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Lesson: Reading Hydra rightsMetadata XML

flyingzumwalt edited this page Apr 11, 2013 · 4 revisions

This Tutorial is known to work with hydra-head version 6.0.0..
Please update this wiki to reflect any other versions that have been tested.


Given a book whose permissions look like this:

puts book.permissions
{:type=>"group", :access=>"discover", :name=>"group2"}
{:type=>"group", :access=>"read", :name=>"group3"}
{:type=>"group", :access=>"read", :name=>"group9"}
{:type=>"group", :access=>"read", :name=>"group8"}
{:type=>"user", :access=>"read", :name=>"user3"}
{:type=>"user", :access=>"edit", :name=>"bob1"}
{:type=>"user", :access=>"edit", :name=>"sally2"}

The permissions will be written into the rightsMetadata datstream like so

puts book.rightsMetadata.to_xml
<rightsMetadata xmlns="" version="0.1">
    <human type="title"/>
    <human type="description"/>
    <machine type="uri"/>
  <access type="discover">
  <access type="read">
  <access type="edit">

If we remove the nodes that aren't relevant to this lesson, the XML looks like this:

<rightsMetadata xmlns="" version="0.1">
  <access type="discover">
  <access type="read">
  <access type="edit">

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