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Customizing Metadata
This documentation was copied from the Sufia wiki. It may work for Hyrax, but we have not tested this yet.
- Prerequisite: Generating the basic files for a new work type
- Understanding the controller
- Customizing the work-type to include a single-value text property
- Customizing the work-type to include a multi-value text property
- Customizing the work-type to include a controlled vocabulary property
- Modifying default Hyrax fields
- Creating a Default Deposit Agreement
- Labels and help text
We'll begin by generating a work-type for Hyrax to use. We'll call our work type GenericWork
although you could use any name you choose (e.g. Image
, etc). The first step is to run this generator:
$ bin/rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork
This will generate a number of files into your application. Now we can customize these files.
One of the generated files includes config/locales/generic_work.en.yml
in which many of the labels used on forms and show pages for the new work type are defined. You can modify these labels and also add labels for any new properties defined.
Application specific labels are defined in config/locales/hyrax.en.yml
The GenericWorksController class is generated with some default behaviors. It is located at app/controllers/hyrax/generic_works_controller.rb
# Generated via
# `rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork`
module Hyrax
class GenericWorksController < ApplicationController
include Hyrax::CurationConcernController
# Adds Hyrax behaviors to the controller.
include Hyrax::WorksControllerBehavior
self.curation_concern_type = GenericWork
The model class name follows the Rails convention of controller name minus 'Controller' (e.g. GenericWork)
The form class, used to control the new/edit form, and the presenter class, used to control the show page, can be identified in the controller class. The default values for these are:
- form_class = model_name.name + Form (e.g. GenericWorkForm) defined in CurationConcern's work_form_service.rb self.form_class method
- show_presenter = Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter defined in Hyrax's works_controller_behavior.rb
These can be overridden in the GenericWorksController class using...
self.form_class = GenericWorkExtForm # UNCOMMON, see note below.
self.show_presenter = GenericWorkPresenter
- It is uncommon to override self.form_class as the form class is already generated (e.g. GenericWorkForm) and can hold your extensions.
- The presenter class is not generated. There is an example adding this class in section Add the new single-value property to the show page
- As usual, you can add code for special processing to the controller.
The GenericWork class is generated with some default metadata, but we want to update it with our own metadata. The generated version of the file looks like...
# app/models/generic_work.rb
class GenericWork < ActiveFedora::Base
include ::Hyrax::WorkBehavior
include ::Hyrax::BasicMetadata
include Hyrax::WorkBehavior
self.human_readable_type = 'Generic Work'
# Change this to restrict which works can be added as a child.
# self.valid_child_concerns = []
validates :title, presence: { message: 'Your work must have a title.' }
To define a property that has a single text value, add the following to the GenericWork model.
property :contact_email, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasEmail, multiple: false do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
- It will be limited to a single value (set multiple: true or leave off for multi-value, which is the default behavior)
- If included in the new/edit form, it will have
input type=text
(There is a bit more configuration under section Add the new single-value property to the new/edit form to have this included in the form.) - By setting
index.as :stored_searchable
, values will be added to the solr_doc as contact_email_tesi indicating this field is English text (te), stored (s), indexed (i)- See Solr Schema documentation for more information on dynamic solr field postfixes.
- See Solrizer::DefaultDescriptors documentation for more information on values for
![]() |
Are all values described in Solrizer::DefaultDescriptors supported within Hyrax/CC property definitions? |
The GenericWork at this point looks like:
class GenericWork < ActiveFedora::Base
include ::Hyrax::WorkBehavior
include ::Hyrax::BasicMetadata
include Hyrax::WorkBehavior
self.human_readable_type = 'Generic Work'
# Change this to restrict which works can be added as a child.
# self.valid_child_concerns = []
validates :title, presence: { message: 'Your work must have a title.' }
property :contact_email, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasEmail, multiple: false do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
The inclusion of properties in the new/edit form is controlled by the GenericWorkForm class. The GenericWorkForm class is generated with the default set of properties (aka terms) to include. The generated version of the file looks like...
# Generated via
# `rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork`
module Hyrax
class GenericWorkForm < Hyrax::Forms::WorkForm
self.model_class = ::GenericWork
self.terms += [:resource_type]
- As generated, model_class is the generated model class
- As generated, terms includes basic work terms defined in Hyrax' work_form.rb and Hyrax's work_form.rb.
- A controller class was also generated and configure form_class to be the one described here, e.g.,
self.form_class = Hyrax::Forms::GenericWorkForm
Now we want to update GenericWorkForm to include our own new property. Edit app/forms/hyrax/generic_work_form.rb
and modify self.terms
to include the new property.
self.terms += [:resource_type, :contact_email]
Optionally, you can add the property to the set of required fields.
self.required_fields += [:contact_email]
Optionally, you can also remove one of the default properties from the set of required fields.
self.required_fields -= [:keyword, :rights]
The full class after the changes looks like...
# app/forms/hyrax/generic_work_form.rb
# Generated via
# `rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork`
module Hyrax
class GenericWorkForm < Hyrax::Forms::WorkForm
self.model_class = ::GenericWork
self.terms += [:resource_type, :contact_email]
self.required_fields += [:contact_email]
self.required_fields -= [:keyword, :rights]
Default behavior:
- By adding the property to self.terms, it will be added to the new/edit form.
- Without additional customization, the field will be a text input field. (See Hyrax's app/views/records/edit_fields/_default.html.erb
- Because we did not set multiple: true, there will be only a single value set for this property.
- Because we added it to the required_fields set, it will be displayed as required on the initial display of metadata fields on the form. If you did not add it to the set of required_fields, it will display in the form when you click Additional Fields button.
Optionally, you can customize the creation of the form field. To customize a form field, you create a partial with the property name under app/views/records/edit_fields. Add form code to display the form as desired. If this is the first form field customization you have made, you will need to create the app/views/records/edit_fields
directories under app/views
For a single-value field, you can use something similar to...
<% # app/views/records/edit_fields/_contact_email.html.erb %>
<%= f.input :contact_email, as: :email, required: f.object.required?(key),
input_html: { class: 'form-control', multiple: false }
You can see more examples by exploring those created for the default fields in Hyrax.
By default, the new property will NOT be displayed on the show page for works of this type.
- See Curation Concern's work_show_presenter.rb around line 39 with comment # Metadata Methods to see the primary list of properties that will be displayed on the show page.
- See Hyrax's work_show_presenter.rb for a few additional properties that are displayed on the work show page. Look for the property names delegated to the solr_document near the top of the file.
Display of the show page for a work is controlled by a presenter class specified in the controller. This is not automatically generated and set by the generator process. By default, Hyrax's work_show_presenter.rb class is used for show pages.
Create the following as a starting point for the custom presenter class.
# app/presenters/generic_work_presenter.rb
class GenericWorkPresenter < Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter
Assign the presenter class in the generated controller. Edit app/controllers/hyrax/generic_work_controller.rb
and add the following line under the curation_concern_type assignment.
self.show_presenter = GenericWorkPresenter
The controller class now looks like...
module Hyrax
class GenericWorksController < ApplicationController
include Hyrax::CurationConcernController
# Adds Hyrax behaviors to the controller.
include Hyrax::WorksControllerBehavior
self.curation_concern_type = GenericWork
self.show_presenter = GenericWorkPresenter
Edit the custom presenter class (e.g. app/presenters/generic_work_presenter.rb) and add a delegate to solr_document for the property to be displayed.
delegate :contact_email, to: :solr_document
The full custom presenter class now looks like...
# app/presenters/generic_work_presenter.rb
class GenericWorkPresenter < Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter
delegate :contact_email, to: :solr_document
Edit app/models/solr_document.rb and add a method to retrieve the property's value from the solr doc.
def contact_email
If this is the first custom property added to the show page, you will need to copy Hyrax's app/views/hyrax/base/_attribute_rows.html.erb to the same directory structure in your app. NOTE: The link goes to master. Make sure you copy from the release/branch of Hyrax that your app has installed.
Add the field to the local copy of app/views/hyrax/base/_attribute_rows.html.erb
<%= presenter.attribute_to_html(:contact_email) %>
Edit app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb and look for the section including add_show_field
statements. Add the following:
config.add_show_field solr_name("contact_email", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Email"
Optionally, you can also have the property shown in the search results for a work.
Edit app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb and look for the section including add_index_field
statements. Add the following:
config.add_index_field solr_name("contact_email", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Email"
Each value for the property, in this case the single value, will be displayed using a <span>
tag. See Curation Concerns's default AttributeRenderer.
Optionally, you can customize the display of the property value on the show page.
Either use an existing renderer or define a new renderer. The renderer can be for a type of attribute, like an email, that can be used with multiple properties or a one-off renderer for a specific property. The process is the same for both.
To define a general renderer for all email properties...
# app/renderers/email_attribute_renderer.rb
class EmailAttributeRenderer < Hyrax::Renderers::AttributeRenderer
def attribute_value_to_html(value)
%(<span itemprop="email"><a href="mailto:#{value}">#{value}</a></span>)
Identify the renderer to use for the property. Edit the definition in the local copy of app/views/hyrax/base/_attribute_rows.html.erb and add the render_as parameter for the property.
<%= presenter.attribute_to_html(:contact_email, render_as: :email) %>
- The class name must begin with the renderer name and end with AttributeRenderer.
- To identify a renderer, use the renderer name (everything upto, but not including AttributeRenderer)
- You can use one of the renderers defined in Curation Concerns.
- You can make more complex renderers. See Curation Concerns defined renderers for examples.
- See Curation Concerns defined renderers.
Reference Customizing the work-type to include a single-value text property section for the overall process. This section includes only new changes to support multi-value properties.
The GenericWork class after the customization for the single-value property looked like...
class GenericWork < ActiveFedora::Base
include ::Hyrax::WorkBehavior
include ::Hyrax::BasicMetadata
include Hyrax::WorkBehavior
self.human_readable_type = 'Generic Work'
# Change this to restrict which works can be added as a child.
# self.valid_child_concerns = []
validates :title, presence: { message: 'Your work must have a title.' }
property :contact_email, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasEmail, multiple: false do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
To define a property that has multiple text values, add the following to the GenericWork model.
property :contact_phone, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasTelephone do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
Expected behaviors for this property:
- Can have one or more values assigned. NOTE: By default properties are multi-value. You can also explicitly state this by adding
, multiple: true
beforedo |index|
- The remaining basic behaviors are the same as for single-value properties. See more information under Add the new single-value property to the model Expected behaviors.
The GenericWork at this point with the single and multi-valued properties looks like...
class GenericWork < ActiveFedora::Base
include ::Hyrax::WorkBehavior
include ::Hyrax::BasicMetadata
include Hyrax::WorkBehavior
self.human_readable_type = 'Generic Work'
# Change this to restrict which works can be added as a child.
# self.valid_child_concerns = []
validates :title, presence: { message: 'Your work must have a title.' }
property :contact_email, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasEmail, multiple: false do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
property :contact_phone, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasTelephone do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
The GenericWorkForm class after the customization for the single-value property looked like...
# app/forms/generic_work_form.rb
# Generated via
# `rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork`
module Hyrax
class GenericWorkForm < Hyrax::Forms::WorkForm
self.model_class = ::GenericWork
self.terms += [:resource_type, :contact_email]
self.required_fields += [:contact_email]
self.required_fields -= [:keyword, :rights]
See Add the new single-value property to the new/edit form section for more information on the GenericWorkForm class.
Now we want to update GenericWorkForm to include the new multi-value property.
Modify self.terms
to include the new property.
self.terms += [:resource_type, :contact_email, :contact_phone]
The full class after the changes looks like...
# app/forms/generic_work_form.rb
# Generated via
# `rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork`
module Hyrax
class GenericWorkForm < Hyrax::Forms::WorkForm
self.model_class = ::GenericWork
self.terms += [:resource_type, :contact_email, :contact_phone]
self.required_fields += [:contact_email]
self.required_fields -= [:keyword, :rights]
See Add the new single-value property to the new/edit form section for more information on modifying required_fields.
Default behavior:
- By adding the property to self.terms, it will be added to the new/edit form.
- Without additional customization, the field will be a text input field. (See Hyrax's app/views/records/edit_fields/_default.html.erb
- Because we did not set a value for multiple:, there can be one or more values set for this property.
- Because we did not add it to the required_fields set, it will be displayed in the form when you click Additional Fields button.
Optionally, you can customize the creation of the form field. To customize a form field, you create a partial with the property name under app/views/records/edit_fields. Add form code to display the form as desired.
For a multi-value field, you can use something similar to...
<% # app/views/records/edit_fields/_contact_phone.html.erb %>
<%= f.input :contact_phone, as: :tel, required: f.object.required?(key),
input_html: { class: 'form-control', multiple: true }
You can see more examples by exploring those created for the default fields in Hyrax.
By default, the new property will NOT be displayed on the show page for works of this type.
A presenter class is NOT generated as part of the generation process, but we created one for the single-value property.
The GenericWorkPresenter class after the customization for the single-value property looked like...
# app/presenters/generic_work_presenter.rb
class GenericWorkPresenter < Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter
delegate :contact_email, to: :solr_document
See Add the new single-value property to the show page section for more information.
Edit the custom presenter class (e.g. app/presenters/generic_work_presenter.rb) and add a delegate to solr_document for the property to be displayed.
delegate :contact_email, :contact_phone, to: :solr_document
The full custom presenter class now looks like...
# app/presenters/generic_work_presenter.rb
class GenericWorkPresenter < Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter
delegate :contact_email, :contact_phone, to: :solr_document
Edit app/models/solr_document.rb and add a method to retrieve the property's value from the solr doc.
def contact_email
def contact_phone
Add the field to the local copy of app/views/hyrax/base/_attribute_rows.html.erb If this file doesn't exist in your local app, see Add the new single-value property to the show page for where to get a copy.
<%= presenter.attribute_to_html(:contact_email) %>
<%= presenter.attribute_to_html(:contact_phone) %>
Edit app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb and look for the section including add_show_field statements. Add the following:
config.add_show_field solr_name("contact_email", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Email"
config.add_show_field solr_name("contact_phone", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Phone"
Optionally, you can also have the property shown in the search results for a work.
Edit app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb and look for the section including add_index_field
statements. Add the following:
config.add_index_field solr_name("contact_email", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Email"
config.add_index_field solr_name("contact_phone", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Phone"
Each value for the property will be displayed using a <span>
tag. See Curation Concerns's default AttributeRenderer.
Optionally, you can customize the display of the property value on the show page.
Either use an existing renderer or define a new renderer. The renderer can be for a type of attribute, like a phone, that can be used with multiple properties or a one-off renderer for a specific property. The process is the same for both.
To define a general renderer for all phone properties...
# app/renderers/phone_attribute_renderer.rb
class PhoneAttributeRenderer < Hyrax::Renderers::AttributeRenderer
def attribute_value_to_html(value)
%(<span itemprop="telephone"><a href="tel:#{value}">#{value}</a></span>)
Identify the renderer to use for the property. Edit the definition in the local copy of app/views/hyrax/base/_attribute_rows.html.erb and add the render_as parameter for the property.
<%= presenter.attribute_to_html(:contact_phone, render_as: :phone) %>
See Add the new single-value property to the show page Customizing the property display section for more information.
Reference Customizing the work-type to include a single-value text property section for the overall process. This section includes only new changes to support controlled-value properties.
The GenericWork class after the customization for the multi-value property looked like...
class GenericWork < ActiveFedora::Base
include ::Hyrax::WorkBehavior
include ::Hyrax::BasicMetadata
include Hyrax::WorkBehavior
self.human_readable_type = 'Generic Work'
# Change this to restrict which works can be added as a child.
# self.valid_child_concerns = []
validates :title, presence: { message: 'Your work must have a title.' }
property :contact_email, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasEmail, multiple: false do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
property :contact_phone, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasTelephone do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
The controlled-value property based on values in a controlled vocabulary is defined in the same was as the single and multi-valued properties.
To define a property with values driven from a controlled vocabulary is initially the same. Add the following to the GenericWork model.
property :department, predicate: ::RDF::URI.new("http://lib.my.edu/departments"), multiple: false do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable, :facetable
With all three properties added, the GenericWork now looks like:
class GenericWork < ActiveFedora::Base
include ::Hyrax::WorkBehavior
include ::Hyrax::BasicMetadata
include Hyrax::WorkBehavior
self.human_readable_type = 'Generic Work'
# Change this to restrict which works can be added as a child.
# self.valid_child_concerns = []
validates :title, presence: { message: 'Your work must have a title.' }
property :contact_email, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasEmail, multiple: false do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
property :contact_phone, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::VCARD.hasTelephone do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable
property :department, predicate: ::RDF::URI.new("http://lib.my.edu/departments"), multiple: false do |index|
index.as :stored_searchable, :facetable
The GenericWorkForm class after the customization for the multi-value property looked like...
# Generated via
# `rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork`
module Hyrax
class GenericWorkForm < Hyrax::Forms::WorkForm
self.model_class = ::GenericWork
self.terms += [:resource_type, :contact_email, :contact_phone]
self.required_fields += [:contact_email]
self.required_fields -= [:keyword, :rights]
See Add the new single-value property to the new/edit form section for more information on the GenericWorkForm class.
Now we want to update GenericWorkForm to include the new controlled-value property.
Modify self.terms
to include the new property.
self.terms += [:resource_type, :contact_email, :contact_phone, :department]
The full class after the changes looks like...
# app/forms/generic_work_form.rb
# Generated via
# `rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork`
module Hyrax
class GenericWorkForm < Hyrax::Forms::WorkForm
self.model_class = ::GenericWork
self.terms += [:resource_type, :contact_email, :contact_phone, :department]
self.required_fields += [:contact_email]
self.required_fields -= [:keyword, :rights]
See Add the new single-value property to the new/edit form section for more information on modifying required_fields.
Default behavior will be the same for the single-value property at this point which is the creation of a text input field for the user to type in the value. But that's not what we want in this case.
Before we try to use the controlled vocabulary, we need to create it first.
## config/authorities/departments.yml
- id: eng
term: English
- id: hst
term: History
- id: ltn
term: Latin
- id: zoo
term: Zoology
NOTE: Support for controlled vocabularies is provided by the Questioning Authority (qa) gem. See that gem for more details on controlled vocabularies.
A service is required to set up Questioning Authority to return all the values, which will be used to populate the selection list, and a single value given an id, which will be used to show the value instead of the id on the show page.
# services/departments_service.rb
module DepartmentsService
mattr_accessor :authority
self.authority = Qa::Authorities::Local.subauthority_for('departments')
def self.select_all_options
authority.all.map do |element|
[element[:label], element[:id]]
def self.label(id)
For a controlled vocabulary, you must customize the creation of the form field. To customize a form field, you create a partial with the property name under app/views/records/edit_fields. Add form code to display the form as desired.
For a controlled-value field, you can use something similar to...
# app/views/records/edit_fields/_department.html.erb
<%= f.input :department, as: :select,
collection: DepartmentsService.select_all_options,
include_blank: true,
item_helper: method(:include_current_value),
input_html: { class: 'form-control' }
You can see more examples by exploring those created for the default fields in Hyrax.
By default, the new property will NOT be displayed on the show page for works of this type.
A presenter class is NOT generated as part of the generation process, but we created one for the single-value property.
The GenericWorkPresenter class after the customization for the multi-value property looked like...
# app/presenters/generic_work_presenter.rb
class GenericWorkPresenter < Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter
delegate :contact_email, :contact_phone, to: :solr_document
See Add the new single-value property to the show page section for more information.
Edit the custom presenter class (e.g. app/presenters/generic_work_presenter.rb) and add a delegate to solr_document for the property to be displayed.
delegate :contact_email, :contact_phone, :department, to: :solr_document
The full custom presenter class now looks like...
# app/presenters/generic_work_presenter.rb
class GenericWorkPresenter < Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter
delegate :contact_email, :contact_phone, :department, to: :solr_document
Edit app/models/solr_document.rb and add a method to retrieve the property's value from the solr doc.
def contact_email
def contact_phone
def department
Add the field to the local copy of app/views/hyrax/base/_attribute_rows.html.erb If this file doesn't exist in your local app, see Add the new single-value property to the show page for where to get a copy.
<%= presenter.attribute_to_html(:contact_email) %>
<%= presenter.attribute_to_html(:contact_phone) %>
<%= presenter.attribute_to_html(:department) %>
Edit app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb and look for the section including add_show_field statements. Add the following:
config.add_show_field solr_name("contact_email", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Email"
config.add_show_field solr_name("contact_phone", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Phone"
config.add_show_field solr_name("department", :stored_searchable), label: "Department"
Optionally, you can also have the property shown in the search results for a work.
Edit app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb and look for the section including add_index_field
statements. Add the following:
config.add_index_field solr_name("contact_email", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Email"
config.add_index_field solr_name("contact_phone", :stored_searchable), label: "Contact Phone"
config.add_index_field solr_name("department", :stored_searchable), label: "Department"
Each value for the property, in this case the selected controlled value's ID, will be displayed using a <span>
tag. See Curation Concerns's default AttributeRenderer.
NOTE: If the ID and TERM for your controlled vocabulary are the same, then you can use the default display behavior.
For a controlled vocabulary, you must customize the display of the property on the show page if the ID is not the same as the TERM; otherwise, the ID will be displayed instead of the value.
Define a new renderer to convert the value from the controlled value's ID to its TERM. The renderer in this case will be specific to the controlled value property.
To define a property specific renderer for the department property...
# app/renderers/department_attribute_renderer.rb
class DepartmentAttributeRenderer < Hyrax::Renderers::AttributeRenderer
def attribute_value_to_html(value)
%(<span itemprop="department">#{::DepartmentsService.label(value)}</span>)
Identify the renderer to use for the property. Edit the definition in the local copy of app/views/hyrax/base/_attribute_rows.html.erb and add the render_as parameter for the property.
<%= presenter.attribute_to_html(:department, render_as: :department) %>
See Add the new single-value property to the show page Customizing the property display section for more information.
Edit app/forms/generic_work_form.rb (substitute your work-type name for generic_work) and make add the following to make keyword and rights optional fields. NOTE: This also moves these fields below all required fields and they only display on the form when the Additional Fields button is clicked.
self.required_fields -= [:keyword, :rights]
By default all fields in Hyrax are repeatable. If you'd like to change this behavior for a field that Hyrax provides out of the box, you can do the following. This example makes title, description, and publisher fields single-value.
Edit app/forms/generic_work_form.rb (substitute your work-type name for generic_work) and make the following changes
- Override
and return false for any default fields you want to be single value. - Override
to cast back to multi-value when saving - Add methods to return the field value as single-value for populating the form fields during editing
The form class after making these changes looks like...
# app/forms/generic_work_form.rb
# Generated via
# `rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork`
module Hyrax
class GenericWorkForm < Hyrax::Forms::WorkForm
self.model_class = ::GenericWork
def self.multiple?(field)
if [:title, :description, :publisher].include? field.to_sym
def self.model_attributes(_)
attrs = super
attrs[:title] = Array(attrs[:title]) if attrs[:title]
attrs[:description] = Array(attrs[:description]) if attrs[:description]
attrs[:publisher] = Array(attrs[:publisher]) if attrs[:publisher]
def title
super.first || ""
def description
super.first || ""
def publisher
super.first || ""
By default, Hyrax will ask you to accept a deposit agreement each time you upload a file. You can make this implicit by having a passive agreement instead. To do this, change the app/config/initializers/hyrax.rb
config.active_deposit_agreement_acceptance = false
Create custom translations in your hyrax.en.yml
locales file:
passive_consent_to_agreement: "By clicking the Save button, I am agreeing to etc..."
deposit_agreement: "Institutional Agreement"
Lastly, create your own app/views/static/agreement.html.erb
page with the content of your deposit agreement.
The collection properties do not use the renderer process to control the display of properties.
To modify the display of a colleciton property...
- add a partial with the property's name to app/views/records/show_fields (e.g. _department.html.erb)
- in that file, include markup to control the display of the field
NOTE: See Hyrax's show_fields for examples.