Here, ANG-Macro means 'macro-integrated artificial netlist'
- Setup ANG environment
- Refer to the ANG GitHub repository [GitHub]
- Select macro type and count. In this example, we select 4 types of macros, total 5 instances
- u_mem_0: fakeram45_128x32
- u_mem_1: fakeram45_1024x39
- u_mem_2: fakeram45_256x32
- u_mem_3: fakeram45_160x118
- u_mem_4: fakeram45_160x118
- LEF setting in 'ang_lib_setup.tcl' file
- Example fakeram LEFs are uploaded on 'macroLEFs' folder
- Other tech LEF and std. cell LEF can be downloaded from [GitHub]
- Put in tech LEF and std. cell LEF download path into the 'ng45lefdir' of 'ang_lib_setup.tcl' file
- Calculate sum of macro input pins and output pins
- Example calculation is presented in the table below
- Insert parameters for SPEC file generation. Parameter details can be found from [GitHub]
- Example parameters
- num_insts: 20,000
- num_primary_ios: 1,303
- input = target block input count (130) + macro output count (339) = 469
- output = target block output count (100) + macro input count (734) = 834
- num_primary_ios = 469 + 834 = 1,303
- comb_ratio: 0.85
- avg_bbox: 0.1
- avg_net_degree: 2.5
- avg_topo_order: 10
- Run gen_spec.tcl for SPEC file generation
- Command: ./openroad gen_spec.tcl
- Adjust I/O pad count values in the generated SPEC file
- IPAD_COUNT: 651 -> 468
- OPAD_COUNT: 651 -> 834
- Run run_artnetgen.tcl to generate the first artificial netlist
- Command: ./openroad run_artnetgen.tcl
- Run to integrate macro cells
- Command: ./
- Macro connection scheme is described in the figure below