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During years of Laravel development, one of the main issues we always ran into is selecting the right dashboard admin panel, in many times we spent days comparing and analyzing and ending up with building the project from scratch, for many reasons: Low-quality code, lack of main features, complexity in understanding the structure and extend it, and ending with poor support of their authors.

The Birth of Laraship:

in 2016 Corals team has decided to build their own Laravel Administration panel, learning from issues they ran into and poured years of, and the idea grew until it reached to what Laraship is now.

laraship is the best laravel admin panel

What Makes Laraship Best Laravel Admin?

So, I’m sure you’re asking now: what makes Laraship special among all other platforms? in this article we will answer all these questions.

1) Modularity and Auto Updates :

Laraship is the only Laravel platform that comes with auto updates, its powerful Module Manager was built to ensure your platform is up to date, you receive all recent updates about new features, bug fixes.., whether by using the GUI interface or using Module Manager Command CLI, you will get notification whenever an update available with release notes.

laraship laravel admin panel module manager

2. Theme Management:

Laraship gives you the ability to switch your application de# a single click, import initial demo data to give users the required looks and feel, that makes it powerful feature too whenever you’re going to use Laraship in multiple projects and give them completely different look and feel.

Not Only this, you can extend your theme by making parent-child theme structure so you don’t have to rewrite or duplicate any single view!

Laraship has more than 15 pre-built themes with unique styles and different business categories like e-commerce, SaaS, Directory & Classified.

laraship laravel admin panel themes

3. Code Quality and Amazing Structure :

We’re 100% committed to code quality we completely guarantee you that you will see the best code, it’s not just us who claimed this here, with the Laraship structure you don’t have to spend hours to look for how a feature is structured because everything is in the right place.

reviews from our clients and developers who use Laraship can be found here

laraship laravel admin panel reviews

4) Additional Core Modules :

Any Laravel admin panel should be shipped with core modules, Laraship Platform comes with the following core Modules:

  1. User Module: Complete user management starts with Login including social login, Profile Management, Registration and manual user creation, Password Reset, Two Factor Authentication, GDPR and Cookie Consent support.
  2. Roles & Permissions: Assing Permissions to Roles, Disable logins for specific roles, specify redirect URL after login, specify roles that require Plan subscriptions.
  3. Media Manager: an Integrated File Manager to manage static content and CKEditor integration.
  4. Menu Management: GUI Interface to manage different menus in diffrent locations.
  5. Settings Management: a Centralized location to manage different types of settings.
  6. Activity Tracker: Track different activities with a single log function.
  7. Notification Manager: Manage all of your communication templates at one place, User notification screen.





5) Rich of features, loaded with extensions:

When you build a Laravel Admin Panel framework you need to make sure that over of 95% of the shared functions we used on hundreds of projects we built before are under one place, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, and you can get the benefit of all of these thousands of hours we spent and implement it in minutes! here are some of Laraship’s unlimited features:

  1. Localization and content translation: you can configure you’re translated content in a single line without changing DB structure, also Modules and themes have their translation files to manage labels and messages translation, even javascript messages are translated.
  2. CoralsForm: CoralsForm is a very powerful library to build a blazing fast form field, including select2 with ajax search, it created the standard bootstrap structure with an error handler and a lot of customizations, it supports both Bootstrap 3 & 4 components.
  3. Weighted Text Search Indexes: in many cases, you may need to build a complex search functionality that requires smart search across multiple fields and relations.
  4. Data Table & Filters: Laraship is using jQuery Data Tables for displaying the grid data, Filters are dynamic; you can set your filters for each file in the configuration file without extra coding.
  5. Location Management: most of our applications require address management and locations with geodata and radius search.
  6. Rating & Wishlist Management: rating is also a popular component.
  7. Autoresponder Integration: Laraship does integrate with Top 5 autoresponders including MailChimp, Aweber, GetResponse, Constant Contact.
  8. Visitor Tracking Analysis: get visitor details, integrate with google analytics to get live statistics.
  9. Chart and Reports Library: to support building reports and charts.
  10. Easy Breadcrumb setup: to facilitate navigation across your pages.

6) Bundled with Complete Platforms:

Laraship didn’t stop on core modules, they went far beyond and continue on moving ahead with building a complete platform that holds business model and then Laraship becomes the first Laravel admin panel that provides complete solutions. some of these solutions are






7) Various ways of customization and Extending:

Laraship provides you with different methods for customizing and extending to ensure flexibility and coping with your Business requirements including:

  1. Extending Themes using parent-child structure Laraship supports.
  2. Build your own plugin: Laraship comes with scaffold plugin where you can clone it and rename it with your
  3. Custom Fields: You can attach different field types from Laraship Admin GUI to different object types.
  4. Custom CSS & JS: you can add your custom CSS and js from Settings Manager.
  5. Settings Screen: where you can find hundreds of options to custom the flow if your web application.
  6. Laraship Actions and Filters Hooks: easily attach actions on events triggering, also modifying returned data.
  7. Hookables: easily attach functions to existing classes.
  8. Ability to override translation, configuration, and views in a systematic way.

8) 24/7 Support :

Our Team is on call for any issues our clients ran into, questions on how to implement, and even customizations inquiries. Laraship is equipped with Live chat support where you can reach our agents immediately, our Questions Center is one of a kind where collaboration is happening even with clients their selves. and in many times we remotely log in to diagnose the issue.

laraship laravel admin panel support center

9) Security Auditing :

We understand how important security its especially when you build payment system which Laraship is great at, so we made our best to ensure high security, best coding standards to avoid code vulnerabilities. besides each module has its own permissions and can be granted from the Roles screen, requests are being inspected, uploaded folders, Laraship has been tested across XSS and Database injections.

10) Performance Boosting :

We make sure in each line of code written that performance and speed factors are always taken into consideration, Laraship Also has its own caching engine to support Model Caching especially for Roles, Menus, Settings, where these objects are requested hundreds of times.

Also, Theme, Config, Views, and Roue caching are supported in Laraship to get a blazing fast web application.


with all mentioned above, I’m sure that there has been no doubt for you why we consider Laraship is the best Laravel admin Panel, when you look at stability, support, extendability, features, performance, support then it will be your #1 option solution, so what you are waiting for, go and pick one of Laraship platforms and start building your amzing app.