8,285) 505 (95,950 | 7,878)
Xenarthra 20 (102,226 | 2,513) 20 (51,113 | 2,487)

Table S6. Total number of taxa and alignment length (across all partitions) for each subtree. Monotremata is an outgroup in all subtrees.

Data subset Number of taxa Total alignment length
Afrotheria 60 262,910
Euarchonta 486 304,539
Lagomorpha 88 209,550
Artiodactyla 431 300,768
Chiroptera (I) 256 317,113
Chiroptera (II) 634 367,211
Rest of Laurasiatheria 659 389,827
Marsupialia 307 272,130
Ctenohystrica 210 63,798
Sciuridae and related 267 51,093
Rest of Rodentia (I) 630 532,657
Rest of Rodentia (II) 691 316,595
Xenarthra 33 166,809

Table S7. Missing data (%) for each subtree partition before (top) and after (bottom) removing missing taxa. The percentage of missing data is calculated by dividing the number of gaps in the alignment by the number of taxa times the alignment length. The number of taxa is shown within brackets. We note missing taxa are not used by MCMCtree during likelihood calculation.

Data subset mit-12CP mit-3CP mit-RNA nuc-12CP nuc-3CP
Afrotheria - before 70.66 (60) 70.66 (60) 55.44 (60) 93.16 (60) 93.16 (60)
Afrotheria - after 48.22 (34) 48.22 (34) 16.46 (32) 92.11 (52) 92.11 (52)
Euarchonta - before 51.51 (486) 51.51 (486) 58.28 (486) 96.02 (486) 96.02 (486)
Euarchonta - after 47.86 (452) 47.86 (452) 29.84 (289) 92.35 (253) 92.35 (253)
Lagomorpha - before 65.24 (88) 65.24 (88) 68.55 (88) 96.57 (88) 96.57 (88)
Lagomorpha - after 62.69 (82) 62.69 (82) 39.84 (46) 92.98 (43) 92.98 (43)
Artiodactyla - before 35.83 (431) 35.83 (431) 43.86 (431) 97.85 (431) 97.85 (431)
Artiodactyla - after 33.99 (419) 33.99 (419) 17.42 (293) 95.10 (189) 95.10 (189)
Chiroptera (I) - before 82.48 (256) 82.48 (256) 69.59 (256) 98.33 (256) 97.69 (256)
Chiroptera (I) - after 79.23 (216) 79.23 (216) 41.47 (133) 97.37 (163) 96.37 (163)
Chiroptera (II) - before 82.84 (634) 82.84 (634) 71.68 (634) 99.16 (634) 99.16 (634)
Chiroptera (II) - after 80.78 (566) 80.78 (566) 45.26 (328) 98.81 (448) 98.81 (448)
Rest of Laurasiatheria - before 59.35 (659) 59.35 (659) 66.98 (659) 97.84 (659) 98.80 (659)
Rest of Laurasiatheria - after 55.20 (598) 55.20 (598) 43.62 (386) 96.86 (453) 98.25 (453)
Marsupialia - before 61.52 (307) 61.52 (307) 57.51 (307) 97.39 (307) 97.39 (307)
Marsupialia - after 54.56 (260) 54.56 (260) 39.33 (215) 96.79 (249) 96.79 (249)
Ctenohystrica - before 83.33 (210) 83.33 (210) 76.03 (210) 93.96 (210) 94.01 (210)
Ctenohystrica - after 79.88 (174) 79.88 (174) 59.74 (125) 89.06 (116) 89.15 (116)
Sciuridae and related - before 84.83 (267) 84.83 (267) 85.37 (267) 96.57 (267) 96.57 (267)
Sciuridae and related - after 81.16 (215) 81.16 (215) 60.95 (100) 92.24 (118) 92.24 (118)
Rest of Rodentia (I) - before 81.15 (630) 81.21 (630) 87.69 (630) 99.51 (630) 98.90 (630)
Rest of Rodentia (I) - after 80.27 (602) 80.33 (602) 53.54 (167) 99.18 (379) 98.16 (379)
Rest of Rodentia (II) - before 84.02 (691) 84.03 (691) 90.69 (691) 98.96 (691) 98.88 (691)
Rest of Rodentia (II) - after 82.64 (636) 82.65 (636) 49.35 (127) 98.57 (505) 98.46 (505)
Xenarthra - before 3.30 (33) 3.30 (33) 4.67 (33) 90.04 (33) 90.04 (33)
Xenarthra - after 0.28 (32) 0.28 (32) 4.67 (33) 83.57 (20) 83.57 (20)