HotGo is a full-stack development base platform and mobile application platform based on vue and goframe2.0 with front-end and back-end separation. It integrates jwt authentication, dynamic routing, dynamic menu, casbin authentication, message queue, timed tasks and other functions. A variety of common scene files, allowing you to focus more time on business development
- Backend: Use goframe2.0 to quickly build basic API, goframe2.0 is a web framework written in go language.
- Front-end: Build basic pages based on JeeSite Mobile Uni-App+aidex-sharp.
- Database: Using MySql (8.0) version, use gorm to implement basic operations on the database.
- Cache: Use Redis to record the jwt token of the current active user and implement multi-sign-on restrictions.
- API Documentation: Use Swagger to build automated documentation.
- Message queue: Compatible with kafka, redis, rocketmq at the same time, one-click configuration to switch to the MQ you want to use.
- node version >= v14.0.0
- golang version >= v1.16
- IDEversion:Goland
- mysqlversion >=8.0
- redisversion >=5.0
- Pull the code to the server where you have installed the above environment
git clone
- Configure your site information
- Create a mysql database, import the database file into your mysql, directory address: /hotgo-server/storage/hotgo.sql
- Change /hotgo-server/config/config.example.yaml to: config.yaml, and configure it according to your actual environment
web+uinapp side:
- Configure the server address, which is included in the following file:
- hotgo-uniapp/common/config.js
- /hotgo-uniapp/manifest.json
- hotgo-uniapp/common/config.js
- Start the service
cd hotgo-server go mod tidy #update package go run main.go #start the service
web side:
```shell script
cd hotgo-web
npm install #Install dependencies
npm run dev #start web project
uinapp side:
- 1、Download and install: Integrated Development Environment HBuilderX (recommended, VSCode or WebStorm can also be used)
- 2、Menu: File -> Import -> Import from local directory, select the "jeesite4-uniapp" folder.
- 3、Menu: Run -> Run to Built-in Browser (or Run to Browser -> Chrome Browser).
- 4、After the HBuliderX console is compiled, the mobile phone login page will pop up automatically.
- goframe2.0
- JeeSite Mobile Uni-App
- aidex-sharp
- At present, the project is still being updated continuously and is only for reference and learning. If you encounter any problems, please contact the author on the WeChat below!